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Inside the lobby everything is eerie and quiet, furniture is broken, some upside down and some pieces completely unrecognizable. Support columns and the ceiling are still standing but the plaster and concrete around the iron beams has been blasted off. Some pieces remain but most of it is gone. The debris from the cement and plaster ranges, everything from large chunks making small mountains to the pieces that were obliterated to dust that now covers everything in sight, including the bodies. Finn is pinned by the couch Annie and Katie were last sitting on, it's on its back keeping him from moving. Kaya puts all her effort into crawling out from under the table she had used for cover while trying not to injure her shoulder further. Ray is helping Mariah from where they dove behind the Tavern bar. There's no glimpse of Leroy, Annie, Katie, 10K and several others. One body of a gunman is lying dead among the devastation but there's no sign of the others, Estes or the Man.

Finally, there's a sound of movement as guards rush in and immediately start helping whoever they can find. With the dust settling and the smoke clearing the lobby looks like a bleak warzone.

Outside, Bailey is sitting up still too dazed to even feel the glass cutting into her palms. Rita has rushed forward to Eric asking if he is alright. Doc helps Red as she tells him about Addy and what kind of help she'll need. Then, like she'd been electrocuted, Bailey's senses all rush back at once, her breathing picks up as her heart begins to pound and she feels cold all over as her mind connects the facts. There's a large piece of plaster and metal where Tommy had been standing. Her breaths come in shorter as she realizes what that means and panic sets in.

"10K!" she shouts but only sees blackness inside around the debris. "Tommy!"

Stumbling and off balance she does her best to get to her knees, then her feet as she scrambles to get up. Tears stream down her face leaving trails as they wipe the grey dust away from her skin. She tries to move forward but someone grabs her and pulls her back so her butt hits the ground.

"No!" she shouts as Doc wraps his arms around her and her words become desperate sobs as he sits on his knees holding her to his chest. "Let me go!"

"Bailey you can't go back in there." Doc says as he wrestles with her.

"He's in there! He's still in there!" she weeps repeating the words over and over as the crying takes over and Doc tucks her into his shoulder.

Warren POV

She ran past everyone, even Addy and Bailey on her way inside. They were alright, she told herself, the people left inside might not be. She heard Bailey weeping in Doc's arms about 10K and the moment she made it through the space the doors had once been and entered the darkness she started searching.

"10K! Kaya! Finn!"

"Warren!" someone called back and she followed the voice, "Warren! Help me!"

She wove her way through the piles of cement and plaster, dodging metal hanging above her head at bent and twisted angles. Not too far in the building she found who was shouting for her. Thankfully some light from outside was able to filter in and she could see enough to help them.

"Finn!" she shouted in relief when she made it to the turned over couch and saw him under it. She got on her knees and lifted one side as much as she could, only buying Finn a few spare inches. He crawled on his belly until he was out and she dropped the couch back into place.

"Addy. . ." He coughed making a cloud of dust, "Where. . .Where's Addy. . . is she okay?"

Warren patted his back trying to help clear his lungs, "Eric carried her out, she's getting the help she needs. How are you?"

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now