Chapter 8

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Same day

Staring down with a smile at the baby boy, “you are just cuteness overload, you know that?” I questioned as if he could respond.
“Hey, Lucas, whom do you have here?” My co-worker Vita asked me.
“He doesn’t have a name. His grandparents just dropped him off. Their daughter died while giving birth to him, and they can’t take care of him.” I replied while looking down at him then continued.
“They left her death certificate and his birth certificate.”
Vita came closer to us her smile grew bigger when she saw him.
“He is precious. Can I hold him?” She requests.   
“Of course! Watch his head.” I told her.
“Lucas, this is not my first time holding a baby.” She utters laughing.
Vita barely has him in her arms when he burst out crying very loudly.
“It’s okay little guys.” She says trying to soothe his cries, making him only cry louder.
“Here. I am not about to deal with a crying baby.” Vita says as she places him back in my arms.
Instantly he begins to quit and calm down.
“Seems he likes Luke.”
“I’m fond of this little guy too. I will catch up with you a little later. I am going to change, feed, and put him down for a nap.”
“Have fun,” Vita replies with a smile.
As I was leaving for the day the baby would not stop crying. Caving in I decided to stay with him.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere,” I say placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
Next day
Slowly waking up my eyes adjusting to the lights in the room. Trying to move when a pain shot through my body. Placing my hand on my stomach realizing set in.
“My baby, where is my baby?” I questioned out loud to anybody.
“Essence, how are you feeling?” My father asks me.
“Where is my baby, where is Matthan?” Looking around I see a horrid appearance on my parents and Andre’s face.
“Somebody please tell me what is going on,” I shouted
“Essence, there is no easy way to say this.”
“Just say it, please.”
Watching my mom take a deep breath she readied herself to tell me as my father beat her to it.
“Your son died during birth.”
With every word he was saying I became paralyzed. Tuning everything out my mind went blank as an unknown feeling surged through my body like hot lava.
“Just give me Matthan, give me my son,” I said not even recognizing my voice.
“Essence,” Andre said my name softly.
“GIVE ME MATTHAN” I screamed out as the liquid fire spilled from my eyes while Andre just held me while I am crying.
Staring into the air hoping this was a nightmare, but moment by moment my pain and emptiness intensified. Only feeling the warm tears slowly slide down my face.
After what felt like another lifetime my mom’s voice broke the painful silence.
“Essence, he is down in the morgue, I took him myself. If you want to, we can go see him.”
Unable to speak, I just nodded my head in a yes motion.
My mom called in for nurses to come to get me. A few minutes later it was a soft knock on the door then two nurses entered the hospital room.
Andre held my hand as I was being wheeled down to the morgue. As each second passed I could feel not only my heart but the inside of my heart being ripped to shreds.
“Essence, we’re here. Are you ready?” My questions.
Nodding head, but everything inside of me was screaming and becoming broken.
The nurses stepped outside the room. Watching my mom as she pulled open a draw-type thing.
My breath comes caught in my throat as I see my son’s lifeless body laying on it.
“MATTHAN” I screamed out going to him.
“You can’t touch him Essence.” My mother tells me.
Sitting on the cold floor staring at my son’s lifeless body.
“My precious baby boy, I love you past the heaven in the skies,” I said as broke down crying.
“Are you ready to go?” My father asks.
“No, I want to stay with my son,” I responded in a low tone.
“Jellybean, we can’t stay too much longer. The funeral home will be shortly to get him. We have to get ready to make the proper arrangements for Matthan.” My dad spoke with sincerity.
“Can I have a few more minutes.”
My mom answered, “yes you can.”  
“I wish I could wake up from this horrific dream to me holding you in my arms. Knowing I will never be able to do simple things such as hold your hand tears my heart apart even more. I have eight months of memories that I will treasure and keep safe in my heart. The bond we share time and distance will never be able to break apart. My heart aches so bad Matthan, all I want is to have you back. I am longing to hear you cry, hear you laugh, say your first words, but I guess that time will have to wait for a little while. Until I see you again, I will always look to the sky and search among the stars for you my beautiful son.” I said to my son as the tears continued to flow.
“Sweetie, the funeral home is here now.” My father tells me.
Seeing them get Matthan preparing to take him away from me, my breath comes constricted, my heart beats faster as they neared the door with him.
“GOD, NO. PLEASE DON’T TAKE MY SON, PLEASE!” I yelled out as I collapse to the floor crying out loud.



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