Chapter 16

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Two days later  

“Andre, how do you like this urn for momma?”
“It’s okay. I like the angel weeping urn.”
“What about for daddy?”
“I don’t really care. We can use a trash bag for all I give a fuck.”
“I don’t care what either of them is in. Whatever you want I am fine with it.”
“I’m only concerned about momma. He can fucking have another log penetrate his body and his head rolled over again.” Andre states with disdain in his tone.
Choosing the urn Andre and I walk outside of the funeral home.
“Sis, you alright?”
“I am. Years ago they both stopping being parents; their death does not affect me. Does that make me a bad person?”
“No Essence it does not. Dad I can see, but what did mom do?” Andre questions with worry evident all over his face.
Opening my mouth to talk, Andre’s phone blare through the silence disrupting our conversation.   
Hanging up his phone Andre turned his attention to me. “I have to take off, but we will finish this conversation when I get.” He tells me while hugging me.
“Okay, be careful!”
He smiles at me, “you know it, baby sis.”
While driving the down the road realization hit me when I saw the gas gage was closer to E. Seeing a gas station come into view, turning on my signal light, turning in frustration took over as I see all the pumps were taken.
When a car left from the pump, I took the spot. After getting my money I take it inside to the store clerk. Walking back to my car I heard an old yet familiar voice.  
“Essence! Essence Harrison!  
Looking up a smile grace my face, “Mr. Perez. How are you?” I ask, hugging him.
“I am well. I was trying to get in contact with you and Andre. You both have my deepest sympathy in the loss of your parents.”
“Thank you, Mr. Perez I deeply appreciate that. How is school going?”
“I have yet to get another student as great as you were.” Mr. Perez looks me with an upset look in his eyes as we walk towards my car.
“Essence, I don’t mean to pry; I guess I’m just a little confused. You put in so much work into graduating early and getting into all those schools. I guess all these years I been wondering why you never went to any of those out of state colleges, you applied for.
Eyeballing Mr. Perez inquisitively, “Mr. Perez what are you talking about. I never got any college acceptance letters from out of state schools. I would have gone.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes sir, I am positive.”
Still looking confused at me he spoke, “Essence, I have a meeting I must get to. Since you are no longer a student, may I have your number? I am going to get to the bottom of this matter and find out what happened.”
“Yes sir, you can. Please let me know what happened.”
“I will. It was great seeing you again Essence.”
“You as well Mr. Perez.”  
Arriving home, Andre text me letting me know he would be at home later than he thought.
After watching television and eating dinner, need to relax I went to take a long hot shower.
Just as I was heading to Walk back downstairs to wait for my brother my parents' room caught my eye.
Entering their room, the first thing that catches my eye is a picture of all us together. Remembering the day all too well a slight grin plasters on my face.
Going over to close the closet door a safe in the back right of the closet got my attention.
Finally retrieving the safe; however, I could not crack the code to open it. Trying all our birthday several times and my parent’s anniversary nothing worked.  
Searching around the room for a hint when I spotted an old maternity picture of mine.
Inputting Matthan’s birthday, “let’s give this a try.” I say out loud to no one.
Hearing the safe click, swiftly opening the door I see a bunch of thick envelops.
Pulling them from the safe I see they are all from the various colleges. Tearing into each envelope all the schools accepted me.
“What is going on here?” speaking out loud to myself.
Grabbing the manila folder that was still inside the safe opening it slowly.
“Essence. Sis where you at?” Andre’s voice rang out through the house as I shut the folder.
“I’m in momma and daddy room.”
Andre replied, “I’m going to take a shower.”
Opening the folder again my eyes are immediately fixated on a death certificate which has my name on it. Reviewing the documents my blood begins to boil.
Yelling through the house as I continue to look at the other documents.
Calling out to him again as my breathing becomes restricted.  
Dropping all the papers out of my hands, the warms tears begin to slide down my face.
“Essence, what’s wrong? What is all of this?”  
“Looking up at Andre, “My baby is alive. My son isn’t dead.”


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