Chapter 17

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“Essence, what are you talking about?” Andre asks as worry laced his tone.
Still shaking gathering up the documents I hand them over to him.
Silence fills the air as unasked questions between Andre, and I are suspended in the air.
Andre spoke cracking the silence, “wh-why did they do this?”
“If my son is alive, who the fuck did I bury?” I say aloud.
Still trying to wrap my head around this newfound information rage starts to slowly creep in.
Standing to my feet rage consume me
Screaming out as I broke pictures hung neatly on the walls. Picking up a lamp on the nightstand smashing it against the wall. Grabbing a photo of my parent’s, I hastily ripped it up, “WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?” Yelling out as Andre came hugging me while I cry.
“Andre, I’m going to go get my son, and I’m going now.”
Getting out of his grasp heading toward the door when his voice halts me.
“Essence, you can’t go right now, it’s night. Wait until morning and we can get all of this sorted out.”  
“Andre, it has been six long-ass years. I am not waiting another minute. I am going to get my son. You can stay, I won’t be mad at you, but he is my son. I’m not waiting around for nothing else.”
Walking out the bedroom, retrieving my phone from the back the pocket of my pant to look for flights out tonight to Pennsylvania.
“Baby sis book the flight for two, I am going with you.” He tells me with a warm smile.
“It’s a flight leaving in approximately two hours. We have to pack fast.”
Running through the airport trying to make it to the gate before the plane security stops us.
“What seems to be the rush you two?” 
“Sir, we are trying to make the plane before it leaves.”
“Well – “
“Listen, man me and my sister need to get in this plane now and you are holding us up much like the traffic jam we were in. Can you kindly step aside.” Andre tells the man.
Moving out the way we took off again.
Sitting on the plane holding the picture of Matthan happy tears spill from my eyes.
“Sis you never told me, who is Matthan's father?”
Andre’s question caught me off guard. Getting my son would mean Robert could want to be in his life.
“Essence if you don’t want to talk about it, I understand.”
Resting my head on his shoulder, “thanks.” I mumble out.
As the plane descends, my heartbeat quickens.
“You alright, Essence?”
“I will be soon as I have my son in my arms.”
After getting off the plane and retrieving our bag Andre rented us a car.
“Andre, I need your phone. I need to try to find the man who adopted Matthan. I think his name is Lucas McKeen.”
“Sis, we need to check into the hotel before it gets too late. I am just going to let them know we are here, then we going to get Matthan.” Andre tells me while handing me his phone.
“That’s fine. It will give me time to find this man.”
Using Andre’s Instagram, I was able to find him. The first picture I saw was him in front of a house, with the caption we got a new house.
Going to google searching to get his address.
As Andre got in the car all his information came up.
“Andre, I found his address.”
“Let’s go get Matthan.”


“Lucas,” Ivy’s voice rang through the house.
“Yes, sweetheart.” I came behind her snaking my arms around her waist.
“Since Kendric is staying with Wyatt and Even tonight, does thi mean we can christen?”
Smile placing a kiss on her neck, “of course we are, no sleep for you tonight.”
Ivy turns facing me kissing me passionately.
Pulling away, eyeing me seductively taken off my shirt, “I’ll be right back.”
Heading up the stair, I stop in my track when someone is knocking and ringing the doorbell.
Opening the door before saying anything the unknown woman spoke.
“Where is my son, I want him now.”
“Excuse me, ma’am, but I don’t have your son. I don’t even know you.”
“Are you Lucas McKeen?” She asks.
“How do you know my name; better yet how did you find my house?”  
“You adopted my son about six years ago. I googled you on my way over here.”
“That is very impossible. I don’t know who has your child or told you I do but I don’t. now please leave my premises and lose all my information.”
“I’m not leaving without my son.” She says as tears slide down her face.
“Hold on, I’m going to end this charade now.”  
Going to the study, finding the box containing all Kendric’s adoption. Getting the death certificate and the letter the parent’s left I went back to the front door.
Handing her the documents, “as you can see my son’s mother died. She died giving birth.”
“I’m Essence Harrison.” She says with a stern voice.
“She’s dead. Stop mocking my son’s birthmother. Now you and your husband leave.”
“I have said I will not leave without my son, and I am not. This is my brother, not my husband, and I can prove I’m whom I say I am.”
Looking in her pocketbook she takes out her wallet, passing her driver’s license.
“Your license is your proof?” I question her.
She hands me several photos of some of her when she was pregnant and some of her and her family. Memories of them resurfaced seeing them in pictures with her.  
“They told me you were dead.” Speaking lowly.
“I’m very much alive and have been for six years. I want my son.”
She and I locked eyes neither of us backing down until Ivy’s voice broke through.
“Honey, who are these people?” She asks.
“This is Kendric’s biological mother.”
“Give me my son and we are leaving.” Essence states.
“I’m calling the police,” Ivy announces.  
Standing waiting for the police to come, looking at Essence I see her and Kendric look a lot alike.
When the police pulled up, I heard Essence's brother speak.
“Baby sis, you good?”
“I will be soon as I get my son.” She replied.
“What seems to be the trouble?”
Before I can speak, Essence beat me to the punch, “I want my son.”
“Is he the father?” The office asks her.
“Somewhat. He adopted my son.”
“Ma’am I am sorry, but this matter has to go through the courts. If your deadline has not passed you can get your child back if the adoption has not gone through.”  
“You don’t understand, my son was stolen from me, he adopted my son and I want my baby.”
“What’s the child’s name in question?” The other office questions us.
Both of us answer in unison
“Ma’am, I deeply feel for you, but he legally adopted your son, I am sorry he was stolen from you we can’t do anything. This is a matter for the courts to decide.”
Her brother held her as she begins to cry.
“If nothing else, we will be on our way. This is private property. You two have to vacate the premises now.”
“I will get my son back.” Essence tells me then walks off with her brother.
Watching all of them depart, closing the door behind me, fear took over me.
“Lucas, what are we going to do?”
“I don’t know,” I say to Ivy


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