S1E12: Part 2

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S1E12: Part 2

Bailey POV

When Bailey woke up she felt like she was in the middle of an earthquake. It took her a minute to realize she was in the back of a truck as it bounced along an old side road. The second thing she noticed was that her hands and feet were tied with zip ties and there was no way to get out. The bed of the truck had a metal cover over it with thin windows and the back hatch was locked from the outside. She could see Murphy through the window of the truck sitting with Henry who had a gun pointed at him, then she quickly laid back down before they could see her. She tried to fight off her worry, they needed to get out of here and back to the group. Then another thought came to her mind, was the group even still alive? Last she'd seen them they'd all been unconscious, it would have been easy for Brett's trio to slit their throats, shoot them in the head or feed them to Z's while they were out cold. She shook her head and tried to push that thought away bringing herself back to the situation at hand. She shimmied on the floor a bit trying to get comfortable, her back was killing her from where the small handheld radio had been digging into her spine. The radio, she thought, if she could contact Citizen Z then he could get word out to the group. As quietly as she could she tried to nudge the radio off her belt. After some twisting it fell to the floor of the truck bed with a clatter, luckily the truck was going over so much bumpy road the others didn't seem to notice. Bailey shifted around until she could sit up with her back in the corner where only Murphy would see her if he turned his head. She kicked her restrained feet at the radio until she was able to pick it up between her knees. She fiddled with it a bit until she was able to squeeze her knees together and press the button, leaning forward she spoke into the device.

"Citizen Z do you copy? This is Bailey Hawthorne with Operation Bitemark." She said as loudly as she dared to. "CZ it's an emergency, do you copy over?"

"I copy –"

"Shhh!" she interrupted him, "CZ I can't talk long, Murphy and I have been kidnapped by another group."

"Are you both alright?" he replied softer now.

"A little shaky from being tased but I'll be fine. And I don't think they'll harm Murphy, they know about the vaccine in his antibodies, they know he's valuable. Have you heard anything from the others?"

"No, not a word from them."

"Keep an eye out, if they're okay they'll be trying to find a way to contact you. Can you use this radio to get my location?" She asked looking to the window where she saw Murphy, he leaned his head back like he was annoyed and out of the corner of his eye spotted her talking into the radio. She gave him a nod and he winked at her trying to be subtle but then turned forward suddenly and Bailey knew he'd been caught.

"If I triangulate it off some old cell towers, sure." CZ replied, "Luckily the NSA has access to –"

"I gotta go." She said hurriedly to Citizen Z as the truck came to a stop and she heard a door open as someone got out. She dropped the radio and kicked it away hoping that if they kept their attention on her it would go unnoticed.

"Hey! Where we can see you." She heard Brett say.

"I've got a bashful bladder!" Murphy called back.

"Don't mistake me for somebody who cares." Henry said as he made his way to the back of the truck and opened the door. When he saw Bailey was awake he got a sick grin on his face. He pulled out Janice's taser in one hand and reached in with the other to grab her by her hair which had fallen out of its ponytail. He dragged her along the back of the truck as she fought off a scream, she'd been through worse than hair pulling, when she was close enough he put the taser to her neck and the world went black again.

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