Chapter 27

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“What do you mean a setback?”
“Essence, you were raped and apparently for a while as you describe, which means the judge will order and demand he take a paternity test. When it comes back, he is the father he will be hit with countless charges. Here is the downfall; he will try to get out of the charges by saying he won’t fight custody and sign over his rights. However, that may not work either.”
“So, he will still get out of raping me?”
“What do you mean still, Essence? I need for you to be completely honest and transparent with me, what did he do or say to you.”
“I do not have any evidence, but I know Robert drugged me and my brother. He put us in compromising positions made it like we were sexually together. He took pictures and videos of us and he always told me if I told anyone he would show them and say it was Andre and not him. He would send my brother to prison for raping me, and he never did anything to me.”
“Are you serious?”
“He is sneaky, and he will always get away with what he did to me. Like he said he would.”
“I know this is hard and something you don’t wish to talk about, but I need to ask a few more questions on this issue.”
Nodding my head in a yes motion, Mr. Akins continues.
“Do you know if he was involved with the kidnapping of your son?”
“Honestly, I don’t know, but my guess is he was.”  
“Do you remember how many times he raped you in the course of this period?”
“I lost count. Can we please keep this conversation between us?”  
“Essence, the two people in your corner you are shutting out. Your brother and Perez. He thinks you had a boyfriend who hurt you. They are both here for you. The longer you put off telling them the easier it will be for them to hear it from someone else.”
“Mr. Perez has been great to me, even when I was in school. One time I was about to tell him but the words they got caught up in me and I couldn’t get them out. Telling Andre.” Shaking my head, “I’m scared.”
“The worst is behind you; he can’t do anything to you and your parents certainly can’t. I know it’s hard and frightening I understand that, but your fear is holding you captive more than this sicko ever did.”
“I will inform them soon as I can. Will I have to face Robert?” I question as fear flows throughout my body.
“I will do all I can so you will have minimal contact with Robert. Is he married, single, kids, what? I need to know everything.”
“He is married, he was married when he was raping and molesting me. He has three kids: two boys and one girl. I have been at his house when he raped me. He would use his daughter to get me over to spend the night. I always found it strange that she was sleeping about 8:30 PM when she is a night owl.”
“Do you think his wife and kids know?”
“I don’t know but I doubt it.”
“Essence, I am not going to lie to you, when this comes to light, they can side with you or him. His wife can challenge the custody between you and Mr. McKeen by saying she wants her husband’s child. Now, I don’t foresee this happening, nonetheless, it is good to have all cards on the table, so you know what we are facing. This wife could leave him on spot, or she could lie for him.”
“Lie for him, what do you mean Mr. Akins?”   
“Robert is going to prison there is no doubt about that; however, his charges could be disputed by his wife. She could compound the lie to cut down on his time and make you look bad.”
“And I will lose my son indefinitely, won't I?” I ask as tears slip from my eyes.
“First thing, we need to get the DNA test done.”
“Wait when will Lucas, I mean Mr. McKeen learn I was raped?”
“I can make sure he doesn’t know until after the case is over. His attorney, the judge, and I will be only one who knows the truth.”
Breathing a sigh of relief at the news he wouldn’t know.
“Will his lawyer use this against me in the case?”
“No, neither I nor the judge will allow that. From what I know about her she is not the type to go that route.”
“I don’t want to lose my son again.”
“And you want but you need to talk with your support system and let them know everything.”
 Terror course throughout my body, “wait” I say with panic lacing my tone.
“Will Robert see my son for DNA testing? I don’t want him anywhere around my son.”
“Because your son is in another state, Mr. McKeen and his lawyer will bring him a children’s hospital, the company will have a representative present to swab his cheeks and take blood. The same will happen with Robert except for the children’s hospital. I can also tell you they will be recorded during this time.”
“Which now comes one of the hard parts, we need to go file charges against Robert now!” Mr. Akins states getting up walking around his desk.
“We have to do it now?”
“Essence, he can’t and won’t hurt you again. Think of it like this, you are doing this for your son.”
Nodding my head, I get up following him out the door.  
Arriving at the police station Mr. Akins sensed my distress.
“You are one step closer to getting your son back and have the animal who hurt you arrested.”
As we are walking up the steps to enter in my ringing halts us. Seeing it was Lucas calling I declined the call.
“I will call him back later. One more thing, will I be able to see him get arrested. It will be more real to me to see it than to just know.”
“We can go.” Mr. Akins says with a warm smile.
Entering the police station, I see a tall brown skin man standing behind the desk.
Looking up at us he spoke, “yes, how may I help you?” he questions while locking eyes with me.
“Yes, we would like to press charges against Robert Wilts.”
“And what are the charges, sir?”
“For years he raped and molested Essence, and possibly involved in kidnapping a child.”
“Are you Essence?” The office asks me.
“Yes, sir I am.”
“No need to sir me, my name is Branton. He says with a smile then continues, “how old were you this took place?”
“It started when I was seven, but he never penetrated me until I was a little older.”
Branton looks at Mr. Atkins, “sir, how are you involved in this case?”
“I am her attorney.”
“What is this about a kidnapping?”
“My son was stolen from me.”
“I don’t mean to pry, but is he the father of the child in question?” Branton questions.
Dropping my head, I reply, “yes, sadly.” My voice is barely audible.
“I’m going to tell my supervisor so we can get a warrant to go arrest him.”
“Will it be tonight?”
“If we can get one to sign off on it tonight then yes or it will be first thing in the morning.”
“Thank you,” I say to Branton as he walks from behind the desk going elsewhere.
Approximately 30 minutes later Branton came back to where we are.
“Judge just signed off on a warrant. He is going to get him now and we are going to search his property for anything he has of your he kept.”
“Thank you!”
“No problem. Do you two want to stay here ‘til we haul him in?”
“Can I watch him get arrested. I won’t be in the way.”
“Yes, just don’t get in the way and do not touch him. Make sure he doesn’t even see you.”
“I will follow your orders.”
Parking across the street from Robert’s house, watching as the police swarm his house.
Seeing his wife open door and he approached behind her moments later.
“What is all this shit?”
“Are you Robert Wilts?”
“Who the fuck wants to know?”
“Sir, you are under arrest for raping Essence Harrison when she was a minor, and the possible kidnapping of her son.”
Tuning everything else out tears slipped out my eyes. Wrapping my arms around Mr. Akins, “thank you so much.”
“Come on, let’s get you home.”
Arriving home feeling a sense of relief, I went took a long shower.


