S5E03: Part 1

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S5E03: Part 1

Bailey heard the blast from the Pale Horseman Tavern and rushed to the conference center to help however she could. When she got there everything was covered in a layer of dust from the destroyed plaster walls and there was moaning and groaning of the injured. There was also snarling from those who had already died and turned Talker and were in dire need of bizkits. Bailey couldn't believe how grey everything looked, there was still a lot of dust in the air making everything look so bleak and lifeless. She hadn't seen anything like this since the start of the outbreak, the confusion, the pain, the despair.

"First responders are rushing in to aid those who have been injured in the blast." She heard CZ saying as he recorded the devastation around them, hopefully he was transmitting to other outposts who could send help. "Most of them delegates here for the vote."

Bailey crouched down to the nearest body on the floor, she recognized him as Brendan, he was a guard, probably around her age and he looked like he was struggling to maintain his consciousness. Bailey saw the puddle of blood under him and knew he wouldn't make it. Death wasn't what it used to be, now everyone here who died would turn Talker unless they had a head wound that had already killed their brain. She saw more first responders rush in but even they looked frazzled and unsure of where to begin. One ran over to her and she assumed he was the one in charge.

"We may have more injured then we have the supplies to help." He explained in a rush, "We need to move the critical to one side and the ones who will turn Talker to another."

"There's no time, people are bleeding out you can't move them."

"Then we have to mark them somehow." He said and Bailey nodded.

"Okay, leave that to me." She said as she patted down her pockets until she felt something inside and pulled out the old tube of lipstick she'd gotten from Athena years ago. She had been hoping to find a pen or a marker but this would do. She knelt by Brendan, who'd now closed his eyes and gone silent and she used the lipstick to mark his forehead with a T for Talker. That way when the first responders saw him they'd know he'd need bizkits not stitches or morphine. She quickly moved to the next person and rolled them over and saw they already had taken a blow to the head by a piece of the concrete wall. She marked their head M for mercy and moved on. She found another, a woman named Paige who had a piece of wood through her shoulder and Bailey kneeled down to her.

"Hey Paige, it's okay. You'll be alright." She consoled her as she marked her forehead with a C for critical and shouted over her shoulder for help. A first responder came rushing over and started working on the woman as Bailey moved on to the next person.

She marked half a dozen more people and had just gotten one of the injured to their feet and was helping them make their way over to a first responder who had a first aid kit and had the skills to help. Just as she helped the person sit on the ground there was a crash and suddenly people were screaming.


She turned to the shouting and saw several Z's stumbling into the room. But that didn't make sense, Altura was a safe place, and there were no zombies up here it was too cold. Maybe they'd get one or two a week but nothing like the swarm that had just wandered in hungry for a meal. Bailey stood and found Doc nearby her as he took out two hammers and spun them in his hands ready to fight. Bailey pulled her hatchet out from her belt and joined him jumping into the pack of zombies and mercying them before they could take advantage of any of the injured on the ground. She was able to take down two before her hatchet got stuck in a third one's brain.

"Doc!" she shouted and spun taking the Z with her. Doc swung his hammer and smashed the Z's skull also dislodging it from Bailey's weapon. When the body dropped between them Doc raised his hammer and Bailey lifted her hatchet and they clinked their weapons together like glasses during a toast.

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