Chapter 27

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"Alex!" she heard him from behind, "What are you doing here?" He asked as he came closer.

She slowly turned to face him, tears dropped down from her eyes, "This... I..." Her lower lips quivered. She then slipped into darkness, "Alex!" He shouted as she fell unconscious in his arms.

He heard a few footsteps nearing, he picked her up in his arms and hid away.

"I swear I saw someone entering from the woods, it was the witch," He heard a female voice.

"She was stained in blood, I saw it too," Another woman stepped forward.

"Wait, someone's there," Carla made her way to the place they were hiding. Alexa winced in pain, he pulled her closer, "shh," He kissed her hair, he needed to drive them away, he couldn't let them see her in this state.

"What's going on here?" Carla halted at the voice, they all turned behind to see Adria.

"It's the witch," One of them spoke.

"Witch? here?" She raised her brows.

Carla resumed her steps, "She's here," She smirked as she confidently tore the curtain to reveal the culprit, there was nothing. She frowned.

"I don't see anything," Adira smiled at her mockingly.

"You've got a lot of time to play around, running after an air," She narrowed her eyes at them.

The women who spoke of having seen the witch looked at Carla, she gestured at them, "We're sorry, it must've been a mistake," The women apologized.

"Sorry about the commotion," They bowed their head low.

"A mistake?" "Wasted our time for nothing," Others muttered as they dispersed back to their house, the patrol team went back to their positions.


"Oh my god! What happened to her?" Lia rushed to her best friend's side as Regan brought her to her room.

"Get her cleaned, first." He told her placing Alexa on her bed, Lia held her in her arms, "As soon as possible, and another thing, you're not to speak a word about it," He warned her.

"I'll be back in a minute," He was about to go when he felt a tug in his arm, Alexa had been holding on to his sleeves, "Don't go," She muttered. She slowly lifted her eyelids, looking into his eyes, she spoke weakly, "Please don't leave me..." he blinked at her words, "I..." She trailed off as her eyes flew open, now she was fully conscious, averting her gaze she reluctantly let him go.

He sighed and looked at his sister, "Can you go and fetch Kevin for me?" Lia nodded at his request and walked out of the room. "I'll be back," She smiled down at Alexa and made her way to the door, "hmm..." Alexa was about to stop her but she was already out of the room, once they were alone, she shifted in bed uncomfortably as she stared down at her hands playing with her fingers.

He slowly sat beside her, "Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes full of concern.

"I don't know," She shook her head, "This," She lifted her hands midway between them, "I don't know what's going on... I don't even remember how I got them...these stains of blood... whose..." She looked at him, tears slowly trickled down from her eyes.

He wanted to wipe her tears away, taking her in his arms he wanted to comfort her, he wanted to assure her everything was going to be fine, but he did not dare. He didn't want her to think he was taking advantage of the situation, "Let's get you cleaned up first?" He suggested.

She quietly nodded.

After a bath, when she stepped out, her eyes were swollen and red, she had been crying, he sighed as he approached her, "Damn," He pulled her into his arms. "Let me go," She tried to get him off, "Shh," he tightened the hug, "I know I don't own you, it was wrong of me to force the kiss on you, I'm sorry for that, I really am," He cupped her cheeks, "But please don't push me away, don't face this alone, let me be with you."

She bit her lips as tears pooled in her eyes. "What's happening to me?" She asked him looking into his eyes.

"It's okay," He wiped her tears that stained her cheeks, "We'll get over this," He assured her resting his forehead over hers.

Right then, they heard noises from outside, "No, Carla, stop!" They heard Lia shout.

"If there's nothing to hide, why are you stopping me?" the door then opened as Carla barged inside the room.

Alexa immediately stepped away from him, Reagan looked over his shoulder and raised a brow at the unwanted interruption.

"Oh, Reagan," she looked at him in surprise, Alexa gritted her teeth when she heard his name coming from her mouth, she wanted to do something violent to her. Alex! She reprimanded herself and shook her head trying to shake off the negative thoughts that were swirling in her mind.

Her eyes then met Carla's who threw an acid glare at her, Feelings mutual! Alexa glared back at her.

Carla then gazed back at Reagan and smiled sweetly as she entered further inside the room.

Alexa's eyes narrowed the negative thoughts flooded back in and this time she didn't brush them off.

Just then, Kevin and Lia entered after her, Reagan turned to face them, he then glared at Lia, "she just barged in, okay?" She said in her defense. He shifted his gaze at Carla and raised his brow.

"It's about the witch," Carla looked at Alexa pointedly, "my girls saw her entering here, she was covered in blood," she ran her eyes from her head to toe searching for the bloodstains, she scowled noticing her drenched hair but then she smirked as Alexa began to tremble.

"I thought your girls were mistaken," Tyler spoke as he entered the room, her head snapped in his direction, Conner and Murphy entered after him, "Didn't they confess they were mistaken?" Tyler narrowed his eyes at her.

"They-" Before she could utter another word, Tyler cut her off, "Why are you here anyway?"

"I was here to inform the Alpha," She retorted.

"Misinform, you mean?" He gave her a mocking smile.

"You barged in before I could complete," She glared at him.

"Now he's informed, so please," He showed her the door, "You see our King is busy with his Queen and you had to barge in," He scoffed, "So, please," he urged.

She spun around and walked out stamping her feet in anger.

Phew! He heaved a sigh of relief, "I don't like that woman," He clicked his tongue. "Same!" Conner made a face then turned to him with a smile, "way to go, Ty, you shut her up for good," She gave him a high five.

"Was she talking about me?" Alexa's trembling voice gained their attention. Reagan turned to her, "the witch she was talking about?" She looked at him with questioning eyes.

"You heard Tyler, they were mistaken," He replied.


"Don't think about it," He took her trembling hands on his and kissed them softly, "Go to sleep, we'll talk about you tomorrow," He caressed her cheek. He then walked to the door and looked at Conner, "Can I ask you a favor?"

"Me?" Conner was flustered.

"Look after her for me," He smiled at her.

"Sure, your highness," She smiled back at him.

"Thank you," He patted her head, Tyler growled in response, Reagan smiled at him teasingly he then looked at others, "Follow me," He gestured, before leaving he turned to have a last look on his mate, he turned his back to her as he began to leave.

Alexa's eyes lingered on him until he was out of her sight, she then slumped to the bed and sighed.

Rise of The Queen (Complete)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang