Chapter 19

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Days later
Kendric’s birthday  

“Daddy, daddy, dadddddddddyyyyyy!” Kendric continued calling out to me until I open my eyes.
“Kendric, must we go through this every morning?”
Excitedly he Kendric yells, “but today is special!”
“What is so special about today?”
“You know it’s my birthday daddy.”
“No, it can’t be your birthday that would mean your growing up on me.”
“You grew up on grandma and granddaddy.”
“I did not. I just got tall.”
Kendric burst out laughing as he talks, “and old.”
Grabbing Kendric I begin tickling him, hearing his loud squeals fill my bedroom, brought a smile to my face.
Loud laughter from Kendric
He keeps yelling out while laughing.
Putting him down on my bed, looking over at him fear and pain washed over me. Quickly masking it by plastering a smile on my face.
“I love you, Kendric!”
“Daddy, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t want you to grow up anymore on me.”
“Don’t worry daddy, I will always be your little boy.” He says hugging me.
“What did you get me for my birthday?” Kendric said happily.
“You will get that at your birthday party.”
“Aw, man.” Kendric sounded disappointed then continued, “Aunt Eden got me something big, just like granddaddy did.”
“Are you sure?” Stopping all movement, Kendric then looks at me.
“Yes, I’m sure. I’m going to get ready for my party.”
“You are going to eat breakfast first Kendric.”
The party  
Watching Kendric as guests begin to fill. Seeing my family in various places outside. I sent them a text telling them to meet me inside in the kitchen.
My parents walked in holding hands with worry evident on their faces.
Wyatt and Eden rush in with the same looks upon their face.
“What’s wrong?” Eden question in a scared tone.
“Where is Even?”
Glancing out I see him talking to one of the kid’s mothers.
“Soon as I get Even, I’ll explain everything.”
Walking over to Even, he holds up his hand for me to stop. Motioning for him to come then pointing at Kendric so he would what this is about.
Entering the house with Even right on my heels
“This better be important?” Even spoke in an annoyed tone.
“As you all know I took Kendric- “
“Hello everybody. I thought I was going to be back before now. Why are you all in here standing around in the kitchen?” Ivy asks as she took off her shades.
“I’m glad you’re here now, I won’t have to repeat this. When I took Kendric to meet his biological mom, I invited her to his birthday party.”
“You invited her to our son’s birthday party, without discussing this with me?” Ivy semi shouted
“Ivy, he’s my son and I’m going to do what I have to do to keep my son. I need all of you to treat her with the utmost respect. Wyatt and Even please do not hit on her. Be friendly and courteous to her.”
“What’s her name?” Eden asks.
“Her name is Essence. I honestly do not know much about her. During the visit, her attention was solely on Kendric. Oh, and her brother Andre will be becoming with her today. I meet him as well; he is a nice man and had fun getting to know his nephew.”
Silence fell over us until Wyatt's voice broke it, “exactly who does Kendric know her as?”
“I told him she was a special lady and a close friend of mine who couldn’t wait to meet him.”
“Hum.” Ivy says irritated rolling her eyes as she spoke, “I know what your lawyer said but this is too much Lucas. Is Kendric’s father showing up too? Hell does she even know who his father is?”
“IVY” My voice boomed throughout the kitchen.  
“This is what I am referring to. If she would have walked in and heard the shit you said, she would have had Kendric by the end of the day. I don’t know anything about that guy, and I don’t want to know. I am his father and he is my son nothing else matters. She is his mother whether any of us wants her to be or not. Kendric was stolen from her; for six years she has been grieving him only to find out it’s a doll. I, me, Lucas, Kendric's father decided to have her to come so she could see him celebrate a birthday for the first time.”
“Son, we all stand behind you and will do what you need us to do.” My father spoke in his domineering voice.  
“I’m excited to meet her!” Eden states with a warm smile.
“They should be here any minute. Kendric knows she is coming, and he is eager to see her. I am unsure how long they are standing but when she wants to see Kendric is will do my best to make sure she does before she goes back home.”
“I will be on my best behavior little brother.” Even says with a smirk.
“I don’t like this, but I will do it for Kendric sake.” Ivy states with attitude.  
“While we are all here, we are leaving first thing Tuesday morning for the annual lake house trip. Do not be late.” My father tells us with a stern voice.  
“WHAT!” Ivy yells out.
A knock on the door interrupted our conversation.
“I think that’s her. Yall can go out and about and I will introduce yall to her.” I spoke as everyone exited the kitchen.
Opening the door, Essence is standing with her brother beside her and an older white gentleman.  
“Hey,” I say with a smile then continued, “did you find the house okay?”
“Yes, I did. I’m sorry I am late.”
“You’re not late, some parents just like to bring their kids early.” 
“I hope you don’t mind; I brought an extra guest with me. This is Mr. Perez.”
Extending my hand to his “It’s nice to meet you. I am Essence’s former teacher.”
“Nice to meet you as well. Please come in and enjoy the party. I am not sure where- “
“Lucas your ass said you weren’t going all for my godson, what do you call all of this,” Vita says as she looks at Essence, Andre, and Mr. Perez.
“I am so sorry; I did not mean to intrude. Pardon my unnecessary outburst.
“It’s okay. You said you are Kendric’s godmother?” Essence questions with a hint of sadness in her voice.
“Yes, I am,” Vita states with a warm smile.
“Vita, meet Essence, Andre, and Mr. Perez.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all!” Vita says happily, as she continues, “here let me take your gifts and I will put them on the table with the others. Again, I deeply apologize. Continue yall’s conversation before I disrupted it.”  
“I’m sorry about Vita. Let’s head inside and find the birthday boy.”
Essence smile grew bigger the closer we got to the back yard.
“Daddy, daddy, you mis-“   
Kendric stops speaking to me when he sees Essence.
“Ms. Essence you came.” He says wrapping his little arms around her.
“Come on!” He articulates joyfully pulling me and Essence with him.  
After playing with Essence and Kendric I went to check on the food and drinks. Entering the kitchen, I notice Mr. Perez is on the phone with someone.
“Yes, everything is fine. We will talk when I get back.” He says then hangs up his phone.
“You have a lovely home young man.”  
“Thank you, sir, but this is my parents’ home. They purchased this house a few months ago.”
“I watched her grieve who she thought was her son. I haven’t seen Essence this happy in years.”
“If you don’t mind me asking sir, how do you know Essence?”
“I am her former teacher. When she informed me of what all her parents had done; I told her whatever I could do to help I will.”
“Do you always go all out for your students or is it- “
“Let me stop you now Lucas, Essence is a wonderful young woman who has a lot of promise I know this firsthand. Her parents didn’t just steal her son, they stole a lot more from her. So, before you start insinuating that it’s something going on between Essence and me, you are wrong. Instead of implying that it might be something between us, why don’t you get to know her for yourself.” After speaking to me Mr. Perez bores wholes in me before walking off.
Getting together some more food taken it outside when I notice Vita and Andre are talking.
Looking at Kendric paly with his friends I couldn’t help but smile.
“Before I forget to tell you, thank you again for inviting me. You have no idea how much this means to me.”
“You are welcome. I – “
“Lucas, momma is looking for you. She wants to know- “
Eden looks at Essence with a grin on her face.
“Eden, this Essence. Essence, this is my sister Eden.”
“It is so nice to meet you. Kendric takes his looks from you.” Eden states as her grin grows.
“Thank you. Are you Lucas’s only sister?”
“I am the only sister; however, we do have two brothers. My twin Even and Wyatt, speaking of there is Wyatt.” Eden utters the last part but motions Wyatt over to us.
“Would it be more beneficial if you just meet all of my family now?”
“Yeah, I would like that.”
As we are walking over to where my mother is, I see Kendric and my dad playing.
“Mom, this is Essence, Essence this is my mom robin McKeen.”
My mom hugs Essence then speaks to her, “sweetie, it is such a pleasure to meet you.”
“Likewise, Mrs. McKeen.”
“Hey, I’m Even, I’m in a bit of a rush about to have a killer fight with my nephew.”  
“Is Even and Kendric close?” Essence asks.
Eden laughs responding, “he closes with Even and Wyatt but he loves m –“ Eden stops realizing her choice of words she runs off.
“I’m sorry about that.”
“Don’t be. Kendric has been your family and it’s the only family he knows. I understand, but.”
“But at the end of the day, he is your biological son, right.” Ivy states as she interrupts Essence before continuing to speak, “Hello, I’m Ivy, Lucas’s fiancée; it is nice to finally meet you.”
“It’s a pleasure. Congratulations to you both.”
“Thank you! Where is your boyfriend?” Ivy questions.
“Ivy, it’s a call for you in the house,” Vita tells her.
Mouthing a quick thank you to Vita Wyatt and Even join us.  
“Eden is with dad and Kendric. They have started with the pictures.” Wyatt says in an annoyed tone.
“What are yall still doing over here? Let’s take these pictures. Oh, hello dear I’m Samuel, Lucas’s father, and Kendric’s granddad. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s a pleasure, Mr. McKeen.”
“Come on we can’t keep the birthday boy waiting. Essence, you come on too.” My father says wearing a genuine smile.   
Getting in front of the picture wall with various props my mom speaks, “Lucas you and Essence take some photos with Kendric.”
Essence and I eye each other.
Picking up Kendric, as Essence stands beside me, we take a few pictures before Even’s loud voice spoke, “act like yall are his parents and it's his birthday. Jeez.”
Smiling at Essence we took the advice and did a lot of crazy pictures. Essence did some of Kendric by herself.
“Wait just one more with daddy and Ms. Essence.” Kendric pleads.  
“I’ll take it!” Vita says overly excited.
“Ivy, I thought you left,”  Eden tells her.  
Walking away from Kendric, Essence, and Vita, eyeing Ivy.
“Are you trying to make me lose Kendric?”
“What am I supposed to think when my fiancé is hugged up with another woman.”  
“Ivy they weren’t all hugged on each, and Kendric asked them to take the picture,” Eden tells her.
“Granddaddy, can Ms. Essence come to the lake houses with us next week? Pleasssssssse.”  
Essence leans over to my ear asking, “what is he talking about lake houses?”  
“We go every year.”
“Please granddaddy.” Kendric begins pouting.
“Kendric.” Looking at him he straightens his face.
“I don’t see why not; she sure can join us. Your brother is welcome to join us as well.” My father replies
“Thank you, sir, but I will be out of town for a few weeks with my job. Thank you for the invitation gesture thought.” Andre tells my father.
“Lucas you told me this trip was canceled.” Ivy states in an aggravated tone.
“I never told you it was canceled, I said I am not focused on the trip.”
Responding Ivy has tears forming in her eyes, “I changed my work schedule around, there is no way I can take off now.”  
“I wish I could, but I can’t, I have to work. I’m so sorry as much as I want to spend this time with you, I can’t.” Essence says.
“Essence I know your boss. I can get you the week off.” Mr. Perez chimes in.
“Now will you come with us, Ms. Essence?”
Essence smile nodding her head.
“Well all the lake houses are full and no more are available. Sorry.” Ivy says in a condescending tone.
“Well, Essence can stay in the lake house with Lucas and Kendric. Thanks for pointing that out Ivy.” Vita states with a smirk on her face.
Ivy bores her eyes into me as she seething with anger.    


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