Chapter 20

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Monday night

“I’m going to get you!” I yell chasing after Kendric.
“No stop Ms. Essence.” He says laughing, “Daddy help!” His laughs become contagious as Lucas and I join him.
“You want me to help Ms. Essence get you?” Lucas says while chasing Kendric too.
“NOOOOOOOOOO” Kendric giggles grow louder.
Grabbing Kendric, “I got you,” telling him while tickling him.  
“STOPPPPPP” he laughs harder.
After stopping tickling Kendric and catching our breaths he glances up at me, “I’m getting you back.” He tells me with a big smile on his face.
“How about you get Ms. Essence back tomorrow at the lake house. We have to get up early.” Lucas interjects.
“Okay daddy, before I go to sleep may I please have a sip of water?”
“I’ll go get you something to drink. You can see if Ms. Essence would like to read you a read before bed.”
Locking eyes with Lucas a small smile graced his face as Kendric pleads, “please Ms. Essence, please.”
“I would love to.” Looking up Lucas left the room.
“What book would you like for me to read?”
“Farmer Duck,” Kendric passes me the book as he gets in bed.
Moments later Lucas returns with a bottle of water and a small cup.
“I forgot to ask if you wanted something to drink. Kendric here is your water.” 
“Thank you, daddy. Will you stay and listen to Ms. Essence read to me?”
“I will,” Lucas tells him while getting his cup.
Pulling a chair close to bed Kendric’s small voice startles me, “what are you doing Ms. Essence? Sit right here and daddy sit on the other side of me.”
Lucas and I sat on the bed as I begin reading Farmer Duck. Reading a few pages Kendric was fast asleep.
“You can lay the book down on the nightstand. I will move it later.” Lucas tells me.
Watching him as he checks on Kendric once more, the says a soft, “goodnight,” he eyes me.
“You can tell him goodnight,” Lucas says.
Placing a kiss on Kendric’s forehead, “goodnight Kendric.” Lucas and I walk out of his bedroom.
Lucas pulls the bedroom door up but does not fully close it.
“What time should I be here in the morning?” I ask taking a drink of water
Lucas glances up from his phone at me, “why don’t you just stay here tonight?” Lucas questions as I got chocked.
Silence fell between us until there was a knock at the door.
“I’m sure your fiancée wants to spend this time with you.”
Lucas ignores me going to the door; opening the door Vita enters.
“Sorry, it’s so late. Here are the water guns.” She walks into the house sitting on the sofa.
“Hey Essence, are you ready for the weeklong trip?”
“Hey, as ready as I can be. I have never been to a lake house before.”
“You will love it.”
“Ladies excuse me please,” Lucas says answering a call going into another room.
“I should get ready to go, it’s getting late and I have to be over here early.”
“Are your bags at the hotel?” Vita asks with a raised brow.
“No, they in the rental car.”
“Why make so many unnecessary trips. Just spend the night here.” Vita says with a smirk.
“I think Ivy is coming over to have some alone time with Lucas. I don’t want to cause any turmoil in their relationship.”
Vita rolls her eyes, “Ivy.”
“You don’t like Ivy? Is Kendric safe around her?” I question with panic in my voice.
“Calm down. Ivy and I have never gotten along. From what I can tell she is good with Kendric, but Lucas has never let her stay alone with Ivy. Kendric has only stayed with his grandparents, Lucas’s siblings, and me. Lucas doesn’t trust a soul with Kendric. I can’t put my finger on it, but it is just something about that bitch. I am only nice and respectful to her because she is with Lucas. She doesn’t want no woman around him; my guess she knows Lucas deserves better.”
“That is all the more reason for me to go.”
Lucas’s voice boom through the room terrifying me, “you don’t have to.”
Grabbing my chest, God, you scared me.”
“I didn’t mean to.” He says with humor in his voice.
“Let me see your keys; I’ll bring your bags in and you can stay the night. After all, you will be staying in a house with me for a week.” Lucas states picking up my keys.
“I think I should be the one to leave,” Vita tells me with a wide grin on her face.
“Essence, I think you should get to know Lucas; he is a great man. I’m not just saying this because he is my best friend.” She says with a wink before leaving out the door.
A little bit later Lucas comes in with my bags, “I was talking with Vita before she left.”
“It’s okay. Can I take a shower before bed?”
“Of course, you don’t have to ask. Let me show you the bedroom and bathroom.”
Retrieving my bag, Lucas took them from me. Following him, he stops to open a bedroom door.
“Here is the guest bedroom, and the bathroom is the next door.” He says pointing his finger. Entering in the guest bedroom behind Lucas he placed my bags down.
“I need to get some towels,” Lucas tells me as he rushes by.
Come back he places the towels on the bed, “I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.” Lucas says walking out the room.
Stepping in the shower the warm water relaxes my body and eases the built-up tension I am harboring.
After the shower I was lying in bed, deciding to check on Kendric. Opening his bedroom door, he was still sleeping a smile crept up on my face.
Going downstairs I see Lucas watching something on television.
“I don’t mean to disturb you; I just came down to say thank you for letting me stay the night here.”
“You’re not disturbing me. I was about to go to bed myself. When my dad says six, he means is.” Lucas says laughing turning off the television.
“Let’s get some sleep, you and Kendric will sleep most of the trip because it’s a long drive. I will move the rental car in the garage before we leave in the morning.”
“Thank you again,” I tell him with a smile.
“Goodnight, Essence.”
“Goodnight Lucas.”
Soon as I got in bed, sleep consumes me.
“Essence, princess come on out. I promise to make you feel good.”
“ESSENCE stop making me search for you, or maybe you want to see me angry.
Pulling my hair, “Please stop Uncle Robert.”
“What did I tell you the last time?”
“I don’t like it when you touch me.”
“Well Essence plenty of boys are going to, but you need to be ready. I am just teaching you.” His hands slowly roam my 12-year old body.
“I’m telling daddy.”
“Do you remember what I told you if you told anybody?”
“No, please don’t.”
“Then what are you going to do?”
“I’ll do it myself. I’m getting some of this pussy,” Robert says taking my clothes off as my warm tears stung my face.
“You look so beautiful naked. Aw, no need to cry.”
Throwing me on the floor forcing my legs open “AHHHH”
Jolting awake, “NOOOO,” my eyes adjust to the surroundings. Quickly remembering where I am, I cover my mouth with my hand to muffle my cries.  
Laying back down trying to slow my breathing down; reaching over I pick up my phone. Going to the gallery, finding a picture of me and son a smile graced my face. Laying back down, tears slide down my face.  
Waking up, I hear someone downstairs. Gathering up my clothes for the day, I go to the bathroom taking a shower.
After the shower and getting dressed I head downstairs. Entering the kitchen, I see a shirtless Lucas.

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“Good morning,” he tells with a genuine smile

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“Good morning,” he tells with a genuine smile.
“Oh shit!” I say barely audible to myself.
“It’s going to be a long week.” My eyes still on Lucas.  


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