Chapter 47

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"Ow!" Kevin winced in pain as his head hit against the tree, "Calm down-" Before he could complete his sentence, she came at him again, his eyes widened in horror as she attacked him head-on, he barely managed to dodge her. 

"I know you've gotten much better... that would be an understatement-" He  parried her attack, he then bound her hands together, "are you seriously planning to kill me?" He yelled at her but she didn't respond she shrugged his hand off her and threw him on the ground, with her long nails she was about to dig them into his shoulders but they dug the soil instead as he quickly rolled away to the right. 

"Alex!" He yelled her name but she wasn't listening, "Did you lose your mind again?" His brows furrowed. She attacked him left and right, he jumped back trying to avoid her sharp nails when his back hit the tree he realized, he was doomed, he shut his eyes surrendering himself. The loud thud made him flinch, his eyes then snapped open only to find him caged between Alex and the tree, "Were you surrendering to death?" She clicked her tongue as she shook her head, "Whoa!" His legs gave away and he landed on his butt, she stepped back and looked at him in pity. 

"What's with that look?" He complained. 

"You gave up too soon," She clicked her tongue. 

"Excuse me? We've been sparring no, no let me correct, battling, no it's actually me fighting for my life, for like 4 hours?" He glared at her. 

"We're continuing," Her lips formed a tight line when her ears picked up the rustling noise. 

"Are you actually planning to kill me?" Kevin was horrified, "this isn't training, you're planning my murder!" He complained. His eyes then fell on Reagan who had been walking towards them, "What the hell did you do that she's taking it out on me?" Kevin eyed him accusingly. 

 "I don't know what you're talking about," Reagan shrugged. 

"Well, well," Kevin shook his head, "Anyway, now that you're here, you guys can fight till death, hmm? I'm outta here," He got up and strode away.

Alexa too turned around and was about to leave when Reagan came and stood right in front of her, she narrowed her eyes at him, "Still mad at me?" He raised his brows. 

She smiled at him and held his arm, she then spun around placing her back against him, she pulled him over her shoulder and threw him on the ground. "Ow!" he complained as he laid on the ground. She shrugged at him and began to walk away but in an instant, he was in front of her blocking her path again. 

She was about to hit him but he blocked her punch, instead, he spun her around and locked her arms against her chest, "How long are you going to keep this up?" He asked her. She struggled to free herself, he clicked his tongue, "It's no use," He leaned closer as he nuzzled her hair, brushing his lips against her ear he whispered, sending shivers down her spine. 

She leaned back against him tilting her neck to the side, giving him better access, "Alex," He whispered before letting her go. Her eyes snapped open, he did it again! she clenched her fist in anger, she turned around to punch him but he held her hand and chuckled as he kissed her fist, she pushed him away and ran from there. 

Later at night,

"You're not going to open up?" He knocked on the door for the 100th time. 

"You can just go to hell!" She shouted from inside.

"Didn't you start it first?" He heaved a sigh. 

"Get lost!" She yelled.


"So, finally, ready to go home?" Lia asked her as she finished packing her bags. 

"Yes!" Alexa screamed with joy, "I missed seeing you guys," She pulled her into a tight hug. 

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