S3E03: Part 2

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S3E03: Part 2

Addy POV

This day sucked. Addy thought as she, Doc and Sun Mei searched through the town looking for a radio. Warren and Hector had gone with the mailman they'd found who for some reason insisted that they didn't pike any of the Z's. It was odd behavior but he seemed willing enough to help them so as long as they found a way to contact Citizen Z Addy couldn't complain too much. They made their way through a building the mailman had said might have some radio equipment, until they found a room with a transmitter set up across a long table. Addy went to take a seat but Sun Mei stole it first.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's my job." Addy protested.

"She's right Sun Mei, Addy's got mad skills when it comes to electronics." Doc agreed.

"I don't need her help." Sun said taking off her jacket and getting to work.

"It is your help that we do not need." Addy snapped back offended, "Do you even know what you're doing? This has no po-wer." She said breaking the word in two like she was talking to a child.

"There is now. I have a solar charger and AC inverter. It only holds a few minutes of charge but that should be enough to contact my ship." Sun told them.

"Wow, that would have been nice to know." Addy said still partially pissed off, even more so now that Sun Mei had been keeping important information from them. "Kay if we have power we have to use it to contact Citizen Z. You're people have been zero help up until this point." she snapped.

"I'm sorry but I have my mission and a chain of command to report to." Sun said fiddling with the dials.

"Chain of command? Your mission failed." Addy reminded her, "You do what Warren says now. And if Warren was here she would tell us to contact Citizen Z. Get out of the way!" she shouted having had enough and kicked her chair.

"No." Sun replied sternly turning to her, Addy stared her down and slightly lifted her Z Whacker losing her cool. "You're going to have to kill me."

"Addy, maybe we need to wait till Warren gets back." Doc said trying to calm both of them down.

"I cannot wait." Sun Mei insisted.

"Look the world doesn't need another zombie." Doc said and Addy walked away kicking more cabinets as she went.

Sun Mei revved up the transmitter and pressed some buttons, she fumbled with the frequency modulator, then found a station that was playing music. It seemed to mean something to Sun Mei as she got a deep look in her eyes.

"What is it?" Addy asked turning back to her.

"I believe its Mahler's 'I have become lost to the world'." Doc said.

"They can't do that." Sun Mei said with a shaky voice and on the verge of tears, "They can't. Damn it, no."

"What, what is it?" Doc asked.

"It's a signal, a code used only when all other means of communication have failed."

"What does it mean?" Addy asked.

"It means it's over, the missions been aborted. Everyone's dead."

"How much power do you have left?" Addy asked not meaning to seem rude but also desperate to contact Citizen Z with what power they had left.

"What difference does it make? There's nobody to hear us."

"Hey come on. Just let me try, come on." Addy said as Sun moved and Addy took over turning the dials.

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