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They ran block after block after Murphy, it was easy to keep track of him because of his bright gold suit and Cassandra's easy to spot white fur coat. Eventually, Cassandra broke off from Murphy and Bailey got a bad feeling, with her at Murphy's command she could circle back and attack them from behind. She would have voiced this concern but her lungs were already on fire from all the running and she just didn't have the breath to put her thoughts into words.

When Murphy reached the next street he was stopped by an SUV full of men wearing skeleton bandana's to cover the lower half of their faces. The bounty hunter they'd been following stopped and took a shot at the driver making the vehicle crash. Warren stopped the rest of the group and had them take cover behind another vehicle as Murphy took off. The bounty hunter took the time to shoot the skeleton men who got out of the SUV alive and Bailey drew her gun while she crouched between Addy, Mack and 10K.

"Ok, it's like that then." Warren said as a red jeep drove through with more armed men. Behind them the van showed up again and the woman driving took aim at them.

"Look out!" Mack shouted one hand grabbing Addy and the other grabbing Bailey while they moved to the other side of the car. 10K, who'd been furthest back took off across the street and ducked behind a building, a chunk of the corner getting blown off as the woman's shot almost hit him.

"Look out Kid!" Doc shouted as 10K took cover.

"10K! Murphy!" Warren shouted and 10K nodded from around the building and took off looking for their literal golden boy.

"What the hell is going on?" Addy asked breathless.

"It's a damn Murphy free-for-all." Doc said miserably and they saw the skeleton men the hunter had shot get up with black blood dripping from their mouths. "I think it's time we need to –"

"Time to go!" Warren shouted cutting off Doc as they all fled to find better cover.

Murphy POV

He ducked and dodged trying to get back to the garage where he'd stashed the Mesa van and where he'd told Cassandra to flee to. He stopped behind a fence as that maroon van drove by slowly and once it was clear he took off again. He was pissed that he'd lost his fedora a ways back – it really did make this outfit, but right now he had bigger problems. The hunter from the club had spotted him and Murphy had to jump a few fences and sick a few zombies on him before he lost the guy. He found a yellow truck and took cover trying to catch his breath so he could take off for the garage. Gunshots sounded every which way so there was no telling which direction was safest.

"Oh cut me some slack." He grumbled as a random Z found him and headed his way which would alert every bounty hunter in the area to where he was. The Z was shot and that woman with the van pulled up again and got out of the vehicle. Well, these people were all looking for him and he'd do better with a ride than on foot. He might as well give it a shot.

"Excuse me, ma'am? Uh, I was wondering if I may be able to catch a ride with you." He asked timidly walking toward her with his hands raised but she pulled her gun and shot at him. He took the hit to the gut and was lucky it wasn't a bullet – it was. . . a sandbag? It still knocked the wind out of him and he fell to the ground. Damn and he thought the others had been bad, he thought. He saw the woman drop her gun and take out a rope just as Cassandra turned around the corner. She jumped on the woman's back and bit her on the neck as the woman cried in pain. Still gasping for air, Murphy got up and made his way over to her, at least now he had backup. Sadly after only a few steps he was tackled and he and his attacker both hit the side of the yellow truck and somersaulted across the ground.

"Ow! You stupid jerk!" he shouted holding his side as he saw it was Ten Thousand. The kid got up and pulled a rope from his jacket pocket but stopped before he got close to Murphy. Something distracted him, Murphy didn't turn to see what, he just took off leaving the boy for dead – he'd always been his least favorite in the group anyway.

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