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It took another three days before they got from the dam to the mines which rested just by the mountains. The Cave Dwellers Outpost usually oversaw the mines since it was easier for them to reach it than the Mountaineers who had to come down from their camp in the higher peaks. And instead of your usual coal mines, which were higher north in the heart of the Cave Dwellers territory, they were actually mines within an old junkyard. Since Newmerica wouldn't have a way to process coal yet they decided excavating the junkyard and recycling what they could would be a better use of time until they made the means to tend to the coal properly. But for some reason the Cave Dwellers had abandoned it and it looked like Altura had taken over in their absence. Bailey wondered what could have drawn the dwellers out, maybe they'd been attacked by bombers and balls of zombies too? Or maybe the Altura militia had made them leave. She mulled over the possibilities as their group ducked behind some abandoned cars and stacks of barrels on the side of the road as a large eighteen wheeler drove by them.

"Somebody's burning gas like there's no apocalypse." Doc complained while resting his hands on his hips after they'd all left their hiding places and regrouped.

"Yeah, what was in that crate?" Warren asked suspicious of the truck's cargo.

"Whatever it is I bet it's headed to Altura." George replied a bit sourly.

"I think you're right, but where's it coming from?" Warren asked walking along the road a few paces and looking over the metal wall that sealed off the junkyard keeping what the people inside were up to private.

"Warren?" George asked joining her after she'd stood there for a long quiet moment.

"Knowledge is buried underneath the past. Guarded by demons with sharp claws." She said looking at the large crane with its sharp metal claws as it carried scrap metal around the junkyard.

"The ancestor's prophecy?" George asked.

"Worth checking out." Warren said drawing her gun "Stay quiet, keep low."

"Cool, at least we're sticking together." Doc said as they followed Warren to an old firetruck outside the junkyard and climbed on top of it keeping themselves low so no one would see them. They now had enough height to look over the walls and Warren peered through her small binoculars at what was happening.

"North American Recycling." Warren read off a sign.

"Quite the operation." Doc said looking around at how big the junkyard was.

"Altura, what are they up to now?" George said to herself out loud.

Warren passed George the binoculars, "They're Talkers alright."


"What are they doing?" Doc asked.

"Scavenging? Electronics. Phones, laptops. . . " George listed as she watched them.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now