Chapter 24

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Alexa tossed around in her sleep, her body was covered in sweats, her whole body was writhing in pain, she swallowed her saliva but her throat burned, it was painful, she felt as if someone was throttling her and she felt an immense thirst, she clutched her throat, her eyes flung open as she woke up from her nightmare.

Her throat was dry, she leaned to the bedside and grabbed the bottle of water, she gulped the water down in a go.

Even after finishing the entire bottle, her thirst wasn't quenched, in fact, it grew worse. Her body heated up further, she felt restless, scared, and very thirsty.

She got up from her bed staggering, on her way out she knocked out the huge table at the center, and when she went to set it right, her eyes widened as the table broke down into pieces with her light touch.

She stared at her hands in horror.

With effort, she dragged her body to the door, when she turned the doorknob, it came out in her hand, her face paled, the thirst came again, she felt pain as she suddenly choked on her saliva.

Everything about her was scaring her, she ran outside, just as she was about to get out of the house threshold her body gave away and she found herself falling forward, she shut her eyes close, just then she felt strong arms wrap around her, she collapsed in his arms, "Alex!" He made her sit on the staircase as he patted her cheeks trying to get her attention, she slowly lifted her eyelids which were too heavy and it took great effort to be able to open them when she saw his face, a sense of relief washed over her, she threw herself in his arms and sobbed.

"I was so scared."

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close in a tight hug, "It's okay," He cooed in her ear as he kissed her temple, "I've got you, it's okay," He caressed her hair as she sobbed.

After a few minutes of her sobbing, they sat there with his arms wrapped around her and her head on his shoulder, she sniffed, "I'm scared," She muttered, her hands were still trembling as she explained what happened.

He held her trembling hand and entwined their fingers, he then brought it up to his lips and placed a kiss on the back of her hand, she closed her eyes enjoying the feel of it.

"It just means your powers are awakening and you're growing strong," He smiled at her.

"But I'm scared, I'm scared of myself," She said in a low voice, almost as a whisper.

"It's okay to be scared, you inherit the immense power, the power that qualifies in protecting everything, or that can destroy everything. It's okay to be scared but don't lose yourself to fear," He kissed her forehead, "We're all here for you, your ancestors, this pack, we'll guide you, everyone, we're family and we're always with you."

"And above all, you have me, even if no one's by your side, I'll always be with you," he held her close.

She smiled at his words, 'hmm' She hummed as she wrapped her arms around him and snuggled closer.

She just wanted to stay in his arms forever, being with him made her forget everything, it calmed her mind and soothed her soul.

She hadn't realized her feelings for him ran so deep, sometimes it scared her, was she falling for him too? She questioned herself, but it wasn't hard to fall for him, he had been there with her always, his sweet and encouraging words, all the sweet gestures how could anyone not fall for him? but... she trailed off, she decided not to swell too much over it, she didn't want to lose this moment by overthinking, she just wanted to let everything go, she didn't want to reason anything, she liked it, she liked him, she confessed to herself.

She scowled when he moved away, she looked at him with questioning eyes, he just smiled at her as he stood up, "It's cold out here, let's get you back to your bed," He held his hand out beckoning her.

She reluctantly took his hand and got up with a frown on her face, she didn't want to go back, just the thought of being in that room alone again scared her.

As if reading her mind, he leaned down and said, "I'll stay with you until you fall asleep," She shot a glare at him, he laughed, "I don't have to get inside your head to know that, it's all over your face," He pinched her nose, "And besides I didn't plan to leave you alone even if you wanted to, I would have stayed as your WatchGuard outside your door to ensure no nightmares trouble you," He leaned in and planted a chaste kiss on her lips.

She blinked at the sudden action but didn't complain, she didn't hate it, she liked it, she really liked him, she thought as a small smile formed on her lips as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

They went inside and he helped her to bed, covering her with the sheets he sat by the side of her bed and watched her slowly surrendering to sleep.

The things she told him, the pain, the thirst she had only meant one thing, her body was changing, she was changing, he smiled bitterly at the thought how they were convinced that she was a werewolf completely ignoring the other possibility, though their pack had been friendly with Vampires, though they had slowly started to accept them, he wasn't sure if they'd accept a Vampire as their queen, few of them, of course, won't care but he couldn't be sure of them all, after all, it was in their history, they refused to have a Vampire rule over them and after all these years, they were back at the start.

He held her hands and brought it closer as he placed soft kisses on them, he didn't care what she was, whichever kind she belonged to, she was his and he was hers, he pondered over the old man's words and swore that he'll never let go of these hands. She was the promised queen and they all had sworn to protect her, whatever she is, nothing should matter and if anyone had any complaint, whoever was against her, they're going to have to face him, for he was going to protect her at any cost.

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