S3E05: Part 3

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S3E05: Part 3


He'd convinced Will to let him stop for a drink the next time they found the river. Honestly, if the guy wasn't a blend and listening to Murphy's every command, 10K would probably get along with Will, without Murphy in his head the guy probably wouldn't be such a prick. 10K knelt down by the river cupping his hands and bringing the cool liquid to his mouth as Will stood behind him with a gun pointed at the back of his head. As 10K drank he noticed a rock partially covered in sand right next to him. He'd have to be quick, he thought taking a few more sips. Then as fast as he could he grabbed the rock and spun around hitting Will in the head making him fall over but it wasn't enough to make him pass out. 10K took off but didn't get far before that damn pain came back and he had to lean on a tree for support. He turned and saw Will behind him and when he turned forward again he saw. . . . Red? She was running through the trees and he heard her call to him.

This way.

He followed her, Will still hot on his trail. He crouched down in some tall grass off to the side and a moment later Will ran right by him. 10K immediately got up and ran off in a different direction and heard Will after him a second later. He was panting and looked down to see his grey shirt getting stained with red, so much so that he knew the blood would give Will a trail right to him. He collapsed a few feet later landing on his stomach and groaning in pain. He was able to roll over onto his back as he caught his breath but he knew he wasn't getting away this time as his fingers felt the blood soaked patch on his shirt. His vision was blurry as he saw Will walk casually over to him before stretching out his arms.

"How's all this running away working out for you?" he asked before kneeling in front of him, "Murphy offered you peace and freedom. But you ran away from that. You like fear? Is that what it is? What about pain? You like pain?" he asked jamming his finger into 10K's wound making him scream in agony, he kept digging in deeper until it became too much and 10K passed out.

Bailey POV

She had been able to follow the drag marks 10K had left up to a river then the trail went cold. She looked at the sand hoping for footprints but the loose grains had been kicked around so much she couldn't tell a damn thing.

She wandered east knowing that was the direction 10K had been heading in when she'd found him. It was the quickest way to get away from Murphy and easiest to tell since you could use the direction of the sun to help guide you. She wandered hopelessly for a while hoping to find some clue or trace of where 10K had gone and eventually, she found one. There were drops of blood along the ground and staining the leaves of some bushes and the tips of some longer blades of grass. It was bright red, not black like zombie blood, 10K probably ripped the stitches open again. She ran following the blood, a bit in the dirt then seeing more along a tree, and she hoped she didn't find him passed out in a pool of blood by the time she'd found him.

"How's all this running away working out for you?" she heard not too far from where she was and she immediately crouched down into the tall grass and shuffled closer to the voice. "Murphy offered you peace and freedom. But you ran away from that. You like fear? Is that what it is? What about pain? You like pain?" then she heard a scream and her heart clenched at hearing 10K in agony. Then it stopped and she crept closer, she got to a short bush and used it to peek through as she saw a man with dark hair kneeling over 10K who looked like he'd passed out from the pain. She noticed the man's fingers were red with blood too and she ground her teeth together in anger realizing he must have been jamming them into 10K's wound making him scream. She kept herself under control though as she brought her hand to her gun remembering she had one bullet left. Sure she could kill the blend but he took out a small medical bag from his pocket and began patching 10K up again. She had to sit by and let him, his orders were to bring 10K to Murphy, no doubt alive, so he had to help him. And Bailey was out of medical supplies. She let go of her gun and watched the man, "When you've got a Z charging at you you've got to be strong enough to wait for your moment." 10K's words from when he'd taught her to shoot back at the Sisters of Mercy camp came back to her. Wait for your moment, she thought again as she watched the blend.

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