Chapter 33

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Laying in bed dreading the day ahead; closing my eyes trying to silence my thoughts.
God, please grant me your strength to make it through today, and please God let the court rule in my favor that I get my son back. I miss him so much. Out of all the hell I went through he is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Please be with us God, me, and Kendric. In your name, I pray.
Picking up my phone off the nightstand to check the time when I saw over 20 minutes call and 36 texts from Lucas. Not bothering to read any of the text putting my phone back down.
Getting out of bed going to the bathroom to do my morning routine. After getting dressed I went down the hotel dining room to get me a get me some break.
“I have been waiting for you.” His voice hit me like a ton of bricks.

“Lucas, what are you doing here?” “Why did you leave last night?” “I can’s deal with this right now

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“Lucas, what are you doing here?”
“Why did you leave last night?”
“I can’s deal with this right now. Where is Kendric?”
“He is with my mom they are having an early breakfast together. Back to my question, why did you leave last night?”
“I have to go.”
“Essence, stop.”
“What do you want from me, Lucas?”
“For you to be honest with me, tell me the truth and I don’t just mean about last night.”
Boring into Lucas's eyes, fear took over me, “just leave me alone.”
“Why did you leave? I miss read things because you wanted it just as much as I did.”
“I can’t,” I say as tears slip from my eyes as I turn leaving going back to my room.
Sitting on the edge of the bed deep in thought as the time passed by. Hearing a knock on the door brought me out of my thought. Getting up walking towards the door, “who is it?” I question. 
“Me baby sis.” Andre’s says
Opening the door Andre is looking at me with confusion evident all over his face.
“Essence you alright?” He asks with worry in his tone.  
“Yeah, just getting ready for today. I’m thankful Mr. Akins has it, so I don’t have to talk about Robert what all happened.”
“I wish you would have told me this when it was going on. I hate you went through this and I couldn’t protect you.”
“Andre, I told you why I never told you. Robert drugged us and took pictures of us in compromising positions. He always told me if I ever told anyone he would say I was saying it was him, you were the one raping and beating me, Dre. I couldn’t and wouldn’t take that chance. He is very devious, and he would have done it. He said the pictures were in your room or they would be when the cops searched your room.”
“Sick fuck was going to continue helping him. Not giving a damn he was hurting his kids. I wish he were still alive so I could kill him myself.”
“I just want to get my son back; he can continue rotting in hell and as for Robert I hope he gets life in prison and I won’t have to deal with him or his family.”
“Fuck them, they not going to do shit, and if they try, I’m here now so you’re not fighting alone.”
“I know but we need to get to court.”
“You ready?”
Standing up with a smile on my face, “as ready as I will ever be.”
Arriving at the courthouse, Mr. Akins, and Mr. Perez are talking among themselves.
“Hey, sorry about being late.”
“You’re not late. We have a little bit to go over what is going to happen today.”
Nodding my head in understanding Mr. Akins continues speaking, “first and foremost, you do not have to bring up what happened to you or who Kendric’s father is. You will have to talk about what happened after you had him. If you brought things in preparation for his arrival, what happened when you went into labor. I am unsure what Mr. McKeen’s attorney will ask you, the best advice is, to be honest, and heartfelt.”
“Yes, sir,” I spoke softly as my nerves begin getting the best of me.
Looking over I see Lucas walking up with his lawyer. Our eyes instantly lock.
Turning my attention to Andre, he was looking at me with confusion, “You alright?”
Glancing back at Lucas once more, looking back at Andre, “yes, I’m ready.”  
Entering the courtroom taking my respective seat when my anxiety and worries slowly fuel my insides.
“Essence, Mr. McKeen will take the stand first then we will adjourn for lunch, when we return you will take the stand; after your testimony, it will be left up to the judge.” Mr. Akins whispers in my ear.   
Nodding my head as my words are lump in my throat.
“ALL RISE!”  The bailiff states to the courtroom, as we all stood up.
Standing up as the judge came in my mind went blank. Moments later feeling a tug on my arm, glancing over at Mr. Akins.
“Sit down, Essence.” Mr. Akins murmurs in my ear with concern evident on his face.
“I wasn’t listening, I’m sorry.”
“Essence, this is the crucial part of the case yours and Mr. McKeen’s testimony. Make sure you are paying attention.”
Nodding my head in understanding.
“Plaintiff you may call your next witness,” the judge tells Mr. Akins.
“Your honor, I would like to call Mr. McKeen to the stand.” Mr. Akins
Lucas took the stand as our eyes meet momentarily.
When the bailiff moves over to the side Lucas sat down. Mr. Akins stood up as he begins his examination.
 “Good morning, Mr. McKeen,” Mr. Akins starts.
“Good morning.”
“Could you tell us about the day Mr. and Mrs. Harrison brought Kendric to your place of employment?”
“Yes, sir, I can. It was midmorning when they came in. They had Kendric, at that time he did not have a name. They had him wrapped up told me their daughter died giving birth to him. During this time, they also informed me they would not be able to care for Kendric.”
“You didn’t investigate what caused Ms. Harrison’s so-called death.”
“No sir, I did not. They were emotional and seem to be struggling with the decision. I did not want to compound on to the questions about the death of their daughter.” Lucas says to Mr. Akins.
“What made you want to adopt Kendric?”
“My best friend and Kendric’s godmother talk to me about it. After speaking with her I knew I would be devastated if I never saw Kendric again. I told my family and the next day I begin taken the proper steps to adopt Kendric.”
“Mr. McKeen in the past six years as Kendric ever ask where his mother was or why doesn’t he have a mother?”
“When he was younger, yes he did. He asked why he doesn’t have a mom like other little boys and girls.” Lucas states getting chock on his words as he continues, “I told my son what was told to me.”
“Since you have found out his mother is alive have you since recanted your statement and told him his mother is alive?”
“No, I have not. I wanted him and Ms. Harrison to build a bond together and I need to make sure my son understands what is going on. He is only six and I need to protect him and make sure he completely understands.”
Mr. Akins interjects with a question “Just exactly when do you plan to tell Kendric? Next week, next year, never perhaps?”
“That is where you are wrong. I do plan to tell my son his mother is alive. If I wanted to keep that truth from him, I would have never allowed Ms. Harrison around. You weren’t there when my son who was three and a half years old asked why he doesn’t have a mother and asked was it because he was a good enough child or some other reason. I told him his mother loves him so much. Yes, I told him she died I held my son for days as he cried. I even contacted her parents to find out where she was buried. When Essence, I mean Ms. Harrison came to my front door I didn’t know what to think or to do. I had to investigate for myself and do what was best for Kendric. Not me, and not her, I had to do what was best for him. Not for one second have I regretted my decision in letting Ms. Harrison into Kendric's life. They were both robbed out of years together. It breaks my heart and hurts me to the core her parents were this foul they would hurt her and Kendric in this manner. I love and enjoy watching their bond grow, however, as his father, I need to do what is best for Kendric. Yes, I am well aware Ms. Harrison is Kendric’s mother, yes, but he doesn’t know that and we as adults need to do what is right by him. Let’s just say When I took Kendric to meet Ms. Harrison for the first time and he said I never want to see her again and he was scared? Even if I tell my son now his mother is alive how do you or anyone suggest we go about explaining this narrative of what transpired. What if he says he never wants to see Ms. Harrison again? What if he feels like she abandoned him and shuts down on everybody? He could feel we all liars and manipulating his life. So, yes, I will do what I must do, to protect Kendric. You can also so I am protecting Ms. Harrison as well. I love my son I have since the day he was placed in my arms. I vowed I would also protect him, and I am no matter how wrong it may seem.”

