Chapter 15

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15 yrs ago

The period was dark, the war had been waged between werewolves and vampires. The Vampires were still hunting for Gabriella Blakesley, the female alpha of the Silver Selene and her child, the promised queen to rule them all, the birth of the queen also brought destruction. Another war within the werewolf clan, the packs who worshipped their male Alphas, refused to be ruled by a female, Alphas who prized their male ego, refused to bow down to anyone, refused to give up on their authority, refused to accept the so-called Queen. Sides were chosen, the ones who chose to support and protect the future queen vs the ones who chose to oppose.

Packs that had a pact among each other started waging wars against each other, some even joined hands with vampires.

When the elders of 'Silver Selene' saw no end to the war, along with the Alphas of different packs they approached The Dark Terrel Hunterz pack, one of the most powerful ancient clans, who were neutral and had chosen to stay away from the chaos.

On their arrival, Liam Terrel, the alpha of the pack himself came to receive them, he bowed to the elders as a form of respect to the oldest werewolves alive.

"We don't mean to burden you but we've come with high hopes," Adira, the eldest, looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"With those words, you're obviously burdening me," He sighed deeply, "But my forefathers gave you their words and it's my duty to keep it, but it's also my duty to see my people don't suffer from the ongoing war," He added, he was in a bind.

"In that case, we only ask one thing from you," Adira smiled at him. He didn't know whether to be relieved or... regardless he asked her to continue.

"Your son," His body stiffened at her words, a tense air filled the room, "This is ridiculous," He heard his beta growl, the others took a stance, ready to lunge at the opposite party.

His palms too balled into a fist, they were asking impossible, they were asking the future of The Terrel clan, he was the future Alpha, how could he hand him over, he wanted to shred them into pieces for even thinking about it... but it's not like he had any choice, his lips formed a tight line, "Leave us alone," He muttered.

"But," His men tried to protest.

"It's an order," His eyes were cold as he ordered his men to leave.

After his men left, he turned to Adira, "Why do you want my son?"

"I understand your concern but don't worry, not only this pack's future but the whole werewolf clan's future depends on him," Adira smiled and looked at the woman whose face had been covered the entire time, the woman stepped forward and unveiled herself, her hand, held a round shiny object, "Did you resort to witchcrafts?" He glared at her in disgust.

"Look closely," Adira gestured at the round object.

His eyes narrowed at the object, his eyes widened at the realization, it was nevertheless a magical crystal but it wasn't any ordinary crystal, it held enormous powers, it could show past, present, future, anything, anywhere, it could give all the answers, but it also had demerits it only showed what it wanted to, it belonged to the mysterious creatures who supposedly went extinct, "How did you get your hands on... but I guess nothing less from the Luna of 'Silver Selene'" He sighed shaking his head.

After discussing things with his subordinates, he asked for his son's presence, Adira could sense his aura even before the boy entered the room, a remarkable presence indeed, she thought with a smile on her face.

"From now on, he's going to train with others, a training unlike any other."


A training, he had been told, but this was no training, this was a battlefield, battle between Alphas, a battle between life and death, a battle to achieve the title 'The Alpha King'. The one emerging as 'The Alpha King' would have it all, an opportunity to rule over the entire werewolf clan, an opportunity to stop the ongoing wars with that power, or even a chance to just worsen the situation.

All Alphas and Alpha candidates of each pack were thrown in a duel and in this duel either they died fighting each other or be victorious, there was also a third option, be humiliated by the defeat to which most preferred death, a defeated Alpha was useless after all.

Not all were interested in the title, some just wanted to be left in peace, so they made a pact instead, that they would have a friendly alliance with whoever would take the title.

After a tiring duel, a 10-year-old Reagan wandered in the woods, it was his first kill, but he didn't find it amusing, he himself had cheated death in the process, the one he killed was a 20-year-old, Alpha of The Deadly Rear pack, greed for power was the reason for his demise.

Reagan was taught that power was used for protection, his dad had been in power to protect his people but right now Reagan didn't understand the reason for all this duel, he wasn't interested in power, the title which only brought the ugly side of others, greed, envy, destruction.

"who is he fighting for? for what? Just what was the need for 'The Alpha King' when all the packs already have their respective Alphas, what's the need for this bloodshed as if the already ongoing bloodshed wasn't enough!" He asked himself every time, he was disturbed by all the chaos, he missed the peaceful times, he missed his home, where all lived in harmony, away from the chaos.

Leaning his head back on the tree he closed his eyes, that's when a sweet fragrance tickled him, his eyes shot open as he experienced a sharp pain on his chest, "What's this?" He clutched his chest in pain, there was a pounding inside his head, the blood through his vein burned him, he began to sweat profusely, it was just like a few minutes ago when he was almost killed in the battle but this was the worse, he scratched the ground with his nails as he grimaced in pain. He then slumped on the ground as he slowly lost consciousness.

"Doggie!" He heard someone exclaim, his eyes shot open when his eyes locked with hers, he saw her smiling down at him, she gently petted him, he leaned into her touch, it was calming, he felt at peace.

"Doggie!" She smiled as she petted him, his eyes flung open, he then looked at his hands, it then occurred to him he had shifted for the first time.

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