Chapter 31

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Two days later  
Arriving at the courthouse early as thoughts consume my mind.
“LUCAS” glancing up I see my parents standing in front of me.
“I’m sorry I was in my world. Dad, have you found out who the lady with Ivy the other day was?”
“Not yet, are you- “
“Dad I heard Ivy call that lady momma and this woman brought up Kendric. I need to know who I have had my son around the past few years.”
“Lucas, we are worried to and I have five of the best PI’s on this matter. Is it possible Essence knows her since she brought up Kendrick?”
“I highly doubt it. I have never seen this woman and as you can tell they are mother and daughter or kin somehow they look alike.”
“That is true, it’s no denying that.”
“Lucas is Kendric aware of what is going on?” My mom questions with concern in her tone.
“I dropped him off at school like I normally do. I didn’t let on about anything. I asked Mrs. Mylers yesterday will the court be adjourned in time for me to pick up Kendric from school.”
“And I told you then you will be able to. Have you found out any more information about Ivy and this mysterious woman?” Mrs. Mylers ask.
“I just informed my son I have several PI’s on this matter. I have told them it takes precedence over every case they have. I will hear something later today or tomorrow.”
Looking up I see Essence walking towards the courthouse with her brother, Mr. Perez, and another man I think is her attorney.
“Listen, from what I know her lawyer is not going to be doing any mudslinging or saying anything below the belt. I know the DNA test will be here today.” Mrs. Mylers states in a firm voice.
“What does that mean?” My mom asks.
“It means each of us is going to present a case with only facts. I have told you, Lucas, this is an unheard-of case, both of you were manipulated. I can’t say with certainty you will keep your son. I can tell you for a sure fact her lawyer is telling her the same thing. There is no guarantee. I wish I could give you more assurance, but I can’t. One of the best things you have going is that you broke up with Ivy and she will not be here to taint the case.”  
“I’m done, done with Ivy. I am focusing on my son and praying I get to keep him.”
“Let’s get inside, the court is about to start. Lucas, I will do my absolute best to make sure you keep your son.” Mrs. Mylers says as we walk into the courtroom.
Walking in Essence and I lock eyes, each us giving the other a sympathetic, I’m sorry smile. Taken my seat fear washes over as I try to contain my emotions.
“Everything is going to be okay, Lucas,” Wyatt says.
“I’m terrified I’m going to lose my son. Nothing about this okay.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I’m trying to have a child by Essence too. I will be Uncle stepdaddy. Yeh, Even Uncle step-daddy has a nice ring to it don’t you think.”  Even says with a wide grin on his face.
“Shut up, Even.”
“What! I’m trying to have a mini swirl Even running the streets.”
“Sometimes I swear momma and daddy found you on the side the road picked you up and told us we are twins,” Eden says rolling her eyes.
“Turn around Lucas, Judge is about to enter. I will do everything in my power to make sure Kendric remains with you but- “
Mrs. Mylers was cut off by the bailiff when he spoke, “All rise”
We all stood up as the bailiff spoke again, “the district court of the state of Pennsylvania is now in session. The Honorable Judge Doris Pilliars Presiding.”
“Thank you, deputy Irwin.” She said in a very intense tone.
“This is case 085642 on the docket in case Harrison Vs. McKeen.” The bailiff says
“Good morning everyone,” the judge says.
I mix of good mornings and mornings fills the room.
“I have read the document pertaining to this case. As I understand it Ms. Harrison your son was kidnaped at birth and Mr. McKeen you adopted the little boy legally. Is this information thus far correct?”
Essence’s attorney and Mrs. Mylers both replied in unison, “yes, your honor.”
“To make this matter more complex, Ms. Harrison your parents are the ones who stole your child and are now deceased. Is this information correct?” The question Essence’s attorney.
“Yes, your honor all the information is correct.” He said aloud.
“Let me just ask this because I do not want to prolong this anymore. Is all the information I have received accurate on both sides?”
“Yes, your honor.” Both attorneys spoke.
“I understand there was a DNA test performed. As instructed no one will bring up the biological father of little Kendric,” she says glancing down at papers in front of her.
“Correct your honor.”
Judge Pilliars removed her glasses as she looks between Essence and me.
“This case is paramount and will not be easy at all.  Mr. Akins call your first witness to stand.” She says putting her glasses back on her face.
“I would Like to call Vincent Perez to the stand, your honor.” Mr. Akins spoke.
Hearing the courtroom door close I turn around to see Ivy walking in coming to take a seat behind me.
“Lucas, what is she doing here?” Mrs. Mylers whispers in an angry tone.
“I have no clue.”
Putting my focus back on Mr. Perez as he was talking.
“While Essence was pregnant, she was still attending school making plans for her and her son.”
“Mr. Perez when you say making plans can you please elaborate?”
“Yes sir, Essence was a top student, however, she was striving for more. She wanted to get into a great school, do more in her field of study. Essence wanted to be an architect.”
“How would Essence have gone to school and raised her son?”
“She had a strong support system and she still has a strong support system.”
“Do you believe Ms. Harrison can raise Kendric even though she has been absent from his life for the past six years?”
