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Early chapter this week? What!??


"Broadcasting to all outposts. Broadcasting to all outposts. This is Citizen Z with an emergency announcement. A high profile criminal from Altura has escaped custody. All outposts are to be on the lookout for one Roman Estes. He's a white male of average height, dark hair, beady eyes. Last seen fleeing Altura and headed south. If seen all outposts are advised to engage and detain. Prisoner is highly skilled with technology and robotics, keep him contained at all costs. Prisoner has a history of attempted homicide, arson, Talker discrimination and genocide, and employing, aiding and abetting murderers.

Repeat this is Citizen Z with an emergency broadcast to all outposts. A high profile criminal –"

Citizen Z heard his recording in the background repeating over and over again as he listened to other frequencies as search parties radioed back and forth to one another about what they found, or more accurately, what they didn't find. So far it had been twenty four hours since Newmerica went on high alert and everyone locked down and sent any available volunteers out looking for Estes. CZ had been trying to monitor as many stations as he could seeing if there was anything he could do to help. Warren and Cooper had made it safe and sound to Altura, Addy had contacted him from her position where she was searching for Estes and he was keeping an extra watch on 10K's location as a favor to Bailey. Kaya would kick him where a man should never be kicked if he let anything happen to 10K while Bailey was expecting, the stress alone was already concerning his wife enough and she'd come to Altura, bringing JZ and Nana with her, in case Bailey needed any help from another young mother.

"Cave Dwellers, Tundaria, Mines, all clear –"

"Waterkeepers are good brother." Doc's voice came across the station, he must have been helping Kuruk and her people search and keep a lookout, maybe he'd even gone on another 'spirit walk' to pitch in and cover more ground.

"Heartland's got all our workers in the field, any chance we can get some extra bodies to help cover guarding the land?" Finn's voice added.

"Roger that, on our way –"

"Nine, eight, eight, three, four-"

What the hell? He thought to himself putting on his headphones and turning up the volume on the new channel.

"Five, five, three, seven, seven, nine, eight, eight, three, four, five, one, three, seven –"

It sounded like some sort of coded message. He remembered Addy saying something about coming across an odd numbers station once, right after the nukes, but after the situation with Murphytown in Spokane, and Lucy and the Man they had all kind of forgot about it. He listened closer trying to see if he could decode what the string of numbers meant. It could be a message about Estes, but then there was still the question of who was transmitting it?

Bailey POV

When Bailey dropped off TJ at preschool the next day and saw Murphy lurking around casually smoking some Z-weed she felt that pull in her gut again. Why was Murphy still here? He must have gotten what he needed from Red by now, and he never liked staying in Altura. He much rather preferred Limbo where people looked at him like he was the greatest thing in the world instead of the people of Altura who looked at him like he was a freak of nature. She didn't have much time to think about it before she kissed TJ goodbye and headed off to the infirmary. She had an appointment with Red for a check up for her and the baby, besides it'd be a good time to ask her what Murphy had been asking about yesterday. Maybe she'd know why he hadn't left yet.


"Both of your heartbeats are good, strong. But I'm a little worried about your blood pressure. Has everything been okay?" Red asked as she folded her stethoscope and draped it around her neck. The stethoscope was a dark reddish maroon color and seemed to now substitute for the red scarf her friend used to wear. She also had traded in her more urban look for a long sleeved black shirt under a pair of grey scrubs. Red's brown hair had been braided again but now those braids twisted together in a bun at the nape of her neck, only a few loose flyaway pieces left framing her face.

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