Chapter 18

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Three days later  

Pacing back and forth outside of Mrs. Myler's office waiting for her to call Ivy and me in to talk about the Kendric’s mother.
“UGH,” I semi yell out.
“Baby, we are going to get through this. No one is taking our son away. Ivy tells me as I take a seat beside her.
Interlacing our fingers together she talks in a low tone, “we are what is best for Kendric. He only knows us as his family. Is your dad calling off the weeklong trip after Kendric’s birthday?”  
“Ivy, that is not my priority, I’m only focused on Kendric. I could lose my son.” Dropping my head, the sinking feeling took over me again as it has the past few days.  
“Let’s concentration on Kendric’s birthday.” Before Ivy could finish Mrs. Mylers open her door.
“Lucas, come in!” She says, Mrs. Mylers eyes Ivy then speaks again, “And who is this gem?”
“This is my fiancée Ivy. Ivy this is my lawyer who handled Kendric’s adoption, Mrs. Mylers.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ivy. Please have a seat.” Mrs. Mylers tells us as she walks back to her desk.
“Am I going to lose my son?” Not able to hold back, the hard-hitting question came out.
“Lucas this is a hard situation to maneuver around.” She takes a deep breath then she continues.
“Essence went back home, and she did ger her an attorney. Before we go any further do you know all the specifics in the case more so surrounding Ms. Harrison?”
“Not everything. All I know I have been thinking she was dead now come to find out she alive.”
Ivy cuts me off, “the adoption is finalized she can’t come saying I’m his mommy now. Where was she years ago?”  
“It’s not that simple anymore. As I asked, Lucas have you been informed of all that transpired?”  
“No ma’am.”
Mrs. Mylers takes in a deep breath with an unreadable expression on her face.
“Ms. Harrison was a teenager when she got pregnant. Her parents took her child, whom you adopted; however, they told her, her child died during childbirth.” 
The information Mrs. Mylers divulged constricts my passage airways.
“What did you say?” I question in a voice even unfamiliar to myself.
“Her parents orchestrated this scheme and executed it perfectly well. Ms. Harrison would not have ever found out about it if her parents had not died a few days. They manipulated everybody involved.”
Picking up her bottled water, taken a drink she continued.   
“Here is where it becomes tricky; she never gave her child up. She never signed her rights away; she had no indication he was even alive because she thought he was deceased. To further pursue her case, she is having the dead body of the child exhumed to show Kendric is her son.”
“Does she have a case?” I ask with worry in tone.
“I’m not going to lie to you, she does have a case. She has a strong case.”
“What do I need to do to keep my son?”
“Lucas, the dynamic in this case, play in favor of both of you. This is not going to be easy. Whomever the judge is he or she will ultimately have the last say on this matter.”
“Are you preparing me to lose my son?”  
“What I am preparing you for is the realization that no matter who ends up with Kendric, there will be no winner in this case; not even Kendric. I can tell you this upfront it will not be a soul that will not feel sorry and empathy for her. I feel bad for her?”
Ivy interjects, “why can’t Lucas and I move up our wedding. This way we can present a united front and a stable family.”
“I would not rush off to get married, it might turn out to be more harmful than good. If you do decide to take that route, know that Lucas has legally adopted Kendric, you have not. Meaning the marriage would not even stand.”
“Are you saying that we could have to push our wedding date back some more?” Ivy whines.
“Yes, these are the facts. Your both single and you both were manipulated.”
“What can I do to show the judge and court I only want what is best for Kendric, while also showing I am the better parent?”
“To show the court and the judge even before everything begins you need to really get to know Ms. Harrison.”
Ivy chimes in with an aggravated tone, “are you suggesting we become friends with her?”
“Not we sweetie, Lucas.”
“You want them to spend time together. Are you insane?”
“Ivy, this is what is best for Kendric. If the judge rules in favor of Ms. Harrison she might allow Lucas and yall to remain in his life. If you make this hard on her now and she wins custody you can forget about ever seeing Kendric again.”
“Sounds like you’re her lawyer instead of ours,” Ivy states.
“I am Lucas’s attorney and I am telling him the facts. He needs to begin building a real relationship with her. Let her get to know your family. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t Kendric birthday coming up?”
“Yeah in a few days, why do you ask.”
“If you are having him a party, it would be beneficial to invite her. Also, you need to let them meet before the party.”
“This is completely absurd,” Ivy yells out whaling her arms in the air.
“I’ll do whatever I need to do to keep my son.”
“I have never heard of a case like this on the docket before. The judge is going to take into consideration for the past six years you have raised and cared for Kendric; on the other side, his mother has missed six years of his life because he was stolen. This is not going to be easy. Take my advice get to know her and let her know you. Do things together with her and Kendric because a judge could rule joint custody.”
Taken a deep breath, “I’ll do what I need to do for my son and to keep him.”
“I will be in contact with her attorney and keep you posted.”
Standing up we say our good-bye just as I am walking out the door behind Ivy Mrs. Mylers stops me.
“I’m sure Ivy is a nice young lady, but she might be the reason you lose Kendric. I’m not saying you have to leave her, but you do need to talk with her.”
“I will, thank you,” I say shaking her hand.
Arriving at my parents’ house to inform them of the developments of the case. Before I can get out of my car, I am greeted by my parents along with Wyatt and Eden.
Stepping out the car, everybody starts asking what seems like a million questions at once.
“Can yall please,” I say going in the house.
Sitting on the couch, tossing my head back; feeling all their eyes upon me.
“We need to get to know her and treat her as Kendric’s mother. This will go along way with the judge. Yall will meet her at Kendric’s birthday party.”
“Son, is this a good idea?” My mom asks in a concerned tone.
“It’s what my lawyer suggested momma.”
“You said we are meeting her at Kendric’s party, but when will he be meeting her?”
“Today. I can’t prolong the inevitable any longer. We are leaving when we get out of school.”
“You need to rethink this. How do you know Kendric will react to her?” Eden questions.
“I don’t know but if I don’t, I could lose my son for good. The longer I put this off the worse. I just came to fill yall in on what Mrs. Mylers told me. I need to go home and pack. Kendric and I will be back in two days.” Getting off the sofa heading to the door my mom’s voice stopped me.
“Is Ivy going with you?”
“No, mother, just me and Kendric.”
Getting in the car, driving home; bracing myself the best I could for what was going to transpire in the next few hours.


