Oneshots pt 1 of 4

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AN: these one shots take place in the calmer years of Bailey and 10K's lives meaning there's a lot of fluff and sweet moments and no real action scenes with zombies and explosions. Sorry.

After the one shots I will be doing a season 7 with more of that when life in Altura gets complicated again.

Oneshot #1

In the next couple months of winter - after all the excitement had settled down - life had returned to normal for everyone in Altura and the surrounding outposts. Their supply of medicine was holding up meaning when people got sick Red was able to help them keep the symptoms to nothing more than a common cold level meaning they weren't short on workers anymore which meant Bailey and 10K now got to spend a lot more time together, something they were both enjoying. Bailey was now five months pregnant and it was very obvious just by looking at her stomach. She wasn't huge but her bump was no longer hidden by her shirt or her winter jacket. However it also meant she was working shorter shifts at work since too much time on her feet often left her with bad backaches. And if it wasn't backaches it was headaches or dizzy spells. Red had assured Tommy that all of this was perfectly normal and he'd even read and re-read it in every baby book he'd collected but it still made him wish he could help her more.

Right now was one of those times, Bailey was laying on their bed while 10K sat up against the pillows next to her. She'd felt a little dizzy so she'd closed her eyes while they talked to take her mind off it.

"Remember back when you were asking me about my last name?" he asked out of the blue knowing the change in topic would help her head.

"Yeah." She replied with her eyes still closed. "I was sort of using it as a way to figure out if my theory about you and Doc was right." She opened one eye and looked at him, "Sorry."

He chuckled as she shut her eyes again, "Don't be. But I've been wondering. . . "


"Do you even want to take my name?"

She opened her eyes and lifted her head off the pillow, "Why wouldn't I?"

"It's just, I don't even use my own name, first or last. And once the baby comes. . . I don't know, it was just a thought bouncing around in my head."

"Well what other name would we use?"

He shrugged. "Well. . . I like Hawthorne."

"You want to take my name?" she asked sounding shocked and touched. He shrugged again and she started to contemplate it, "Tommy Hawthorne."

The corner of his mouth rose as he heard her say it, he knew in the grand scheme of the post-apocalyptic world it didn't really matter who had whose last name. But knowing how well Altura liked to document its citizens he knew they'd need to pick something for the baby's birth certificate.

"What if we use both?" Bailey suggested, "Hyphenate them. Like Hawthorne-Beck, I think that could work –" she gasped and sat up straighter.

"What is it? Are you okay?" he asked instantly going into high alert, his protective dad nature kicking in. She put a hand on her stomach over the baby and froze, "Bailey –"

"Wait, wait." She said as she took deep breaths then she reached out for him, "Give me your hand."


"Give me your hand." She demanded more forcefully pulling his sleeve and resting his hand on her stomach too, "Come on baby do it one more time for Papa."

"Did you feel the baby move?" he asked realizing what had happened. She nodded still moving his hand around, "Has that happened before?"

"No." she said still trying to get his hand over the right spot. She kept shifting it but he didn't feel anything.

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