Chapter 14

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A few months later  

Waking up stretching my limbs while my eyes adjust to the. Getting out of bed, making my way to Kendric's bedroom. The smile evident on my face grows wider the closer I get to him.
“What are you doing up so early?” I ask as he smiles up at me showing his few teeth.
“Dada,” he says with a wide smile.
“Is someone excited because they are Mr. ONEderful day?” I question picking him up.
Smiling, placing a kiss on his cheeks then continue talking, “Happy first birthday Kendric!”
Hearing my phone ring loudly, heading back to my room retrieving my phone, answering it.
“Hello,” I say
“Good morning, I am trying to get in touch with Mr. Lucas McKeen.”
“This is him; how may I help you?” I inquire as I sit Kendric on my bed.
“Yes sir, you placed an order at Balloon World a few weeks ago. I am calling you early this morning because we would like to know if we can come set up for the party earlier than anticipated?” The man tells me.
“Sure, that is fine with me. I will still have the same color balloons, correct?”
“Yes, sir, white, black, and gold, right sir.”
“Yes, it is, when will becoming?”

“We will be there in approximately four hours; this will give us time to set up everything.”
“That’s fine. I will see you all then.”
He said good-byes, hanging up the phone, picking Kendric up off the bed.
“They are coming early to set up for your party. What do you think about that?”
Laying his head on me, I spoke again, “Let’s eat breakfast then you can take a nap. You have a long day ahead of you.”
Walking into the kitchen, a knock rang through the house.
“Who is coming to see you this morning?”
Opening the door, Kendric is immediately snatched out of my hands.
“Good morning to you also, Eden,” I say in an irritating tone
“How is my handsome nephew? Are you ready for your party? Auntie got you the best gift ever. Actually, I got you more than one gift.”
“Eden, just what all did you get him?”  
“It’s Kendric’s birthday, I can get him whatever I want!” She tells me walking off to the kitchen.
“Did everybody get what they are supposed to be wearing?”
“I know momma and daddy did, now our brother’s is a different story.”
“Eden, you mean to tell me you have no clue what they are wearing?”
“All I know is auntie has her dress. Yes, she does, yes she does.” Eden says as she plays with Kendric.
“I’m almost finish with breakfast; are you eating with us?”
“Of course, I am.”
Cleaning up the kitchen, Eden took Kendric to his room to put him down for a nap.
Getting things set up for the party Eden came in and starts helping me.
“A lot has changed hasn’t it?”
“You mean me being a father, Eden?”
“I mean everything.”
A knock at the door interrupted us.
“I think it’s the balloon company here to set up. “
Going to open the door, Eden is on my heels.
“I have to go get ready. I’ll be back soon.” Eden quickly wrapped her arms around me, as she whispers, “thank you, baby brother.”
Opening the door Eden went out as the workers came in.
As I was finishing up getting Kendric ready, my phone rung.
“Who is calling, they all should be here,” I say to him as he grins.
“I didn’t feel like walking upstairs, everything is set up. Just waiting on the guest of honor.” Wyatt states.
Hanging up the phone, smiling at Kendric, “everybody is waiting on you; are you ready to go?” I ask as I pick him up.
Walking downstairs holding Kendric my family and a few close friends of mine are all smiles as they take pictures of us.
During the party, with slipping outside gazing up at the sky.
“Ms. Harrison, Kendric’s mom; I just want to say thank you for blessing me I the greatest gift in life. I hope you continue to watch over us. I wish I could tell him about you. I’ll make sure he will forever know you love him.”
“Lucas, who are you talking to?”
“No one dad. Is it time for cake?”
“It sure is. Before we go inside, let me say this. I couldn’t be prouder of you son,” He says hugging me, then continued talking, let’s go, I want to see my grandson open his gifts.”
Laughing we go into the house to finish celebrating Kendric’s first birthday.

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