Chapter 46

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Laying on the couch resting while Lucas is at work and Kendric is at school. Drifting off to sleep, the doorbell interrupts me. Opening the door, Eden is standing in there with an unreadable expression on her face.
“I hope I’m not disturbing you; can we talk for a little bit?” Eden asks.
“Please come on in.” I say with a smile on my face.
Sitting on the couch Eden looks lost in her thoughts.
“Essence, I need to apologize to you.”
Eyeing Eden with confusion on my face, “Eden, what are you talking about?”
She plasters a smile on her face, “I do not want anything to change between us.”
Replying to her, “Nothing will change between us.” I say with a warm smile.
“I hope not.” She says picking up a picture of Kendric smiling as a few tears escape her eyes.
“Your son, my nephew saved my life.”
Unable to speak Eden continues,
“As you know I lost my second child a little bit before Lucas adopted Kendric. After I lost my baby, I was trapped in my misery. Let me backup, when I lost my first child I was beyond heartbroken, and I tried to rationalize why it happened. The father left me three days later. He claims I was too emotional and was crying a lot.” Watching as she wipes a few tears from her eyes.
As she continues, “I began drinking, not heavy or excessive, just wanted to numb the pain. I would take pills at times, nothing would help. I made a personal vow to myself I wasn’t going to sex with just anyone and I would be married the next time I got pregnant. I met this man who I assume was a great man, we got engaged. He told me; we are getting married its no harm in us having sex the night we got engaged. I didn't get pregnant but a few weeks later I did. He said he was so happy. Days after I told him I was pregnant I noticed changes in him. He was distant, gone more. One night when Evan and Wyatt were out they saw him with other women. My brothers beat his ass. I asked him why he had no answer. I was six months pregnant when I lost my baby. He came to the hospital just to ask me why I killed his child.”
As Eden broke down, my heart broke for her.
“I told them I didn’t want to know if I had a boy or girl. The pain I was in I couldn’t do anything. My parents and brothers have pictures, I can’t bring myself to look at them right now. Days later I began taking pills to sleep all day, so I didn’t have to deal. I was drinking then I got into doing coke. The night before our family dinner I was so high and drunk. The day of I was drinking and did the last of the coke I had. I brought about $300.00 worth of coke before I went to my parents’ house. When Lucas told us his plan to adopt, I ran out the house. When I got home, I was ready to snort it all, but Lucas’s statement was on repeat in my head. I cried all night, next morning I flushed everything down the toilet. I thought I could handle it and be there for my brother. Days before I got high and stayed that way. When Lucas brought Kendric home and I held him, he grabbed one of my fingers. Looking in his eyes I knew at that moment I wanted to be better for him, he deserves that, not some strung out aunt. I went to rehab and still go to meetings, but he is what keeps me going. He saved me from myself and so that one day I can be a mom.”
Eden took my hands in hers, “during the custody I didn’t know whose side to be on. You are Kendric’s mother, and we are friends, Lucas is my brother and his father. I also was scared if you got custody, you wouldn’t have allowed us to see him.” 
“Eden you all are Kendric’s family I would never take any of you away from him. I love my son and I know he would need all of his family.” I say hugging Eden as Lucas and Kendric walk in the house.
“Aunt Eden,” Kendric says happily as he runs over Eden.
“How is auntie's big boy? How was school?”
“School was great, Aunt Eden; I got another star beside my name for being good.” He looks at me with a sad face.
“I’m sorry Ms. Essence, I was so happy to see Aunt Eden I forgot to say hello to you.”
Smiling at him, “Well, it's not too late to.”
Running over to me he hugs me tight, “are you feeling better Ms. Essence?”
“I’m getting stronger every day.”
“Kendric, what do you say, me and you go to your daddy’s room to watch TV, only if you don’t have any homework.” Eden says  
“I don’t have any homework, Aunt Eden. Can we watch a movie?”
“Let me check your work then we will see what is on.”
“Yes ma’am.”
As Eden and Kendric were about to go up the steps Kendric spoke startling Lucas and myself.
“Daddy, can me and Ms. Essence sleep in the bed with you again tonight?”
Eden’s head snapped toward Lucas and I as she looked at both of us with a devilish smile covering her face. Turning her attention back to Kendric.
“Good job, Kendric.” She says excitedly.
“Eden” we call her name in unison.
“What? Come on Kendric, let's leave these two alone and go watch and other things.” Eden says as they went to Lucas’s room.
Turning around Lucas was boring into me, walking up to me he pulled me into a long passionate deep kiss.  

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