S1E12: Part 1

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S1E12: Part 1

                   South Park, Colorado

Bailey could hear the deep breathing and the growling of something undead. She couldn't see it because she was surrounded by pitch black darkness that blinded her no matter which way she turned. She heard a groan, this one more alive, like it came from someone wounded. Slowly she backed up, not wanting to draw the attention of the Z. Her feet fell on soft ground and she noticed it was slightly squishy and sank under her steps. Then her back hit a wall, it was a bit prickly but she knew it wasn't a bush or tree so she must be inside somewhere. She ran her hand up and down it realizing it was a plank of wood, the prickly feeling coming from a few places where it was starting to splinter. She turned to the wall – maybe not the best choice but her only option – and tried to find a space between two boards so she could see outside and figure out where she was. It must be after midnight, she thought, seeing that it was just as black outside as it was inside. Then she started to see spots of light as people approached holding torches and flashlights. She couldn't see the people, they were concealed by the shadows but she could tell there was a large group of them and they varied in age judging by the differences in height. She turned back around and was now able to get a better view of the space she was in, it seemed the people with torches had surrounded the building because now small amounts of light were seeping in through the spaces in the wood opposite her as well. She heard the throaty growl of the Z again only now she could determine it was coming from the far corner of the room opposite where she was. She took a few steps to her left trying to get further away from it and noticed that the squishy feeling under her feet was hay – bloody hay, she was in a barn. She looked back up at the dark corner and saw a huge figure lumber into the light, her breathing soon became hyperventilating when she saw the zombie bear, its eyes wild and its muzzle covered in human blood. The bear stepped forward but its head turned away from her, it was after something else, or rather someone. The groan of pain she'd heard before was coming from a figure that was lying face down in the hay, the person seemed hurt as they groaned again and propped themselves up on their elbows. With the bit of light now coming through the walls of the barn Bailey could now make out who the person was – 10K. His face was scrunched up in pain as he brought one hand to his lower abdomen where his camo shirt was ripped and bloody.

"10K!" Bailey called but he didn't look at her, instead he turned to look over his shoulder at the bear. He grit his teeth as he forced himself to stand and limp to the door. Bailey tried to run over and help him but it was like her feet were now stuck to the bloody hay and she couldn't move. There was a loud shudder as 10K reached the door and threw his full weight into it trying to break it open. His breathing was strained and Bailey could see the red stain on his shirt grow as he bled. The zombie bear seemed to be able to smell the blood in the air as it growled again and began to walk forward to 10K.

"Hey!" Bailey tried shouting at it to take its attention off 10K but the bear didn't seem to hear her either. 10K started punching at the door trying to break a piece off he could use to defend himself but before he could the bear roared and charged ready to tear him apart.


"Bailey." 10K whispered as he shook her shoulder. He was in the back of the SUV with her as she slept on her side, her back to him and her arm bent under her head for a pillow. He hadn't been able to get much sleep that night so when she'd begun mumbling in her sleep he moved closer but he hadn't been able to make out what she was saying. Her face was scrunched up like she was in pain and every now and then her arm or leg would twitch like she was trying to fight off something.

"Bailey." He tried again this time shaking her a bit harder. This time her eyes snapped open and she took in a deep breath. It was silent for a moment as Bailey readjusted, taking in her surroundings. The roaring of the engine as Warren drove was the only sound around them as the others slept. Cassandra and Doc were in the back seats and Murphy was in the passenger seat in front with Warren leaving 10K and Bailey in the far back. She sat up slowly and rubbed the sleep from her eyes before shaking her head trying to wake herself up more.

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