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Doc had gone back into the operating room to see if he could relieve any of the medical staff inside. After all, a tired doctor wouldn't be too helpful and they were only human, they all needed a break too, which was why Bailey felt so fortunate that TJ had a whole team in there taking care of him. She was also grateful that she had 10K, if he was still lost inside the rubble of that building she wasn't sure she'd have the strength to stand there praying for TJ. Tommy's arms were around her and the occasional kisses he gave to her temple were reassuring. Somehow, without words, he was able to comfort her more than anything the others had said. She knew they meant well but the constant 'It's alright. It'll be okay' seemed more like they were saying it out of obligation then an actual belief that everything would be okay.

She sighed and leaned back into Tommy's embrace and felt his arms tighten around her and he rested his cheek on her head. She took another deep breath and pulled away from him, her body needed to move, she couldn't stand still anymore. She crossed her arms and started pacing; since Doc had gone back in the O.R. that left her and Tommy alone. She appreciated the privacy especially since she didn't know how long it would be until she broke down. Right now she felt like her body and mind were half shut down and that's what was helping her hold it together. But eventually the emotions would catch up with her and that was the moment she was afraid of.

"I did everything I could." She heard Tommy say behind her and she turned to see him looking at her with the saddest expression she'd ever seen on his face. It was more then a kicked puppy, he looked shattered, completely and utterly destroyed. "It wasn't enough. I should have told Rita to shoot Estes sooner. I should have ran faster and tackled him, I should have stopped –"

"Stop it." She said hurrying back over to him and taking his face in her hands. He lifted his one hand and rested it on her wrist rubbing his thumb along her skin. "You couldn't have stopped this from happening."

She could see the tears in his eyes, "By the time I saw him he was already hit. You should have seen the way he looked at me. He looked so confused, and scared, and –"

"George told me you were applying pressure to the wound when she got there. If TJ was by himself he wouldn't have known to do that and he would have bled out in the dirt without you." She tried to reassure him, the last thing she wanted was Tommy thinking he was a failure.

He shook his head as his eyes glossed over, "I couldn't help my kid." He choked out and looked down and she saw a tear slide down his face. She brushed it away with her thumb as her heart started to break and she could feel that flood of emotions she'd been dreading. Tears stung her eyes too and she sniffled trying to be strong but at the same time she was so tired of fighting it and just wanted to curl into a ball and sob. Tommy pulled away from her reach and wrapped his arm over her shoulders and brought her over to the folding chairs along the wall and they sat down. She rested her head on his shoulder while he kept his arm around her.

"I want to redo the past twenty four hours." Tommy muttered and she felt a drop of moisture hit her hair and knew another tear had fallen down his face.

"Me too." Bailey agreed before sitting up and bringing her hand to his forehead where his stitches were. "How's your head?"

He scoffed, "The last thing on my mind."

She shook her head, "Don't ignore your own health too, okay? Not like with your hand. I don't need you in emergency care too."

He looked at her for a long moment, "It hurts." He admitted, "But I think that might just be from the stitches. I'm not dizzy. I don't feel like I'm going to black out. I think I'll be okay."

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now