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I'm baaaack!


"Wow, that was quick." 10K said when he made it back to Kaya's room where he'd left Bailey, "Maybe you were right and I shouldn't have given you that extra piece of bread."

She turned to him with an unamused expression on her face as she let go of the bottom of her shirt and a pillow fell out.

"You're really going to still love me when I look like that?" she asked him as she sat back down on the edge of the bed. He chuckled and shook his head as he shut the door and approached her. He sat down beside her and she leaned into him.

"Why would I not love you?" he asked and she only shrugged nuzzling further into his shoulder like she was embarrassed now.

"I'm starting to get ridiculous." She muttered into his jacket, "I was hoping the crazy hormones wouldn't kick in for a few more months."

He chuckled holding her tighter, "Bailey, you're making a miracle, you're actually making a new life and you're doing it without even trying."

She shifted and looked up at him, "I never thought about it like that."

He sighed, "I know I've been annoying you –"

"It's okay. You mean well."

He turned and kissed the top of her head, "I'm not trying to make you feel useless, it's just. . . I know you're not fragile or weak, but the baby is. And the reason I don't want you to have to load trucks or fight zombies or stock shelves is because I think your body is using so much energy already making our baby."

They sat quietly for a long moment before Bailey spoke up, "I know, it's just, this is an adjustment for me, and. . . just sitting back and letting you take care of me is going to be an adjustment too."

He rubbed up and down her arm soothingly, "So Kaya is getting the truck and they're loading up the medicine. She wants to stay behind and catch up with some old friends and make arraignments for when her, Nana, CZ and JZ can maybe move back here. Meanwhile we're going to walk Addy to Heartland, it's not far and if you think it'd be too much you can stay here with Kaya and catch up with us later." He explained.

She nodded against him, "I think I might take another nap." She said before yawning, "But wake me so I can come with you. I want to make sure Addy gets home okay."

He nodded, "Okay. I'm going to go take a walk around, I've never seen Pacifica before. Unless you need me here?"

She yawned again and shook her head laying back on a pillow and curling up. He got up and pulled a blanket over her before he closed the door behind him and left the dorm building. He'd never been on a college campus before, even Pre-Z he hadn't been sure whether or not he would have gone to one, or if his Pa would have been able to afford it. Then again there was a lot of financial aid back then and Pa would have done anything he had to if college had been something Tommy had really wanted to do.

When he got to the library he could see the black marks on the bricks from the bombing but inside he could see people walking around. He headed in to see if they might need help since Henry had said repair was still a work in progress. When he walked in it smelled like a library, the scent of paper and ink of the school's probably hundred year old collection that Pacifica had kept adding to. It looked better than he had expected it to, some halls were still dark and had tape in big X's marking it unsafe to go in but the open rooms had been restored and had their own small bookshelves that had some books and some folders of loose pages that had been recovered. The tables all had small stacks divided up by category as he walked by and his mind wandered to Bailey. She had wanted to be a writer Pre-Z, she would have been sitting in a library like this one going through dozens of books a semester, he smiled thinking even back then she probably had kept that same notebook close to her at all times.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now