Chapter 3

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(six months later)
Jolting out of my sleep from another nightmare, I get my pillow and covers and sneak into Andre’s room.
Making a pallet on the floor becoming startled when Andre spoke. “Baby sis, get in the bed, I got the floor.” He said getting out of bed.
“That’s okay Dre, I can sleep down here.”
“Essence.” He said in a serious tone.
“I’ll get in the bed,” I told him.
“Essence, I know you won’t tell me, but just tell me this are you alright? I have seen the bruises you try to hide. When you are ready tell me who’s ass do, I need to beat.”
Getting out of bed I hugged Andre. “I love you too, and one day I won't be a coward, and I’ll be able to tell you everything.”
“You never have to be scared to tell me anything,” Andre replied as I get in bed.  
“Thanks, Dre,”
“I love you too baby sis. Good night.”
Closing my eyes, I was able to go back to sleep.
Waking up in Andre’s bed, I noticed he was gone. Going back to my room I overheard my parents arguing about me. Gathering up my clothes to put on I headed to the bathroom for my morning routine.
Stepping in the shower, the warm water relaxed my muscles. Tears escaped my eyes as I touched a bruise on my thigh, that has not completely healed yet.
Pushing the pain away, I washed my face again then got out of the shower. After getting dressed for school, heading downstairs only to hear my parents.
“You expect her to get what happened, Roy?” My mom asked my father.
“El, all I am saying is she hasn’t seen or been around Robert in a few months. Essence needs to stop harboring over this so much, because if she doesn’t- “
Interrupting him I spoke, “if I don’t, what daddy?”
“Good morning jellybean.” My father replied with a warm smile.
“Just because I haven’t seen that monster doesn’t make what he did okay. I don’t know what sickens and hurts me the most; Robert, your best friend, raping and beating me or the fact your fine with and don’t even care about me, your daughter.” I said as a few warm tears slide down my face.
Grabbing my bookbag, I left for school as my mom repeatedly called my name.
Walking down the corridor I went to Mr. Perez's classroom. Noticing him engaged in looking over a paper, I gently tapped on the open door.
He looked up at me as a small smile spread across his face. “Good morning, Essence, what can I do for you?”
“Good morning, Mr. Perez. I was wondering is it possible, can you help me graduate early and help me get into a college away from here?”
Mr. Perez looks at me with confusion displayed all on his face. “Essence, what is going on? You are one of the brightest students here at Oakland High. What is the id rush of graduating early and getting into a college far away from here?”
As he stopped talking, Mr. Perez begins looking at me with concern. “Essence, are you alright? Is everything okay at home? I can help you, Essence, but you need to trust me.”
His words and my mind begin a tug of war inside of me. “Sir, everything is okay. I saw some schools with great programs, and I am just eager to get into the field of architect and business.” I told him trying to sound honest and excited.
A smile graced his face. “Of course, I can help you Essence.”
Feeling a sigh of relief, I smiled back at Mr. Perez. “Thank you, very much. You have no idea how much this means to me.”
“This will be a lot of work, but I know you can do it. I will make arrangements for us to meet before and after school.” He stated as the bell rung.
“I have to get to class, but thank you again, Mr. Perez,” I said leaving his classroom.
After school was over, I was walking down the corridor when Andre called my name.
“Essence.” Turning to face him, he approached me with his girlfriend.
“Is everything okay, Andre?”
“Yeah, it’s fine. Coach called for a practice today, I will be home quick as I can. Will you be alright?” Andre questioned with concern.
“I will be fine. Just going to go home, do my homework and wait for everybody else to get home.”
“Are you sure, or do you want to stay?”
“I’ll be fine Dre, go practice. I will see you when you get home.” Andre smiled then hugged me as he went off to practice.
Walking out the door the weather was very pleasant. It was not hot, and it was not cool a perfect fall afternoon. Instead of taken the bus home, I decided to walk since it is not too far.
While walking, feeling like someone was watching me I looked all around before picking up the pace to hurry up and get home.
An unfamiliar car zoomed passed me then stopped a little bit in front of. Reaching in my back pocket to retrieve my phone as horror surged through me when Robert got out of the car.
“My sweet Essence, how are you? Let me give you a ride home.” He spoke genuinely.
“No, now leave me alone,” I said getting my phone, looking down to unlock my phone, Robert jumped in my face.   
“Essence.” He spoke my name with lust in his tone.
“Leave me alone please,” I responded.
Gently gliding his fingers up and down my cheeks, I took steps backward.
“My Essence, I have missed you and your sweet body. I know you have missed me. I bet your pussy is getting soaked right now.” Robert said.
Grabbing his fingers off my face I bit down hard as I could. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, you fucking bitch.” He screamed in my face as I bit down harder.
“FUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKK” He screamed out in agony. I turned on my heels running fast as I could.
“AHHHHH” I yelled out as Robert yanked me by my hair.
“You want it rough Essence, then that’s what you're going to get.”
Fighting back much as I could till, I am met with a hard fist to my face. Robert dragged me kicking and screaming into an ally way. Trying to make a run for it, he picked me up and threw me into a brick wall.
Hearing a car in the distance, I began screaming loud as I could. “HELP! HELP ME PLEASE!  PLEASE, ANYONE.”
Putting his hands over my mouth, “shut the fuck up Essence.” Robert said in an angry tone.
Biting the inside of his hand, “SHIT” he shouted as he stumbled back.
Pushing myself backward, positioning my leg I kicked Robert as I got up and ran. Reached the top of the alleyway Robert caught me. “You’re not going anywhere.” He says as he slams the side of my head on the brick building.
Feeling the blood trickling down my face as Robert backhanded. Falling into the cool ground, he quickly put me on my back.
Fighting back the best way I could. My efforts are short-lived when Robert punched me in the face three times.
“You want it rough Essence?” He slapped me across the face as he continued, “you’re going to get it rough.”
While trying to pull my pants down, I was fighting back with all might. “Get the fuck off me,” I said harshly.
“What was that you said sweetness, get inside of you and start fucking you? As you wish. I have missed my pussy. Do yo- “
Cutting Robert off as I punched him. Not fazed by the punch he roughly pulled my pants down and ripped my shirt off.
Still trying to push him off me, he thrust himself into hard while the tears fell from my eyes.

“Please stop! Just get off me! Somebody, help me please.” I was crying and begging for help while praying this would be over.
“Fuck, I’m close, FUUUUUUUCCCCCCK! AHHHHH!” He moaned out in pleasure, yet I was in pain.
“I’m cumming” Robert said as he came inside of me, making me cry harder. Laying on top of me, he begins kissing me on my shoulder and my neck.
“You’re so amazing. You need to learn to stop fighting me. I know you want this Essence.”
Pushing him off me, I spit in his face as said, “I hate you; you disgust me.”
The pain caught up with me as I fell to the ground unable to walk. Walking over to me, Robert kicked me in the stomach. “find your way home bitch.” He spoke as he walked off.

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