Chapter 32

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Four days later   
Leaving the courtroom for the day Mr. Akins spoke, “Essence, Mr. McKeen family and friends gave some great testimony today, especially Ms. Davis.”
“Are you saying I will not get Kendric?” I question as panic takes over me.
“I don’t know Essence and that is the scary truth. This case is hard because each of you is qualified to raise Kendrick and each of you has a right to raise him; but because of the nature of this situation, joint custody is not an option for several valid reasons.” Mr. Akins took a deep breath before continuing.
“For one, you live in a different state than Mr. McKeen. As of right now he still has primary custody of your son so unless one of you are willing to move and he has his whole life here. Not to mention Kendric. Would he even want to leave, change schools? Essence therefore it is vital for me to make sure you get sole custody of your son.”
“That’s what I want. It has been six years. I want my son.”
“Tomorrow you and Mr. McKeen will be the only ones testifying and then it is up to the judge. Essence I know it is going to be tough on you, but you can get through it. I have to take off but if you need me for anything do not hesitate to call me.”
“Yes sir, thank you for everything, Mr. Akins.”
“Try to get some rest tonight okay.” He says with a smile.
Nodding my head in a yes motion he turns walking away.
Stepping forward Vita comes up beside me with a sad look on her face. “Essence, I am so sorry about in court today.”
Smiling back at her, “Vita, you have nothing to be sorry about. You told the truth that’s all anybody could ask for. I would hurt if you would have lied. All I asked for was the truth and that’s what everybody said. It’s no way I can be mad or hold a grudge against you or any of Lucas’s family. Please do not feel guilt-ridden for doing the right thing.” I tell Vita giving her a warm hug.
“Thank you, I didn’t want to hurt you and ruin our budding friendship.”
“Vita you didn’t ruin anything. I appreciate you coming to me instead of guess and thinking the worse. You did right, not only by me but Lucas and Kendric as well.”  
 “All of this is fucked up; I knew it would be difficult- “
Calming Vita down, I wrap my arms around her giving her a warm hug.
“Excuse me, pardon the intrusion but Essence may I have a moment of your time?” The woman before us questions.
“I’m sorry, let me get out yall’s way. Thank you, Essence, I will text you later tonight to check on you.” Vita says as she walks away.
Turning my attention back to the woman, “how do you know me?”
“Where are my manners, I was a dear old close friend to your father. I am so sorry about his untimely death.”
“Okay you knew my father, but not me. So, I will ask again how do you know who I am?”
“You may not recall who I am or even seeing me because you were very distraught during that time at you child services- “
Quickly interjecting her, “my son is alive and well. Don’t ever say my son is dead.” I tell her with anger in my voice.
“What I said came out wrong. I know your son is alive and that is why I am here; I want to help.” She says with a smirk on her face.
“Who are you?”
“My name is Anita, Anita Quaters.” She says hugging me.
Pulling away from me, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hug you out the blue. I remember seeing you beyond shattered at the services and it reminded me of when I lost my child.”
“Ms. Quaters you said you want to help me? How can you help me when you don’t even know me and visa versa?”
“I can attest to your distress and how heartbroken you were. I can be more beneficial than you know. I must go back home for an imperative meeting that I cannot miss. I will be back tomorrow. Is it possible we can discuss a strategy then?”
“Yes, ma’am we sure can.”
“Great! Here is my number make sure to call me, Essence” She tells me as he hugs me tightly.
Pulling away with a grin on her face, “it was so great to see you again! Until tomorrow Essence.” She says as she walks off.   
Checking the time on my phone, I send Andre a quick text letting =him know I am on my way.
Feeling uneasy as I am walking to the car, looking around me but nothing stands out.
Getting in the car eyeing Andre, “can we get out of here?”

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