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"I hope they're not all going to be that hard to kill." Murphy said after they'd all beaten a Mad Z into a pile of bloody pulp with one eyeball still blinking away. The whole group looked at him especially since he'd been the only one not to throw a single punch or shoot a single bullet.

"Why can't the virus mutate into happy peace loving zombies that crave weed instead of brains?" Doc asked as they gathered their supplies and continued through the massive junkyard they found themselves in. There were cars, trucks, vans, RV's and every other type of vehicle you could imagine all scattered and piled together in one massive junkyard stretching as far as the eye could see.

"What kinda ass-menagerie, it's like satan's parking lot." Doc said as they trekked on.

"They warned us about this in our mission briefings." Sarge said, "Officially it's Spontaneous Mass Mortality Site Number 247 but civilians call it 'The Great Pile'. Almost over two hundred square miles, no way around it, no path through it. It's one big no-go zone."

"And yet here we go." Murphy grumbled, "Newmerica's looking better all the time. You know if I was a zombie," he said lounging against a car, "and I am kinda an honorary one. This is exactly the kinda place I would hang out waiting to eat the brains of someone stupid enough to come along."

"Murphy move yo ass." Warren called not waiting for anyone who lagged behind. They'd tried to use Lucy as a zombie alarm but she told them that she couldn't connect with these new Mad Z's like she could with the old ones. Instead of hearing their thoughts all she could hear was screaming and by the time that happened the Mad Z would already be here and they'd already be more than aware of it.

"So when they briefed you, what'd they tell you about this place?" Warren asked Sarge.

"According to our intel a few years back there was some crazy cult leader lady broadcasting out of a radio tower near here. Claimed space aliens were going to land and take all the survivors to some zombie free planet but – didn't."

"That sounds. . . insane." Murphy said, "And oddly familiar."

"Well we've seen a whole lot of crazy." Doc added.

"Almost a million people." Sarge went on.

"What happened to them?" Lucy asked.

"No one knows for sure. Some kind of mass die out turned them all Z, then for some reason all them Zed's took off from this place in one mass."

"Even the Z's don't like this place." 10K said walking over the cars moving from hood to hood keeping a high vantage point.

"Last drone footage we had shows the mother of all zombie hordes heading straight for the Grand Canyon." Sarge went on as 10K got off the last car in the row.

"We were nowhere near the Grand Canyon."

"We were nowhere near the Grand Canyon." 10K and Doc said at the same time. They looked to each other knowing they sounded suspicious then kept walking. Thankfully Sarge didn't press it, she was probably more concerned with the heat that was blaring down on them. She'd already taken off her camouflage army jacket which left her in just an olive green tank top. 10K was a little uncomfortable in his jacket but was still contemplating which was more trouble being hot or having to carry the jacket around.

"I can't believe we left Addy behind too." 10K said now walking beside Doc since he ran out of cars to walk on.

"Yeah, you've had to leave a lot behind haven't you Kid? First Bailey, then 5K, now Red."

"Red. . . " he said as he stopped and leaned on a U-haul.

"Yeah that's a tough one." Doc said putting his hand on 10K's shoulder as the kid scratched his head. "Are you okay?"

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now