Chapter 12

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Two months later  
Holding the only picture, I have of my son, tears slipped from my eyes as missing him become more unbearable as the days pass.
A know on my bedroom door disrupts me. “Honey are you ready for school?” My father asks me.
“I’m getting up.”
“Your mom and I need to talk to you before you leave for school.” 
“Yes, sir,” I respond getting out of bed as my dad leaves my room.  
After doing my morning routine and getting dressed. I kissed the picture of Matthan then went downstairs to the kitchen.
My parents halted their conversation when I entered the kitchen.
“Good morning, Essence,” my says with a bright smile plastered on her face.
“Morning.” Taken a seat at the table I could feel my parent’s eyes upon me.
“What is it?”

My mom happily replies, “Sweetie, a friend of Dre’s wants to take you to the prom isn’t this exciting news!”
“I’m not going to no prom. I don’t even care about the prom.”
“Essence, since you lost your son, all you do is stay in your room. You need to start living again.” My father states in a firm tone.
“Are you kidding me, you're telling me I need to get over the loss of my son.”
“No, mom. To hell with this.” Grabbing my belongings, I left going to school.
Entering the school building I brace myself for more vicious rumors about me and my son.  Quickly walking to my class, I stopped when I heard my name being called.
“Hey, Essence!” He says excitedly.
“Do I know you?”
Smiling warmly at me he spoke, “I know your brother, Andre. I wanted to say good morning to you and tell you, you look incredibly beautiful today.”
“Thank you…” Not knowing his name, I stopped talking.
“Please forgive my ignorance. I’m Tyrell.” He extended his hand out to me.
Shaking his hand, I reply, “It’s nice to meet you as well. I must get to class; I will see you around, I suppose.” Walking away from him, he stopped me.
“Hold on a sec.” He says nervously laughing, as he continues, “Can I walk you to class?”
“No thanks, see you around,” I say then leave him in the middle of the hallway.
Getting to my designated classroom, I take my phone out sending a quick text to Andre.
Me: Dre, do you some guy name, Tyrell?
While waiting for Andre to reply I take out my homework for chemistry class then got everything prepared today’s class. Feeling my phone vibrate I eagerly take it out.
Dre: Naw baby sis, I don’t know him. Why did he try something with you?  Do I need to beat his ass?  
Me: No, nothing like that, He came up to me this morning, he said he knows you.
Dre: A lot of people know me, that does not mean I know them.
Me: Thanks, Dre. Have a good day! I love you.
Dre: I love you more lil sis.
Andre’s words echo through my head during class. Not paying attention I was snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang.
After school, I heard the new, yet familiar voice calling my name, causing me to walk faster to make it to the bus before he could catch up to me.
Coming home I saw my mom’s car in the driveway. Exhaling in the air I enter the house.
Heading up to my room my mother’s voice halted me in my tracks.
“Essence, how was school, did anything interesting happen today?”
My answer is dry and simple, “no.” Continuing walking to my room her voice resonates through the house.   
“Come back down here now, Essence.”
Putting down my book bag, turning on my heels, I go back downstairs. Jogging down the steps, I heard the front door close. Hearing my dad’s voice boom through the house letting me know he was home.
“Hey darling, how was your day?” He questions my mom.
“Excuse me, I don’t mean to interrupt, you called me momma.”
“Yes, you said nothing happened at school today.”
“No, momma nothing happened at school. I went to tutoring with Mr. Perez. Did the school call or something?”
Right when she was about to speak Andre came home. He looked between the three of us.
“Is something wrong? What happened?” Andre inquires in a worrisome tone.  
“No son nothing is wrong. I was just- “
She stops mid-sentence when we heard a knock at the door.
Opening the door, I could see a smile forming on my dad’s face.
“Hello young man, who are you looking for?”
“Hello sir, I am looking for a young lady whose name is Essence Harrison. Is this her residence?” I heard the familiar voice of Tyrell.

“You told my sister I know you when I don’t at all. Why are you lying to lying to my sister?” Andre asks in an angry tone.

Tyrell ⬇️

“Please forgive me, what I said came out wrong and she possibly took what I said out of context

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“Please forgive me, what I said came out wrong and she possibly took what I said out of context. I know who you are Andre. I didn’t mean to give you the impression that Andre and I are friends. I came by to ask you to the prom.”
“What?” I say with confusion in my voice.
“She would love to!” My parents say in unison.
Speaking up, I tell them, “I’m not going to prom. I wish you both would leave me alone about it.”
“Nonsense Essence, we are about to leave now to go prom dress shopping. Come on let’s go.” My mother says in a matter of fact tone.
“I don’t want to go.”
My mother yelled, “Essence, let’s go.”
Leaving out the house I could not help but watch Andre as he stared down Tyrell.
After Eleanor and Essence left, I spoke to the guy who is still standing in the doorway, “what’s your name young man?”
“Liar,” Andre stated harshly.
“Andre, man I didn’t mean no disrespect. I thought if Essence assumes, I knew you she would let me take her to the prom.”
“I think you are full of shit. I don’t know what game you trying to play, but I will be damn if you do it on my little. You can go now.”
“Andre, stop being rude and disrespectful to our guest,” I tell my son.
“Andre, I understand your frustration, you have my word I will treat Essence like a queen.”
“They are buying into your slick game, but not me. Now leave.”
I quickly spoke up, “You don’t have to, Andre needs to settle down.
“Sir, it is fine. I must be on my way. It was nice to meet everybody.” He says then turned to leave.
Closing the door, I turn facing Andre, “when he comes to pick up Essence for the prom, your attitude better be corrected by then.”
“She doesn’t even want to go to prom. Why are you and momma pushing so hard for her to go with this guy?”
“She needs to start moving on. All she is doing is going to school and staying in her room. She needs to get out, live a little bit.”
“Why can’t Essence grieve her son how she wants to. When she is ready, she will be ready. Essence doesn’t need your assistance. She lost a child, you didn’t, you don’t know the pain she is in so let her grieve how she needs to.”
Andre’s words stung me, at the same time bringing up an old memory.
Anita, you can’t tell nobody, especially my wife.”
“Leroy, I am seven and a half months pregnant with your son. You have been telling me you are going to leave your wife and kids for me. We can be together now, why are you changing up the plan now?”
“How can you say it’s my baby for sure; you were also fucking Robert.”
“For starts, you were cumming in me nonstop every time we had sex. You never used protection and Robert did, he also pulled out of me. That’s how I know this boy is yours. You said you wanted another boy; I’m giving you one. You can’t be too concerned about Robert fucking me because you still fucking me.”
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”, Anita, blood-curling scream invaded my ears as she was tossed off her high deck in her backyard.
“Thanks, man, I owe you,” I say to Robert.
“DAD” being brought out of my thoughts as I looked at Andre.
“Dad, where did you go? I have been calling you for the past few minutes.
“Nothing, don’t you fuck this up for your sister. I’m not playing with you boy.” I spoke in a dominating tone.
“You must have forgotten, I’m not the same little six and seven-year-old boy, I once was.”
Andre and I begin to have a staredown, neither of us backing down.
My phone starts ringing backing away I answer the call as Andre went to his room.

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