Chapter 22

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She heard her friends shout her name, she heard multiple footsteps as they gathered around her, she tried to open her eyes, she tried to get up but her body refused to cooperate, a sense of warmth enveloped her as she felt her body being slowly lifted, her arms moved on their own as she hugged the warmth and snuggled against the warm and firm chest.

Her eyes moved under her lids but they were sluggish, they refused to open, she could hear their worried voices, but her lips refused to move, the doctor checked her up and declared she collapsed because of exhaustion but she was sure Carla had something to do with her condition the scratch marks on her hand that produced the burning sensation throughout her hand was the proof but it didn't hurt anymore, right now she was just weak, too weak to even lift a finger. 

"She needs to rest," The doctor declared, the footsteps distanced and the room grew quiet, 'No, I'm scared' Tears slid down from her eyes, 'shh, it's okay, you're okay' She heard him whisper as he gently wiped her tears.

 'You're inside my head again,' She scoffed.

 'I promised to be there when you need me' He held her hand as he brought it to his lips and placed a soft kiss on her palm.

 'It's okay, I'm here, go to sleep' she felt his hands caressing her hair as she slowly surrendered herself to sleep.

She woke up in the middle of the night, her body was covered in sweats, her breath was labored, her ears were ringing, her vision went dark, her whole body burned as if on fire, she was feeling suffocated, she clutched her chest that hurt as if someone had been crushing it, she couldn't think straight, she staggered, leaning onto the wall for the support she got out of the room, she didn't know how far she had come, she didn't know where she was heading and why she just walked aimlessly. 

She didn't realize that she had reached the end of the cliff, one single step and it'd drop her down the vast river down, 'Alex!' She heard him shout but it was too late, her foot slipped and she clutched nothing but air as she fell down and everything went blank. 


She heard a few voices, screams, and destruction, her eyes flew open, she was lying on a cold slab, she got up, her eyes wandered around the place looking for some light? some help? anything but darkness, 'yes, come to me,' She heard a voice calling out to her, her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, 'come here and open the door for me,' She heard the voice again.

Her throat suddenly went dry, she touched her neck as the thirst became unbearable, she frantically searched for water, she spotted an open jar full of water, she ran to it, she scooped the water in her hand and drank thirstily but the more she drank, her thirst intensified. Suddenly the water turned red, her hands were stained in red, her eyes widened in horror as she pushed the jar away, it fell down staining the floor red, it crept up her legs, drops of blood rained from above, she screamed in fear. 

"Alex!" She heard someone shout her name, she gasped as her eyes fluttered open. 

"Alex!" His worried face came into her view, her bottom lips quivered as she threw herself in his arms and sobbed, he was taken aback by her reaction, he slowly hugged her back and caressed her hair, "Shh, it's okay, I've got you," He kissed her head. 

It took her a few minutes to calm herself, he held her in his arms as she cried her eyes out, after calming herself she paid attention to her surroundings, they were inside a cave, she noticed. 


"We were swept by the river, passed the barrier and entered the deeper part of the forest that is inside the enemy's territory," He answered her before she could complete her question. 

"I'm sorry," She muttered, "I always run into troubles," She sighed.

 "That's okay, we'll get out of here just fine," He assured her with a gentle smile. He stood up, combing his wet hair back with his hand, the water dropped down tracing his neck and sliding over his bare chest, she noticed his upper half was naked, she gulped.

 She wanted to run her hands over his firm chest and she wanted to feel his perfect abs- she paused, what was wrong with her? where did that come from? she gasped at her thoughts.

 "Let's go," he turned his head to her, his lips curved into a teasing smile, "Like what you see?" He raised his brows. 

Her cheeks tinted pink at his word, "As if," She muttered as she averted her gaze. 

"Why're you naked anyway?" She rolled her eyes. 

"You were bleeding," He knelt down in front of her and pointed at her arm, his shirt was wrapped around it. 

She blinked, she didn't feel any pain, she swiftly undid the tie, his shirt slipped off her arms, there were no wounds.

She snapped her head at him, a big mistake now she was conscious of him again. His eyes were focused in her arm, he blinked for a moment then shook his head, it healed on its own, her powers were awakening, he sighed as he grabbed his shirt, he then noticed her eyes on him, he let out a chuckle, "as much as I like having your attention but we need to get out of here," He got up and offered her a hand, she slowly took it, he pulled her up, her hands landed on his firm chest making her heart race, his face was close, her breath hitched, "I wanted to wait until you were ready, but if you look at me like that," He said it in a low voice, he rested his forehead on hers "I may attack you," His voice came as a whisper.

Her eyes darkened with desire, "Damn, you're not helping me," He cupped her cheeks and claimed her lips in a heated kiss.

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