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Addy POV

She had tried to grab Bailey as she ran off looking for a way down to the beach, Addy had almost followed but then Hector drew their attention above them.

"Hey check it out." He said and they all looked up to see a couple of jets in the sky. They zoomed over their heads as they passed by.

"Those don't look American." Doc said sounding worried.

"They're not." Warren replied. Then there was shouting behind them and they turned to see several men in camo with guns aimed at them.

"What do you suppose they want?" Doc asked raising his arms.

"What do you think?" Warren snapped.

Bailey POV

Bailey was sitting on her knees in the sand, tears ran down her face as she stared out at the ocean, You mean 10K's watery grave? that annoying voice in her head spoke up. She'd searched up and down the coastline and no 10K, sand now stuck to her clothes, her skin, her hair, under her fingernails, everywhere. As she dropped her head and stared at her hands in her lap she noticed that the tears that had fallen on her skin had a pink tinge to them and she took out her knife to look at her reflection in the blade. Her face was still streaked with blood from when 10K had stroked her cheek, from when he'd held her face as he'd kissed her. She looked at her hand around the handle of the knife, it too was covered in blood – 10K's blood. She sheathed her knife and went to wipe away the dried dark blood when something inside her head stopped her.

What if this is all you have left of him? The voice in her head asked as the tendrils of the darkest part of her mind wrapped around her brain and took over her thoughts, The rest of him is probably sinking to the bottom of the ocean, if he wasn't obliterated in the explosion.  More tears fell at that thought, 10K was dead and she couldn't even bury him. Her head spun at the overload of emotions she felt, sadness obviously being the most prominent but there were other ones she felt beneath that, hopelessness, depression, anger, guilt, bitterness, grief, hurt, loneliness, misery, shock, a sense of being utterly lost, and of course overwhelmed. It was like the whole world had turned dark and time was either standing still or moving so fast she couldn't keep up.

She wasn't sure how long she sat on the beach until finally something drew her attention. An Asian man in a camouflaged uniform marched over to her with his automatic rifle aimed at her. She didn't flinch, she barely blinked as he approached her and kept shouting in his native tongue, words she obviously didn't understand. Then from behind him more men came and they had the others Doc, Addy, Hector and Warren all with their hands bound behind their backs led by an Asian woman who seemed to be in charge. Bailey looked back at the man closest to her who was still shouting, he kept bringing the tip of his gun up, a gesture telling her to stand and she did so. Might as well get off the beach anyway, that annoying voice in her head spoke up, before you start seeing parts of him wash ashore.

Murphy POV

"That's it Captain, put your back into it!" Murphy directed after they'd brought the boat to shore. "In two minutes, I want this place in my rearview mirror! Exploding submarines tend to attract the wrong kind of attention." He said with his hands on his hips as the blends unloaded the boat and started packing up the ATV's and the jeep that had taken them away from Aunties earlier. He saw one guard start to walk over only carrying one bag and Murphy raised his hand and focused. The man halted then turned back and picked up a second bag. "Better." Murphy nodded as the Captain passed him with more supplies, "Captain?" Murphy called and the man halted as Murphy took his hat and put it on his own head.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now