Sitting on the couch staring at the look-a-live doll that I buried six years. “how could they do this to me. Why did they do this?”
“Essence, I’m heading out for a little bit. Will you be okay here alone until I return?” Andre asks me.
“Yeah, I’m just going to lay here and watch a movie on Netflix or something.”
“Let me move this.”
“Just leave it. After all, I have been mourning this doll for the past six years.”
“Essence we know he is alive, and we are going to get him back soon. I’ll see you when I get back. Do you need anything while I am out?”  
“No, just be careful though.”
“I will Lil sis,” Andre said as he leaves closing the door behind him and locking it so I would not have to get up.
Laying on the couch watching the Kissing Booth, jumping when I heard a loud knock on the door.
“Who is it?”
Hearing no response
I went back to the sofa retrieving my phone when I heard knocking again.
Making sure Andre’s number is on my phone screen I open the door.  
“Hey, I’m not sure if you remember me, I’m Lucas.”
Before I could reply I heard the sweetest voice.
“Daddy, I really have to go potty?”
“Can I take him to the bathroom?”
“Of course. Come in. Upstairs to the right third door.
“Thanks” he through over his shoulder.
Tears spill from my eyes, putting my hand over my mouth to muffle my cries. Wiping my face when I heard the toilet flush. A few minutes later they came into view.
“Sorry about that. I would have answered you when you asked who it was, but Kendric asked me a question.”
“It’s okay.” My eyes never leaving my son.
“Kendric, do you remember I told you I wanted you to meet a special lady?”
Watching as he nods his head with a smile more tears fall.
“Daddy, why is she sad?”
Lucas looks up at me, “she isn’t sad, she is overjoyed to meet you. Those are happy tears. Kendric this is Essence.”
“Hey,” he says with a warm smile showing his teeth.
“To make her feel better why don’t you give her a hug.”
He looks up at Lucas, “will it make her feel better, she won't cry.” Kendric asks.
“It sure will make her feel better.” He smiles at me then runs into my arms.
Dropping down to his level, I held my son as I cried.


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