Chapter 8

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"...lex... Alex!" She felt someone shaking her. "Hmm?" She tossed around pulling the blanket over her head.

"Wake up, Alex!" Murphy pulled the blanket off her face while Conner shouted in her ear. Startled by the impact, Alexa finally woke up from her deep sleep, "What?" She glared at them.

"Training, remember? We're late." Conner answered tapping at her wristwatch which showed 4:15 am. They were supposed to reach the training ground by 4.

Alexa groaned, this was the first good sleep she had since she came here, no nightmares no stupid dreams, finally, a night of peaceful sleep and she had to wake up so soon, she cursed the man of the cause, The mighty Alpha King, Reagan Terrel.

They had been running laps till 9 pm last night, only completing 30 laps, they had been too tired to even lift a finger but the devil insisted they continue but when even her supernatural friends complained he let them off, only on one condition that they should finish the task within 6 am, the next morning.

Alexa dragged herself off the bed and hurried to the washroom, within 15 minutes they were on the ground.

"You're half an hour late." The devil narrowed his eyes at them.

Alexa had an urge to throttle him then and there but she couldn't, she didn't have the powers to win over him, at times like this, she wished she was 'The Queen'.

Without any further ado, they ran, Murphy and Conner picked their pace and were a little ahead of Alexa, their breath hitched when their Vampire friend ran past them like the wind, slowing his speed he jogged backward, gesturing them to come and catch him.

Conner rolled her eyes, "is he trying to show off?" She pouted sulkily.

"Need some motivation?" Tyler smiled at her as he jogged alongside her, Lia too joined Murphy's side, Seeing their friends joining them on this, "Let's do this, guys!" Murphy cried with enthusiasm.

By 6 am, they lied on the ground completing their task, they rolled on the ground, welcoming the morning sunshine, laughing and giggling, giving hi-five to one another.

Alexa, Conner and Murphy, they were badly tired out, their entire body was sore, every inch of their body ached, taking support from one another, they finally managed to stand on their feet.

"Oh, I'm soo tired!" Conner sighed tilting her head to rest it on her twin's shoulder, who smoothly dodged her.

"Hey!" She complained.

"Sorry sis, I'm just as tired as you," Murphy was barely managing to stand, his legs were aching like crazy.

"Here, I'll lend you mine," Tyler offered, patting on his shoulder.

"Thanks, might as well give me a piggyback ride," She reached out to him, "Very demanding," He laughed hovering on the ground.

"For real?" She blinked.

"Come," He gestured.

"Aww, thank you, you're such a sweetheart." She circled her arms around his neck, he circled his arms around her knees and hoisted her up on his back.

"I take back all the bad things I said behind your back," She giggled as she tightened her arms around him.

"Just don't strangle me." He coughed.

"Oh sorry," She apologized, loosening her grip, she smiled brightly dangling her legs, "Go, go!" She cheered as she stuck her tongue out as they passed by her twin brother.

"Yeah, yeah, lucky you," Murphy heaved a deep sigh.

"Aww, don't cry, mUrphy, here I'll lend you my shoulders," Lia gestured to Murphy.

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