S5E02: Part 3

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S5E02: Part 3

Still Flashback – Murphy POV

Damn Texas Hatchett Massacre. Her and 10K seemed to have an aptitude for running away and evading his blends. Once they'd discovered she was gone he'd sent his best after her but Anderson had just come back with the news that they hadn't been able to find her and unlike last time when 10K was on the run Murphy now had Warren to worry about. He knew she'd been in the compound once, no doubt next time she'd bring reinforcements. That was why 10K was now more important than ever. He'd just sent Wesson to get the kid from his cell as Murphy made his way to another room in the building, a room no one had access to but him. He pulled the key from his pocket, opened the door and locked it again when he was inside. He walked over to a reclining chair and pulled the sheet off it revealing Merch's body. On the floor next to her was the messenger bag Hawthorne had left behind in her mad dash out of there. He reached down and found some clothes of hers she'd probably been saving for when hers got covered in zombie guts and blood. He looked at the clothes then up at Merch, then back at the clothes then back to Merch.

"Yeah." He said to himself quietly, "Yeah, the kid will believe that."


He used all his restraint to not grin at how well using Merch's body had worked as Thomas looked out the window beside him watching who he thought was Bailey get munched on by the Z's. Through the blend connection he now had with the sniper he could tell just how much this was ripping him apart inside.

He turned and left with Will leaving Thomas alone while his misery swallowed him whole. After losing Hawthorne Murphy had been ready to tear the state of Washington apart looking for her, knowing how good of a tool she would be against Thomas. He also thought she'd be a good bargaining chip in case Zona sent the Man back after him, if she survived like he had then they could stick her with needles and use her blood to make their cure and he'd be left alone to rule his kingdom. But this worked wonderfully too. Thomas would snap and withnothing left to fight for he'd be much easier to manipulate into doing the bidding Murphy assigned him. Now that he was alone sitting on his throne he let the grin stretch his mouth from ear to ear. Damn he was a genius. All he had to do was make sure Hawthorne didn't come back and spoil his new plans and all that took was a silent order to his blends, remember her face, forget her name and keep her away from Thomas. No one would ask twice and soon his sniper would bring Warren to him, dead or alive.

Bailey POV – still in flashback

She had kept running through Spokane, sticking to the forests and wooded areas rather than the city. The Red Hand were all over the alleyways and she wasn't sure how many would remember her so she played it safe. She ended up finding Warren and Sun Mei among the Red Hand and she was surprised Vasquez had agreed to help her, unless he thought that by helping Warren stop Murphy he was helping to make it easier for Bailey to kill him and get her revenge. The problem now was every time she thought of Murphy she got chills and couldn't help but grab her left shoulder as flashes of the zombie gnawing on her ran through her mind. She shook her head trying to refocus her attention as she crept along the bridge staying as low as she could to avoid being spotted, occasionally looking through the metal railing down at the balcony below where the others were. Warren was with Sun Mei and Hopper and not far from them she saw 10K knocked out leaning against the rail. This is what she'd been afraid of when she told Doc they didn't know how Warren would react to blend 10K, this was the reaction she'd feared: Warren looking at him like the enemy when really he needed her help.

"What am I gonna do with you?" Warren asked him when he woke up, "What are you? Cause you're not the boy I once knew. I can smell the difference in your blood. I can see the Murphy in your eyes. What'd you do? Run home and tell your savior I was coming?" she asked.

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