Chapter 54

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"That stupid dog!" She cursed him as she stomped in anger, she stopped for a moment and turned back, "Wow! You won't even come behind me now?" She narrowed her eyes at the hollow woods.

"I'm so done with him!" She turned around and continued to walk, after walking for hours, she stopped and sat down, "Where am I going anyway?" She heaved a deep sigh. She closely closed her eyes and leaned back, the faces of two people flashed in her mind, "Argh!" She shouted as her eyes snapped open. "Damn him!" Her eyes began to sting as tears pooled in her eyes, "he had his arms around her like it was the most natural thing to do, he allows her to get close as she pleases but shoves me away as if I'm some sort of plague?" a drop of tear trickled down her cheek, "oh no no, I'm not going to cry," She shook her head, "that was all a lie, he wouldn't do this to me, right? Of course, he won't," She shook her head, "But..." Her lower lips quivered as she looked down the empty path, "But... why isn't he here yet?"

"You wish!" She clicked her tongue, "No one's coming," She hugged her knees as she sniffed.

"Didn't I tell you he doesn't deserve you?" Her ears perked up to the voice, she jerked her head up but didn't find anyone there, "See he betrayed you after all" The voice laughed at her.

"Ah, I should've known," Alexa scoffed as she got up on her feet, she then wiped her tears off and searched the source of the voice, "So, were you behind this all?" She asked the voice.

"You're not even surprised?"

"Why would I be? It was you, after all, I knew something was off, Carla and 'see ya later' didn't go together," Alexa shrugged.

"Haha" She laughed out, "Sorry but you realized it too late," She whispered.

"uh-huh?" Alexa raised her brows, suddenly there was all black, "What?" Alexa frowned, "What the hell is going on?" She shouted.

"Welcome! Dear Queen!" The voice came from right behind her.

Turning around, she saw the woman in the red cloak, "You!" Alexa yelled, when she tried to walk towards her something powerful repelled her throwing her back to her place.

Her eyes then noticed the surrounding, she was no longer in the woods, she was inside a humongous cave, "What the hell is this place?" Alexa shouted.

"This? This is the place you'll die," The woman laughed hysterically as she threw her head back, the cloak slowly slid off her head revealing her face, "Carla?" Alexa narrowed her eyes.

"Oh, I only burrowed her body for a while," She laughed but suddenly she began to gasp, Alexa's brows knitted together in a deep frown, "what's going on?" she muttered.

"I don't have time for this, let us begin," She shouted.

Suddenly, Alexa was pulled to the ground as if the gravity had intensified just then, "What the hell is this?" Alexa tried to get up but she heard the metal strike to the ground and the gravity then intensified.

"Who?" She saw the shadow from afar, she tried to raise her head to look at the person but with the strike of the metal staff on the ground, she was stuck to the ground. "No, I can't fall weak, I need to get up," She thought to herself.

"Too bad, you can't escape" She heard the woman inside her head.

"what the hell?" Alexa shouted.

"Yes, let us kill her and get over with it," Carla shouted as she chanted on few spells.

"Tsk, tsk, that stupid woman she thinks we're going to kill you, well, she doesn't know, you're a vassal, my vassal," The woman laughed.

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