Chapter 10

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Two weeks later  

Sitting in the nursery holding little LJ, smiling at him as he finally went to sleep. Gently laying him down in the crib, I placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
“I am having Sunday dinner with my family; I will be back soon,” I told him as he slept.
Going into my small apartment, looking around I know what I must do. Stripping out of my clothes, I get into the shower. The warmth of the water relaxes my muscles and the tension I am holding onto.
After getting out of the shower and getting dressed, I called to check on little LJ. Upon learning he is doing well; I went to my parent’s house.
Pulling up at their home, not able to get out of the car as all the thoughts played in my mind.
Snapping out of my thoughts when I heard bang, bang, bang.
Looking out the window I see my brother Wyatt. Getting out of the car I can hear his laughter.
“You’re not fucking funny,” I tell him.  
“Says the one who jumped and might have shit himself,” he says still laughing.
“Fuck you,” I replied going into my parent’s house.


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“Here are two of my handsome sons,” my mom says with a smile displayed on her face.
“Hey mom, how are you?”
“Lucas, what’s wrong? I can hear it in your voice.”
Before I could reply; Wyatt opens his mouth, “He still pissed I scared him just now.”
Rolling my eyes at him I answered my mom, “I’m fine mom. I have to leave early, got to get back to work.”
“Lucas, again. How long is this going to continue? You have been staying at the office all day and night it seems. Are they short staffed?”  
As I was about to reply the front door closed.
“What’s for dinner, I’m starving.” We heard Even yell through the house as he came into the living room.
“Why are you yelling inside my house?” Our father asks Even.
“I just got off work and I am starving.” Even replied with a shrug.
“Where is your sister?” My mom asked Even.
“Why does everybody assume I always know where Eden is? Just because we are twins does not mean I keep track of her.” Even responded in an annoyed tone.    
“Well, I’m sure my princess will be here any minute. Let’s go get seated at the table.” My father states.
Sitting at the dinner table I was trapped in my trance.
“Lucas, you are a million miles away. What has you so preoccupied?” My mom questions.
“Might be a new woman. What’s her name?” Even asks.
“It’s not a woman; however, there is something I need to discuss with everyone. I have been deliberating profoundly about this for a while now.”  
“Son, what is troubling you?” My father asks full of worry.
“Are you gay? It’s okay if you are.” Wyatt demands grills.  
Opening my mouth to respond, my sister's voice burst throughout the room.
“Helloooooo family! How isssssssssssssss everybody? Guess what, you guys will never guess. Surprise I’m here!” Eden announces.
“You’re here and you're drunk.” Even states angrily.  
“I’m not drunk, asshole. I’m tipsy, it’s a difference.” Eden says as she sits down at the table.
Panic filled my mother’s voice as she spoke, “Eden please tell me you did not drive offer here in this condition?”
“Of course not, my boyfriend brought me.”
Wyatt huffs, “another one?”
“Go to hell Wyatt; because you are one to talk with a different whore every other day,” Eden said getting upset.
“That’s enough.” My dad shouts.
We were all sitting quietly eating when broke the silence by blurting out. “I’m going to adopt a little boy.”
Silence covered us like a blanket as the tension became impenetrable.
Ten minutes passed when I spoke again, “someone talk and say something.”
My sister looked at me with tears in her eyes, then got up and left the table.
“You are only 22 Lucas, your single, tell me us how you intend on raising a little boy. How old is this child?” My mom inquiries.
Taken out my phone I show them pictures of us.
“Definitely not Lucas, you are not going to adopt this little boy.” My father states in a stern tone.
Looking at him confused I ask, “Why not?”
“Lucas you are white. What do you know about raising a black child?”
“So, because of the color of our skin, I can't raise him? I can teach him right from wrong, teach him how to be a man.”
“Can you raise him and teach him to be a black man?”
My dad's words struck me harder than I knew.
“Lucas, we support you in everything you do and we always, but this is a lot to take in. He is a beautiful little boy, but the question is going to always resonate; and yes, both of yall’s race will be called into play.” My dad takes a deep sigh as he continued.
“What do you know about the black culture that you can teach him?  Where are his parents and why don’t they want him? Is he a crack baby?”
“Dad that’s enough,” I shouted as me and my father begin to have stare down.
“His mom died giving birth to him. I have been with him since he was one-day-old. No, he is not a crack baby. I love him, I love little LJ. I might not know everything about his culture; nonetheless, that does not mean I cannot raise him. Yes, I know it will be a challenge for both of his, but I want to be his father. I am going to be his father, I was just hoping for once mine would be my father, but that is too much to hope for.” I respond then got up and left.
Arriving back at the facility I head straight to where little LJ. The closer I get to him the bigger my smile becomes.
Picking him up I hold him close to me. “How is my big boy doing. I missed you while I was gone. I’m glad I changed my mind about bringing you.”
Hearing my phone go off for the hundredth time, I hit the decline button on the call from Even. Soon as the phone stopped ringing, it begins again this time from Wyatt. Declining that call as well, text messages start to flood my phone.  
“Let’s see what they have to say.” I kiss LJ while taken a sit in the rocking chair.
Before I could start reading my phone rung again, it was my dad.
“I don’t want to talk to any of them right now. They say I can’t be your dad because I’m white and you're black.”
Putting my phone on do not disturb so I could only focus on LJ.
“I told my family tonight I love you; I didn’t even tell you first.” He begins making so noise.
“Yeah, I know, I was wrong I should have told you first. You know I realized more tonight; I do want to be your not only your father but your dad. What do you say, you and I become a unique family? I would want nothing more than to have you as my son, that is going to be the greatest honor.” I say to LJ as he holds onto my finger.


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