S2E06: Part 2

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S2E06: Part 2

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S2E06: Part 2

Bailey POV

They were back to sitting around their small stone table amongst broken headstones. Bailey was by Addy's side as she held her aching arm and 10K played with a knife in his hands.

"How's the arm?" Doc asked.

"Feeling's starting to come back." Addy said moving it around a bit.

"What are we doing about it?" 10K asked not taking his eyes off Cassandra who was back to her spot guarding them from afar as she squatted like a cat ready to pounce, "We can't just stay here. Who knows what Murphy's up to."

"Could we try talking to her?" Doc suggested.

Addy scoffed, "I don't think she's in a talking mood."

"She'll talk to me." 10K said as he put down his knife and his gun before taking off his jacket and standing.

"Get ready to run." 10K said as he headed for Cassandra.

"What the hell is he doing?" Addy asked watching him go.

"I dunno but when someone tells me to get ready to run, I get ready to run." Doc said tying extra knots in the laces of his shoes as Bailey got up and followed 10K.

"You shouldn't be alone with her." She said stopping him in his tracks as he turned to her. "She's dangerous."

"Yeah, she is." He agreed, briefly glancing at the bruises on her face and neck. "That's why you're going with Doc and Addy."

"10K –"

"I can't risk her hurting you the way she hurt Addy. . . or worse." He said licking his lip nervously, "I can't let that happen, not to you."

Bailey paused touched that he was so concerned for her, though it didn't lessen her concern for him. "And what if she hurts you or worse?" She replied and 10K just stared at her, she knew he wouldn't have an answer, but he wasn't going to let anyone go with him and risk another person getting hurt. He'd rather use himself as live bait if that's what it took. If it was for anyone but Murphy she would have thought 10K was being so brave, but it was Murphy and even with the cure in his veins he still wasn't worth dying for. The next second 10K's hand was on her jaw and his lips were on hers. She didn't have much time to react only bringing her hand to cover his before he pulled away.

"Go with Doc and Addy. Get ready to run." He said again before heading over to Cassandra. Bailey was still standing where he left her recovering from the shock. The kiss had been short but so deep like 10K was preparing for the worst. It was different than their other kisses, and they'd had so few. Their first had been full of relief that they were still alive. Their second had been joyful and full of a level of happiness Bailey had thought was impossible to have after the world fell apart. This one. . . this one was by far the worst, still full of emotion but she couldn't shake the fact that it felt like a goodbye.

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