Chapter 43

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(Two weeks later)
“Essence, be patient. They will be in here shortly to discharge you.”
“I know, I’m just ready to go. I can’t wait to see Kendric. Facetimes and calls are good to an extent. I want to hug him; tell him I miss and love him.” She says with a smile.
“And tell him you are his mom.”
“You don’t think it's too soon.”
“It’s been past time. Kendric needs to know his mother is alive and she will be in his life from this moment forward. We also need to get another birth certificate for him as well with both of our names as his parents.”
“I can’t live with you and Kendric.” Essence blurts out with sadness on her face.
“Why not?”
“Lucas, us living together is not fair to Kendric or either of us. I will stay for a month or so or until I find a place close by. We will do everything you have been saying. I just want to be living in the house with you and Kendric.”
“I’m confused, don’t you want to live with our son.”
“More than anything in this world, but I don’t want him to get the idea his parents are going to get married or that we are in love with each other. We can’t make promises to him neither of us can keep. We can’t live a lie to make him happy because, in the end, he will just be unhappy. We both love him too much to want to see him unhappy.”
Taking a seat beside Essence on the hospital bed looking in her eyes, “how long have you felt this way?”
“Since I talked to Andre, I hate to admit it, but he is right. You will date again in the future, even get married, maybe one day when I heal up, I might want to. Who knows what is going to happen right now our focus is on our son and me going through healing and recovery. We have all been lied to enough, me, you, and Kendric I don’t want to add more lies to this or manipulate his feelings. We are his parents, and we need to do what is best for him.”
“I agree with you, I hate to say it too, but Andre was right,” I tell her as we both laugh.
“Speaking of, where is my brother and Mr. Perez at?”
“They went to get some of your clothes packed. They are going to meet us at the airport.”
“Has Kendric gone back to your parent's house?”
“Between my brothers, Eden, Vita, and my parents he has been all over.”
“Lucas, have you discussed this with your family.” Essence questions with worry etched on her face.
Before replying to the hospital room door opens, “Looks like someone is ready to go.” The doctor says.
“Yes sir, ready to see the most important man in my life.” Essence states.
“I thought the most important man in your life was your husband here?” He asks, pointing at me.
Essence was about to speak when he held up his hand, “I know you young kids think we older folks don’t know anything or what we know is prehistoric, but may I leave you both with this little piece of wisdom.”
“Yes, sir.” We both say.
“Sometimes you just have to sit or lay in the rain.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Essence asks confused.
“Have you ever really walked in the rain or just laid on the ground while it was raining?”
“No, sir.”
“Like everybody else, you pop up an umbrella and get out of it as quickly as you can, but why. The rain makes you experience things you have never felt before, your mind is relaxed. You hear the rain, the songs the raindrops make, and how it echoes on what they fall on. In those moments you feel all those heavy burdens fading away. Like the rain is washing them away. You know the best part about the rain washing your burdens away, you chase them to pick them back up. It’s like toxicity leaving your body, now that doesn’t mean go find more burdens it just means let the rain wash them away and listen to the sounds, relax and know it’s all going to be okay. Even if you must cry out that pain, it will be mixed in with the rain.”
“Couldn’t this be done in the shower?” I ask.
“It could, but where is the fun in that. When you are laying out there and the rain stops, what follows behind it?”
“A rainbow.” Essence says to us.
“Can a rainbow appear in the shower indicating hope and brighter days are ahead? As I understand it you are going out of town to recuperate. We will make your appointments via zoom but in three months I would like to see you and hopefully, by then we will have found you a doctor. I will send a nurse to you, my dear is ready to go.”
Young man, may I see you outside since you will be taking care of her.”
“Yes sir,” I say as we walk outside the room.
“Is something wrong with Essence I need to be aware of?”
No, he is healing up nicely, what you need to know is that the woman in that room is one remarkable rare woman, and these days a woman like that is hard to come by.” He states patting me on my shoulder as he walks past me.
Entering back in the room the nurse got Essence in a wheelchair.
“Let me get the last few things and we will be ready to go.”
Gathering up the last items we headed out. As we waited for the elevator the doctor walks by us whispering in my ear, “remember what I said. She is a one-of-a-kind rare woman.”
 Leaving the hospital, we drove to the airport as the words from the doctor replays in my head.
Sitting beside Essence on the plane, I could tell something was wrong.
“Are you alright?”
“Kendric loves you, it's all going to be alright.”
“What if he asks questions such as who is his biological – “
Interrupting Essence, “we are not telling Kendric anything about him.”
Essence nodding her head in agreement as we made small talk during the flight.
After arriving home, and bringing all the bags in, I broke the silence.
“Before Kendric gets home we should take a shower to get cleaned up.”
“That would be nice.”
Helping Essence upstairs and in the bathroom, I went to my room to take a shower.
“Lucas” hearing Essence call my name, rushing into the guest room she looks up at me speechless.

“Uh, um, can you help me with my bandages please?” “Yes

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“Uh, um, can you help me with my bandages please?”
“Is it bad that when Kendric gets here I want to hug him then go to sleep?”
“I feel the same. You are ready for the shower. Do you need me to help you shower?”
“I think I got it, thank you. If I do need you, I'll yell for you.”
Smiling at her I leave the room.
Walking out of my room, Essence is walking out of the guest room. Helping her down the steps.

“It's almost time for Kendric to get home

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“It's almost time for Kendric to get home. Even is bringing him.”
“I ca-“ Essence was cut off when the door opened.
“DADDDDDDYYYYYYYYYYY” Kendric yells as he runs jumping in my arms.
“I missed you so much. Were you good while I was away?”
“Yes, sir I was, did you take care of Ms. Essence to make sure she gets better.”
“Why don’t you tell me, look on the couch.” Kendric turns his head as his face lights up.
“Ms. Essence, you are better. I missed you too. Did the pictures I drew make you feel better?”
“I missed you more Kendric. The pictures you drew me did make me feel better.” 
Watching as Evan left, I went sitting beside Essence on the couch.
“Daddy, can I sleep in my bed tonight?”
“Yes, you can. Before we do anything else me and Ms. Essence needs to talk to you about something very important.”
“Are yall getting married?” Kendric questions sounding happy and full of excitement.
“No Kendric we are not, this is something more serious.”
“Daddy, what is it.” He asks in a scared tone.


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