Chapter 35

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Six days later  
Sitting in the hotel room staring out the window as the rain was pounding relentlessly against the windowpane. Tears begin to stream down my face matching the windowpane as a memory invades my head.
“Essence, are you okay?” Andre asks me as we leave the doctor's office.
Looking up at him with a bright smile on his face, “I’m going to be a mother to a little boy. I’m beyond happy. I love him so much.
“C’mon let’s get you home.”
“I have to go to work. Can you take me to the hotel please?”
“Essence, you are wearing yourself out. You need to slow down.”
Glaring at Andre, he put his hands up.
“I’ll take you to work then I have to take the car back to my homie.”
After getting in the car, putting my seatbelt glancing over at Andre, “thank you. I, well we wouldn’t have made it thus far without you. I love you, big brother.”
“If you really love me, you will name my nephew after me.” He says with a big smile plastered on his face.
Pulling up at the hotel, “Thank you, tonight I will be getting off a little bit later. I will get home soon as I can.”
“Call me before you leave work, I will be home.”
“I will. Be safe Dre” I say before he pulls off.
Cleaning the last hotel suite feeling exhausted, taken a seat on the side of the bed.
“C’mon little one, mommy is almost done then I will go home,” I say rubbing my belly.
Feeling eyes on me, slowly looking up I see a white couple.
“I am so sorry. I will be finished with your room in just a little bit,” telling them as I stand up.
“How far are you?” The lady asks.
“Seven months.”
“Seven months pregnant and still working.” The gentleman says with a raised brow.
“Yes sir, I am doing everything on my own.”
“Why is that?”  
“Sir, I don’t think that is your business. I will be finished with your room shortly.”
“Tell us why or I will tell your supervisor you are not doing your job properly.”
Taken a deep breath, “I am working to save money so my son and I can leave right after I have him. My home life is not the best. My only is my older brother. I sat down because my back is killing me along with my legs and feet. I worked this morning went to my doctor’s appointment and I have been here. This is my last room then I can go home.”
“We are going to go get something to eat stay in here, take your time. If you need to sit down that is fine with us.” She tells me with a smile plastered on her face.
About 45 minutes just as I was finishing up with everything, the door opens revealing the couple.
“I just need to get this trash and I will be out your way. Thank you for not reporting me.”
“You’re welcome. We went to Chic-fa-la we got you something to eat as well.” The lady says

“Thank you, so much. I deeply appreciate this.”
The man looks at me, “you said after cleaning in here you were going home correct?”
“Yes, sir I am. I have to go catch the bus.”
“Nonsense, this late we will take you. Go get your things and we will meet you in the front.”
“I have to use another entrance, as I said you don’t have to. Getting me some food was more than generous.”
“where will you be coming from?” He says asks opening the door so we could all leave.
Arriving home, “Thank you both so much. You have gone above and beyond for me. I have never had anyone treat me this nice before except my brother and a teacher at school. Thank you, so much again.”
After a much-needed shower, going into the room taken a seat on my bed to get the bag of food. While saying my grace I ask God to bless the people who brought me food and brought me home.
Opening the bag taken out a lot of napkins, I see a red envelope. Removing it from the bag, opening it warm tears spill from my eyes.
‘Oh my God’ I say no one as I look at the money the envelope contained.
While counting the money, I ate my sandwich, ‘they gave me $2,500.00.’
Sneaking downstairs calling the hotel, after hearing the night attendant says the greeting, “Yes may I have suit 797 please?”
“I’m sorry they checkout about an hour ago,” he states.
“Thank you,” hanging up the phone.
‘Thank you, God, for using the couple to bless us.’ I say rubbing my growing belly.
Putting the money up with the rest of the money I had saved up when Andre came into my room.
“Sis, you okay?”
“Yeah, we are okay, just tired,” I reply sitting on the bed.
“Andre Two has a great ring to it,” He says grinning.
“How about Matthan Andre Harrison?”
“Essence, you know I been joking about him being named after me, right?”
“My son is going to know love from me and you. You are going to be the man to teach him everything about how to be man. I love you big brother, I know you love my son no matter how he came to be. So please, it will be my honor for my son, your nephew to have your name.”
“I love you, Essence.” He states hugging me, “and I love Andre 2.0”
“Essence, your phone,” Andre says bringing me out of my thought.
Sitting on the couch watching on as Eden and Kendric play together.
“Daddy, help me Aunt Eden got me,” Kendric says laughing.
“Your daddy can’t save you,” Eden says as Kendric gets lose and takes off running through the house.
Kendric, you have to eat a little bit more. This is a new environment for both of us.” Trying to give him a bottle.
Hearing the doorbell “I wonder who is here to check on us, Kendric.”
Opening the door, Eden stands in front of me with a smile on her face, “Can I come in?”
“Of course,” stepping over so she could come inside.
Sitting down on the couch Eden look on while giving Kendric his bottle.
I’m surprised to see you, Eden. I thought you were against me adopting Kendric.”
Reaching over picking Kendric up out of my hands tears spill from her eyes looking down at him.
“I was never against anything Lucas. It hurt because I had just lost my second child. Having a miscarriage, the first time, then having my baby die in my arms was more than I could bear. Then you came in saying I’m going to adopt a baby. My heart was beyond shatter. Here you are adopting a baby and I can’s have one.” She says crying harder hugging Kendric.
“Eden.” Holding up her hand.
“Don’t baby brother.” She says laying Kendric in her lap before plastering a smile on her face to mask her pain.
“Just because I can’t have kids doesn’t mean this little one is not going to be the joy in life. “Isn’t that right Kendric. You are going to always be auntie number one.”
“Thank you, for bringing him into our lives. I love him so much and I love you, baby brother.” Eden says picking Kendric back up resting her head on my shoulder. Getting my phone off the table I take a picture of us three together.
“Lucas” looking up Eden’s face is etched with confusion.
“Your phone.”
Answering the phone as fear took over.
“Judge has a verdict. I must go to the courthouse now. Stay with Kendric.”
“No, we are all going to be there with you, Lucas.”
Taken her phone out of her purse she calls a family friend.
Arriving at the courthouse, my attorney is waiting for me on top of the steps.
“Am I late?”
“No, but we need to get inside.”
“Is Essence here yet?”
“They just walked in.” She tells me as we walk into the courtroom.
Taken our seats the bailiff speaks, “All rise.”
Glancing over at Essence our eyes meet, “Lucas sit down” Mrs. Mylers tells me.
“Thank you for coming on such short notice. Also, I would like to apologize for taken so long to come up with a verdict.” The judge says as she continues.
“Ms. Harrison, there is no doubt in my mind that your child was stolen from you. What you have gone through I can’t even begin to imagine what you went through when your parents told you your son died. Even though the orchestrated and manipulated everybody involved the courts in no way blame you.”
Turning her attention to me, “Mr. McKeen, no one is faulting you for doing your job. They had all the proper documents in order. You decided to adopt a child who was stolen from the mother. However, for the past six years, you raised this little boy and gave him a family, but he was still stolen from his mother.”
Taken a deep breath, “Mr. Akins and Mrs. Mylers you both had impressive arguments. I can honestly say, I have never had a case like this presented to me in my courtroom. Mr. McKeen, Kendric was stolen from his mother which does in fact make that adoption null and void. Ms. Harrison, your son was stolen from you, and even being around you, he does not know who you are. With that being said, I have acted in the best interest of the child Kendric McKeen.
“The court has decided the best interest for the child is he should be with…….” 

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