“Lucas, for your parent’s formal I, think Kendric, you, and I should wear the same color scheme.”
“We should do what?”
“Look at my dress,” Ivy states holding up a dress as she continues. “I figure you and Kendric would be black and red or white and red tuxes.”
“Ivy we need to talk, and I can’t put this off any longer.”
“What is it? Oh, before I forget I spoke my attorney and she told me, we should meet with Mrs. Mylers because it is a way we can get married before the court starts.”
Sighing, “Ivy we need to talk now.”
Before Ivy can respond my phone begins to ring.
“I have to take this; we will talk when I come back,” I say to Ivy going upstairs answering the phone.
“Hey Essence, I didn’t mean to catch you at a bad time when I called you earlier. Kendric wanted to talk to you and tell you about his day at school.”
“Is he still awake, I would love to talk to him.” 
“I am walking to his room now; I don’t think he is sleep,” I say to Essence on the phone.  
“Kendric, Ms. Essence is on the phone.”
“Yes! Can I video chat with her?”
“Yes, you can.” Putting the call on video Kendric begins talking to Essence telling her about his day.
“Why is she calling this late?” Ivy whispers in my ear.
“She is his mother and has every right to talk to him.”
“Lucas, she is destroying our family that we are building.”
“Ivy, please stop and not now. Go back downstairs we will talk later.”
“How about I just go,” Ivy states storming off.
Watching Kendric on the phone with Essence a much-needed smile emerges on my face.
When they got finish talking, I got my phone back to see Essence now laying down.

“Essence, before you hang up my parents are having their annual formal, they have invited you and your brother

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“Essence, before you hang up my parents are having their annual formal, they have invited you and your brother. I know Kendric would love to see you.”
“Um, when is it?”
“It- it’s in a week and a half from now.”
“I can make it.”
“I look forward to seeing you and spending time with you. I mean Kendric will love to spend time with you.”
“I look forward to it. Good night, Lucas.”
“Good night, Essence,” I say hanging up the call.
“Great now I need to go release this,” I say to myself going to get in the shower.


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