Chapter 42

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Her eyes snapped open as she caught the wrist of the woman, "Who're you?" Alexa narrowed her eyes at the woman whose face had been hidden with the hood of the red cloak she was wearing, Alexa's eyes then stopped at the ancient sword in her hand, "You..." She trailed off as she was reminded of the night when she had the nightmare or was it an illusion, she didn't know, but what she knew was this was the same woman with the red cloak. 

"You!" Alexa's eyes turned red as she zoomed in and caught the woman by her neck and pushed her against the wall, despite being throttled, the woman laughed, "I see, you've gotten stronger, but if you keep snapping out when will we meet?" 

"Who the hell are you and what the hell do you want?" Alexa shouted. 

The woman scoffed, "I'd like to see the extent of your powers though," she moved in close and whispered and suddenly she was gone, vanished into thin air. 

Alexa gasped and her eyes flung open, she sat up on the bed and heaved a sigh of relief when she found out it was just a dream but something caught her sight, she saw the woman from the corner of her eyes, she immediately got up, the woman opened the door and ran outside, Alexa ran after her, just as she was about to catch her, she disappeared into thin air, "What the hell?" Alexa's eyes widened in horror. 

She then felt someone's hand on her shoulder, without looking back she instinctively grabbed their neck and thrashed them against the wall. "Oww!" Kevin winced in pain as his head hit the wall, "Have you lost it again?" He narrowed his eyes at her red ones, "Kevin?" She released him instantly, her eyes turned back to normal, "I'm sorry, are you okay?" She asked. 

Kevin raised his brows in surprise, "You're okay," He whispered. 

"What's wrong?" They heard Reagan's voice from behind, Lia walked behind him. 

"I don't know if I should call it right or wrong, but something did happen," Kevin told them. 

"I'm sorry," Alexa hung her head in apology. 

"No, Alex, didn't you realize, you didn't snap out like the other days," Kevin shook his head. 

"huh?" Alexa tilted her head in confusion. 

"Care to explain?" Reagan asked him. 

"Dude, she just transformed and thrashed me right into the wall but then the next moment she released me and even apologized," He explained, "like we didn't have to bring her in control, she came to herself on her own, she controlled herself." 

"I did?" Alexa cocked her head to the side. 

"Yes," he nodded, "But all of a sudden, how did you do that?" He asked her. 

"I see, you've gotten stronger, but if you keep snapping out when will we meet?"  Alexa was reminded of the woman's words, did she do something? she was confused.

"Then we're going back?" Lia smiled at the good news. 

"No, we shouldn't, we're not sure yet, it's only the first time, let her stay here for a few days and check if it is really true because it's too good to be true," Kevin heaved a sigh, "I mean of course I'm happy but something feels off," He shrugged, "Right Reagan?" 

"Hmm," he nodded but he wasn't really paying attention, his eyes were only focused on Alexa who was lost in her thoughts. He then motioned Kevin to leave, he nodded and wrapped his arms around Lia's shoulders, "let's take a look at this house, hmm?" 

"Eh?" Lia raised her brows. 

"Let's go," He dragged her with him. 

"Something wrong, Alex?" Reagan's question brought her out of her thoughts, the dreadful image again flashed in front of her eyes, Reagan lying on the ground and the woman raising her sword against him, she gasped and covered her ears as the screeching noise of the metal pierced her ears. 

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