S3E05: Part 1

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S3E05: Part 1


The water threw him around like he weighed nothing. He couldn't tell what direction was up until his head broke the water and he was able to gasp for air, those few moments though weren't enough as he was dragged under again and blacked out. Then he heard a voice whisper 'wake up'. He was in calmer water now and was able to swim upward and take a much needed breath. He found the satchel Merch had packed bobbing in the water not far from his head and he grabbed it as he swam to shore. He collapsed the moment he hit the sand and passed out again, this time he heard crows cawing along with the voice calling his name.

When he opened his eyes again he rolled over onto his back and immediately felt a throbbing in his lower abdomen. He sat up carefully as he panted catching his breath. He took off the top to his jumpsuit and let it hang around his waist as he lifted his grey shirt and checked on his bullet wound. He'd been right before, the stitches had opened up and it was bleeding again, it wasn't as bad as before but he'd still need to tend to it as soon as he could. He saw some moss by the water and he crawled over and took a handful of it groaning with the effort, moss was a natural iodine and helped keep bacteria from growing, but like a bandage he'd have to change it often, still it was better than nothing. He winced when he pressed the moss to his open wound and looked around. He saw a figure on the nearest bridge, Will Chaffin, and saw him pause and look over the rail before hurrying to the other side walking quicker than before. 10K couldn't be sure if he'd been seen but the odds that he'd been caught were good so he grabbed the satchel and forced himself to his feet and started running.

Murphy POV

He sat in the lab with Dr. Merch's body. What was left of her was bleeding and ripped in several places, she was even missing part of her arm from the elbow down. Some of the blends from his inner circle were there as well trying to give him comfort.

"She should have had more faith." Hope Chaffin said, "She didn't deserve you."

"Don't say that. Everyone deserves me." He said in a monotone voice lost in his thoughts. "Now, we keep moving forward. Dr. Merch, she chose her fate. She chose to be afraid. But you and I, we will make different choices."

"What do you want us to do?" Hope Chaffin asked.

"Keep building. Creating. Finish the moat. Get the power back on, plant food. Live. Without fear. Now go I need some me time."

Without questioning his orders they all left leaving him with the blood soaked body of Dr. Merch.

"You weren't actually afraid were you?" he said aloud to himself, "Not of the zombies anyway you're too smart for that. So what was it? Something go wrong with the vaccine? Some unexpected side effect? Ha, ha, that's a familiar road isn't it?" he asked humorlessly, "Why couldn't you just have finished the vaccine before you decided to check out? Why do I have to do everything myself? Damn it Merch, I'm a savior not a doctor! What am I supposed to do now huh?. . . If only I knew what was going on in that pretty little head of yours." He muttered now drawn to her open skull where her brain was poking out, "Those dense, gray, greasy brains. Those beautiful. . . spongy. . . delicious –" he couldn't help himself as he licked his lips contemplating it.


He kept moving away from the river walking through fields of tall grass, then fields of nothing but weeds and dry dirt and then thick forests. He only changed direction when he'd heard an animalistic growling and howling as the sound of something being mauled reached his ears. He was still walking hunched over, in pain and short of breath. He brought his hand to his wound and when he pulled it away his palm was red with blood.

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