“No further questions your honor,” Mr. Akins says taken his seat.
“Your witness,” the judge spoke to Lucas’s attorney.
She stood up, “thank you, your honor. Mr. McKeen, why do you think your son was so receptive of Ms. Harrison?”
“It could because I raised him with good manners. I taught him at an early how to treat people. That does not mean Kendric is not allowed to have his feelings.”
“You mention that you informed Kendric his mother died, do you and Kendric do anything to honor her memory? Well at the time when you were told she was dead.”
“Yes, we did. On her death certificate, it has her birthday, every year Kendric and I would make a cake for her, go outside sing happy birthday to her. We also made angle Christmas ornaments with her name on them. My son wanted his mother in some way to be incorporated into the holidays I wanted to make sure it happened. Every year since I told him his mom died, we have both kept her memory alive. Every year on her birthday I would stand and thank her for the greatest gift, my son, and that I hope I am doing a great job raising him.”
“Mr. McKeen you also indicated you tried to get in touch with Ms. Harrison’s parents. Was it just that one time or multiple times?”
“It has been multiple times I reached out. I sent them pictures of Kendric. Before I adopted Kendric I send a letter asking if they changed their minds or even wanted to be a part of his life. I would send cards throughout the year but nothing. I wanted Kendric to know his mom’s side of the family.”
“Why was that important to you?”
“Kendric needs to know his family and where he came from. I want to do right by my son, him nor his mother deserve that but if they didn’t-“ Lucas stops mid-sentence as tears begin to fall from his eyes.
Minutes later Lucas continues, “if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have my son. I would not have had the honor and privilege to get to know him, raise him to be a father to him. I love my son and I beyond grateful I have him, I can’t imagine my life without.” Lucas states with tears streaming down his face.
“No further questions.” His lawyer says sitting down.
“We are going to adjuring for lunch and reconvene at 2:00 PM sharp.” The judge says.  
Leaving out the courtroom I turned around and saw Lucas still sitting on the stand wiping his tears being comforted by his mom.
“Essence are you okay,” Andre asks.
“I honestly don’t know right now,” I say hugging Andre.


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