Chapter 2

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The past week I have kept my distance from everyone. If my parents did not believe me, I knew no one else would.
Looking at myself in the mirror some of the bruises are fading and swelling has gone down. After getting dressed for school I went downstairs making a beeline for the door, but I was halted when I heard my dad call out for. Entering the kitchen, I notice he and my mom are having breakfast.
“How are you feeling?” He asked with a smile.
Replying in a bord, “I’m fine, daddy.”
Watching as he nodded his head, I knew it was something he wanted to tell me.
“I have to go.”
“Essence, sweetie, you need to eat.” My mom says in a matter of fact tone.
“I’m okay.” Turing to leave when I heard my father’s voice.
“Don’t you say anything, and you better not bring Robert’s name up if someone asks you.”
“Yes sir.” Taken I few I froze in place when dad spoke again.
“Robert will be coming over tonight. You will not bring up your preposterous allegations and you will be respectful. Do I make myself clear young lady?”
“I forgot some of my homework in my room.”
Running upstairs to my room, I got the little bit of money I had put it in my pocket. ‘I won’t be here while he is here.’ I said out loud.
Going back to the kitchen my parents stop talking when they saw me come in.
“Daddy, can you answer me this.”
“Sure, I can honey.”
“Why do you believe and is standing by the said of the scum who has beaten, molested, and raped your daughter?”
Dropping his fork, his eyes became trained on me. “Not now Essence.”
“You know I thought what ‘Uncle Robert’ did to me was the worse. His slaps, punches, his all over me was the worse, I was sadly mistaken. Having my parents not believe and take up for the pain who did this to me is way crueler than anything he has ever done to me.”
Turning around I left out the house with both my parents calling my name.  
Closing the door after Essence left, I saw my wife looking at me.
“Our daughter is hurting; she is in so much agony, LeRoy.”
“El, you don’t think I am aware of that. I hear her crying at night too when she tries to muffle her screams from a nightmare.”
“LeRoy she is our baby girl.” My wife paused. I must get to the hospital before I am late for work. I will see you when I get home. I love you.”
“I love you El.”
After getting off work I went to a grocery store to get something for dinner.
I heard a sweet feminine voice call out my name, “LeRoy.”
Turning towards where I heard the voice, I became enraged when I saw her standing before me.
“What do you want?”
“Nothing, I just want to know how you’re doing.” She says with a slick smirk on her face.
“I’m well, bye Anita,” I said walking off.
“How’s the wife and kids?”
Going back to where she was, I asked, “what is it that you want?”
“I want you again. We had some fun times didn’t we LeRoy.” Anita says with a smile.
“I’m married, you know this.”
Anita’s smile grew bigger, “You were married the other times we fucked around LeRoy. As I remember you Robert were both married. I kept my end of the deal, I haven’t said anything yet, but that could all change.”
Feeling trapped, I folded. “What do you want?”
“This weekend, me and you. No excuses.” She slipped a card in my hand as she walked off.
‘Fuck.’ I said aloud.
Arriving home to an empty house I take a shower and change my clothes. While preparing dinner, the silence becomes too much to bear as Essence’s words swim around in my head.
Being brought out of my thoughts when the front door closed. “Hey LeRoy, how was work? You got dinner started. Thank you.” My wife says as she kisses me on the lips.
“Work was fine. Why haven’t the kids got home from school yet?”
“Hm, I’m not sure, have you tried texting or calling them?”
Before I could reply Andre walked into the house.
“Hey momma, hey dad. He says placing a kiss on his mom’s cheek.
“Where is your sister, and why didn’t you two come home together?” I questioned Andre.
“Essence said she got some project she needs to do for school and had to work with some friends of hers. She said wouldn’t belong.” He replied then went upstairs.
“She might not want to be here tonight LeRoy.”
She walked off heading upstairs.
When dinner was over, Andre went to his room to finish his homework, Eleanor was cleaning up the kitchen.
Sitting on the back with Robert talking while we drunk a beer.
“Robert, we might have a problem, Anita is back.” I blurted out.
“Oh really, just what does she want?”
“At this moment, I have no clue. My guess to pick back up from where we left things off at.”
“We can’t deny she is good to fuck.” Roberts says laughing.
“Nope, we can’t say she’s not. I hate to say it, but probably the best I ever had.” Answering with a smirk as we both laugh.
“Maybe for you Roy, I have had better.” He shrugs
“Better as in my daughter?”
“Speaking of Essence, where is my goddaughter?”
“Damnit Robert, why did you have to do that to her. She hates us now.”
“It’s not my fault, one day I saw her, and she wasn’t little Essence anymore.”
“Robert, from now on just keep your distance from her. Why did you hit her? Did you say you would be here to get kids so you could be with Essence?” I questioned him.
He smiled, the replied, “of course.”
Throwing my head back I take a deep breath.
“Just cool it, all right.”
“I can do that. How she is? The bruises I mean. I did not mean to hit her hard as I did or at all. She is my goddaughter and I should not have ever let it get to this point. When she is okay, I will apologize to her. You have my word.”
“Man, I believe you. No one else knows and will never know.”
“Thanks, Roy. Anita still got that ass on her?” We both laughed.
“Yep, she does.”
A few hours past and Robert finally left. Eleanor and I are the couch watching TV when Essence walked in.
Jumping up off the couch I went to confront her.
“Essence Daniella Harrison, where the hell have you been?”
“You’re worried about the time I am coming home instead of me being raped and molested?” She answered in a sad tone. As she continued, “I didn’t want to be anywhere near him, and I don’t want to be around you either.” She finished then headed up to her room.
“Robert said he would leave her alone, Eleanor.”
“Do you believe him?”
“Yes, El, why shouldn’t I?”
“Come on, lets go to bed. Eleanor said grabbing my hand as we walked to our bedroom to get ready for bed.

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