S1E10: Part 2

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S1E10: Part 2

"Did you ever go back to the house you grew up in only to see it's falling apart in a bad neighborhood?" Homer asked when they'd reached the reactor, "That's what this feels like, times ten."

"Well, where I grew up the Zombie Apocalypse only improved things." Doc said as 10K piked a zombie leaning on the fence.

"All right back to business." Homer said, "From here on the area's hot right? You got two clean rad suits in there, one for me and I need somebody to back me up." He said turning to 10K who stepped forward.

"No, I'll go." Warren said her maternal instincts kicking in.

"Well, you can't go." Doc said, "Who's gonna get him to California if something goes wrong?" he asked gesturing to Murphy. "Don't look at me."

"Okay." Warren agreed turning back to 10K, "Alright, just remember, you have ammo now, but not an infinite supply." 10K nodded.

"Let's do this." He said before he and Homer suited up. Bailey couldn't help but snicker a little as 10K pulled his arms into the yellow rad suit.

"What?" he asked turning to her as she held his rifle.

"Yellow's not your color Ten." She said not even attempting to hide her laughter.

"Ha, ha." He said finishing with the suit and taking back his gun, holding the mask in his other hand and leaving the yellow hood down. When he turned to follow Homer Bailey's laughter stopped immediately and she couldn't help but stop him by pulling on his sleeve.

"Hey." She said as he looked to her, "Be careful in there." She said in a serious tone, "It's just. . . after Mack and Addy. . . I can't lose anyone else."

He nodded, "You won't lose me." He told her before following Homer.


Bailey was relived when she saw 10K return with Homer but that relief was short lived when they got close enough to see the looks on their faces. Homer explained how two of the rods that were supposed to go into the cooling pool had jammed and that's what was causing the problem. They'd tried to use Robbie, a drone that could have gone in to do the job manually but the damn Z's had gotten in the way.

"So what now?" Murphy asked after they'd changed out of the rad suits, "Plan B? Or is it C? Give me a D, E, F –"

"Hey!" Warren shouted, "Not helpful!"

"All right Robbie failed." Homer said, "But I can still do a manual SCRAM."

"How?" 10K asked sitting on a rock and holding his rifle, the yellow suit folded beside him, "That place is filled with Z's."

"We'll go in heavier." Doc said as he sat on what looked like an expanded roofless golf cart with Bailey sitting beside him in her sunglasses again, "Take us along this time."

"We probably only got one more shot at a SCRAM." Homer said, "But we'll need heavier suits to reach the control room."

"Where do we find them?" 10K asked.

"In the lab, not far from where we lost Robbie. Four can go in, two in these suits. Me and the kid in the heavies."

"Okay. But what happens if plan C doesn't work and we wind up with our very own Fukushima-Chernobyl whatever?" Murphy asked.

"You mean what happens to you?" Cassandra clarified.

"Hey, I didn't ask for the job of saving the human race." He snapped back at her.

"Amelia." Warren spoke up, "Would you be willing to fly him out of the radiation zone?"

"To be honest, I don't have enough fuel." She admitted, "I lied to my dad or else he never would have let me stay behind."

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