“Without a doubt in my mind. Essence is smart and independent. Since the day, her parents told her she “lost” her son I watched her grieve for him. Begging God to take her so she could with her son. She practically lived at the grave she believed her son was buried at. I can say for certain Essence will be a great mother to her son, Kendric. She will finally be able to be the mother of her son that she should have been six years ago. Essence was robbed out of being a mother and Kendric was robbed out of being with his mother.”
“Thank you, Mr. Perez.” Mr. Akins says as he takes his seat.
“Mrs. Mylers,” The judge states.
She stood up walking to the middle of the courtroom, “Mr. Perez let me back up to one of your previous statements, you said Ms. Harrison has a strong support system, but it’s only a few people her supporting her. This support system doesn’t look to sturdy, especially since she just lost her parents.”
“May I please reply to two things you stated?”
“Yes, Mr. Perez, please do and take your time,” She tells him.
“Mrs. Mylers, I can’t and will never identify Essence’s parents as hers. They are her biological parents yes, but were they parents, to her? Hell no,” Mr. Perez faces the judge, “I apologize for using profanity.”  
Turning his attention back to Mrs. Mylers he continues, “I was more of a parent than both hers were combined and if that’s what she needs right now that’s what I will be for her. I would love to call Essence my daughter, I would love to call Andre my son, and I definitely would love to call Kendric my grandson. I can promise you I will never allow anyone to hurt her or do the horrific things they allowed.”
Mr. Perez’s words struck me as I stare at Essence, “what happened to you, what did they allow to happen?” I whisper to myself.
“Also, this is not all of her support systems. Its always going to be quality over quantity. Essence has suffered long enough and if we want to be technical with it Kendric has suffered long enough as well. When Essence found out she was pregnant she was terrified, but as the days went by,” Mr. Perez stopped talking just to smile at Essence.
“As the days went by, the terror she was exhibiting vanished and was replaced with joy and happiness. She was genuinely happy for the first time in a long time. Her was because of her joy, Matthan.”  
“I’m sorry, Matthan?”
“That’s what Essence was going to name him because he was her joy. I saw the joy he brought her before she even had him. Her fight wasn’t with school bullies or too much homework it was with giving her son a better life,” Mr. Perez states.
“Are you saying my client is incapable of giving Kendric a great life?”
“You are trying to manipulate my words. From what I know of Mr. McKeen, is a wonderful young man, very upstanding, respectable in every way and since you are hung up on a support system, he has a big strong support system, but he is not Kendric mother. I will never say he did not raise Kendric to be a great kid, but shouldn’t his mother raise him? Now what I say before you twisted my words was Essence and Kendric had a bond when he was growing inside of her. I remember the little things like that they stand out the most. When she told she picked out his name, he exact words he is my only joy in the world,” tears slipped from Mr. Perez's eyes.
Glancing over at Essence who has tears streaming down her face as well. Mr. Perez continues
“I wish could have seen back then I could have helped her, kept her safe, but when the people that suppose to do that to you are the very one causing you the most pain and damage you don’t trust no one. You what to know how I recall everything about Essence, even without her knowing it I was playing the role of a father to her because hers was shi- trash. So yes, her biological parents are dead, but I am very much alive. Since Kendric is Essence’s joy why not and vice versa why shouldn’t she have custody of him, and she raise him?” Mr. Perez says.
“I have no further questions,” Mrs. Mylers said taking a seat.
“I was not expecting that,” Mrs. Mylers states.
“Am I losing Kendric?” I question with fear surging through my body.
“He was more than convincing. His testimony alone could in fact make it, so Essence gets custody of Kendric. This is not over, do not think the worse, we have a long way to go.” Mrs. Mylers tells me as tears escape my eyes.
“Due to the time, we are going to recess for lunch. Court will reconvene at 2:30 sharp.” The judge says.
Everyone disburses from the courtroom except for me and Essence. We lock eyes again our eyes carried on a conversation that neither of us could.
“Lucas,” hearing Ivy call my name I turn towards her as anger takes over as I storm out the courtroom.
“Lucas wait up.” I hear Ivy call out.
“What the hell are you doing here Ivy?” I came to be supportive. I know we are only temporarily broke-up that why I am having my lawyer draw up adoption papers and we can get married soon as all the nonsense is over.”
“How can I explain this to you, we are done, Ivy. My focus is on my son and nothing else. Answer me this why do you want me to lose custody of my son?”
“Lucas don’t say that,” Ivy begins to cry. “I love you and Kendric so much. You both are my heart. I’m sorry if it comes out wrong. Please Lucas say you understand.”
“I understand you're no good for me and my son, I should have broken up with months, years ago. Stay away from me and Kendric.”
“I’m going to prove my love to you and the love I have for Kendric. They have poisoned you against me. I going to show you I am for real and my love is real.” She says pointing to the engagement ring I gave her then continues, “our love is strong.”
“We have nothing but memories and those are tainted and distorted. My son needs me, and you want me to lose him.” I will not say it again, stay the fuck away from me and my son. If you even think about adopting stop now. Don’t try me, Ivy.

“No Lucas you shouldn’t try me?” Ivy says with a sinister a smirk on her face.


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