Chapter 14

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Next morning

"I'm so sleepy," Conner rubbed her eyes as she rolled over to the other side of the bed and closed her eyes again but the notorious alarm rang again, reminding her she was 5 minutes late, dragging herself from the bed she turned the alarm off, the clock showed 4:05, there was knock on the door, she sleepily raised her head, her twin brother peeked inside, "Come on, sleepyhead, we're late," He told her.

Freshening up, they finally entered the training ground at 4:20 am. Conner yawned as she rubbed her eyes.

"wake up, sleepyhead," Tyler hit her head from behind, Conner turned back and glared at him, "Don't you dare mess with me right now!"

"Who? Me? I was just waking your sleepy head." Tyler played innocent.

"Yeah, thanks, I'm perfectly up now," The corner of her mouth quirked up.

"Oh-oh." Tyler took his steps back, "too late," she scoffed as her arms locked around his neck as she twisted it, "Ow, Conner, stop." He begged.

"Why I'm just treating your stupid head?" Conner mocked him.

"I'm sorry, sorry, please spare me." He begged as he tapped on her arm.

"Did you learn your lesson?" She tightened her grip.

"Yes, yes, I'm really sorry, please spare me now." He begged again.

"Okay." She finally let him go.

"Ow, my neck." He cried in pain as he placed his hand and rubbed the nape of his neck.

"Don't mess with her when she's half-asleep," Murphy warned him.

"You should've told me before, you good for nothing brother." Tyler pouted sulkily.

"Don't you dare mess with my brother," She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Ty, you should know without being warned about it," Murphy clicked his tongue.

"Wasn't Tyler going easy on her? He can outdo her without breaking a sweat." Kevin shrugged.

"No, Mr. Knowitall. She can outdo you if she really wanted to, she does look innocent and harmless but don't you dare forget her background, if she decides to get serious, you guys may get into some serious trouble, and remember, never ever do these two things," Lia raised her closed fist up in the air and began the count with her little finger, "1. Don't mess with her when she's asleep/ half asleep, 2. Don't badmouth her brother in front of her." She listed them out.

"Oh wait, where's Alex?" Conner blinked searching around for her friend, "Oh damn, she's going to get us to do 50 laps again," She bit her lips when she didn't see her around, "No, no," She shook her head, she paused and then turned to Kevin, "Kevin go zoom into her room and wake her up before Mr. Alpha King arrives?" She asked him.

"That won't be necessary," They heard Reagan speak from behind causing Conner to snap her head in his direction, he smiled at them wishing them a good morning, "Oh and the one you're worried about," he looked at Conner and then pointed at a direction, "there she is," He added.

Alexa, dressed in her full lengthed maroon tracksuit was stretching her body, noticing her friends, she waved at them, finishing her warm-up she joined them.

They were all surprised to see her arrive even before them.

"Now that's my Alex." Lia hugged her best friend as she patted her head proudly.

"Good morning, guys." Alexa greeted them with a cheerful smile.

"I see you're early today. I'm impressed." Reagan appreciated.

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