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They hadn't been able to find a vehicle and instead just had to keep carrying on by foot. Following Warren was getting more and more tiresome, but as long as they had a connection to CZ and Kaya and the confirmation that there was some truth to Warren's Black Rainbow dreams they had to keep pushing themselves forward. By the time they were in Chicago Warren quickly vanished again so they had to split up to look for her, Doc went with Murphy and 10K went with Sarge. During that time a storm blew in and like everything else in the apocalypse it was made worse by the nuclear radiation and decomposing zombies. It started with heavy wind and soon they were blinded by this unnatural thick green foam. 10K had pulled his goggles from his bag, he remembered grabbing them after they'd changed clothes in Cheyenne back after Murphy had set off the nuclear strike, he had a feeling one day the chemical fallout would catch up with him and they'd come in handy, turns out he'd been right. They were old and beat up now – one corner he'd repaired with duct tape – but they were still functional. He pulled his red bandana from his pocket and tied it around his nose and mouth using the bottom of the goggles to hold it to his face, Sarge had on an old fisherman's hat, an olive rain poncho and a bandana over her mouth to protect her.

"Warren? Doc?" 10K called through the foam.

"Anybody?" Sarge shouted.

"Murphy?" 10K shouted getting desperate as he started coughing, "I can't see anything." He coughed more, "Do you see anyone?"

"No." Sarge called back coughing too, "Damn foam is choking me out."

Suddenly a Z came charging through the foam and 10K stabbed it with a knife he'd attached to the end of his rifle with duct tape. Luckily it was a good old-fashioned zombie, the kind that went down in one hit.

"Thanks cover boy." Sarge said as he looked at her through his goggles.

"We have to find Warren." He said as they continued trudging through the foam. It was hard enough to see but even harder to walk, the foam made the ground under them slippery as a thick layer of goop accumulated. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of aimlessly walking, they saw a light and followed it to a building and knocked on the door.

"You have to pull." Someone shouted from inside.

"Don't shoot." 10K shouted raising his arms once they were in.

"We're unarmed." Sarge said as 10K pointed his rifle at the ground as both of them continued to cough.

"Ran out of ammo." Sarge said while 10K bent over with his hand on his knee catching his breath.

"You two look like you smell." Came Murphy's voice and 10K looked up briefly to see him, Doc, Sketchy and Skeezy already there. For some reason Murphy was dressed in a yellow plush robe that could have been just a bit longer. There were two other men with them, a short stocky bald man dressed like a barber who was holding a gun in each hand and a taller thin man with a red beard that reached his knees who was holding an automatic rifle. 10K got the impression he'd just stumbled into another one of Sketchy and Skeezy's absurd schemes but a churning in his gut distracted him from all that.

"And that is a compliment." Sketchy said, his nose crinkled in disgust at their appearance.

"Ugh, that foam is nasty." Sarge said as she stopped coughing.

"I don't feel so good." 10K said going to his knees before he puked on the floor. Doc tried to get up and help him but the barber punched him in the face knocking him into the radiator where he hit his head.

"This is still a robbery." He sneered as Sketchy lunged at him and grabbed one of his guns. The two struggled and Skeezy tried to help grabbing the barber's other arm which still had a second gun while Sarge jumped on Redbeard. 10K, once he'd stopped vomiting, grabbed a nearby broom and Murphy took the other end and they tried to knock Redbeard's feet out from under him only for him to break the broom and send Murphy flying through a beaded curtain and land in the back hall while 10K's momentum sent him stumbling into a wall before he fell back onto a couch.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now