Chapter 26

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Two weeks later

Sitting in the waiting area of Mrs. Mylers’s office with Ivy. Doing all I cannot show how scared I am.
“Lucas,” Ivy calls out with concern etched on her face. As she continues, “what has you so distracted, you are like a million miles away?”
“I’m sorry, just thinking.”
“Lucas we are not going to lose Kendric. I know I haven’t been supportive as I should have been, and I deeply apologize. When Essence came it hurt me just as much as it hurt you. I see Kendric as my son as well. I want to adopt him, Lucas!”
“You what?”
“I know I can’t right now, but I want to adopt him and make our family complete.”
“Ivy that’s a nice gesture, right now my concern is on this meeting and my son.”
“Lucas he isn’t just your son.”
“Technically Ivy, Lucas is just Kendric parent between the two of you.” Mrs. Mylers states standing in her doorway.
“I apologize if we disturbed you.”
“Neither of you did anything I was coming to get you, Lucas. Ivy, I need to speak with Lucas alone I hope you don’t mind.”
Ivy’s glares at Mrs. Mylers are intense as she spoke, “I don’t mind. Lucas will inform me after the meeting.” Ivy then smirks at my lawyer.
Walking in Mrs. Mylers office, turning back I see Ivy with this strange look on her face.  
Sitting down in the chair she walks around her desk taken as seat also.
“Lucas, I’m going to cut to the chase, the court case will begin in two and a half weeks.”
“This soon?”
“The date is not why I asked you to come today. Essence is meeting with her attorney today, and during this meeting, she will divulge who Kendric’s biological father is.”
Each word she spoke restricts my breathing.
“Lucas, I don’t know the circumstances and what role he will play in the custody case.”
“Does he want Kendric?”
“Right now, I don’t know. He could be some guy she had a one-night stand with, or they could have been together, I won’t know until later today.”
“Will you be able to tell me?”  
“It will depend on the nature of the relationship they had, and she can request to keep it private.”
“What do you mean private?”
“She can request that only the attorneys and the judge are the only people to know who he is.”
“It doesn’t matter who the biological father is, I am Kendric’s father.”
“I have told you, Lucas, this case is complex; this young woman child was stolen from her, and even though he was legally adopted that doesn’t negate that fact he was stolen.”
“Are you saying I am going to lose my son?” Fear course through my body.
“I have no clue what is going to happen, I will do all I can, but this case can go either way. Does Essence talk to Kendric regularly?”
“After she went back home from our weeklong trip, she calls Kendric every day. They facetime a few times a day some days.”
“Wait weeklong trip? Tell me more.” She says grinning ear to ear.
“We did it because Kendric asks.”
“Who does Kendric think Essence is?”
“I told him she was an old friend of mine.”
“That’s good. Now back to this trip, did you and Essence get to know each other. I mean really get to know each other.”
“Nothing happened Mrs. Mylers,” I state as she rolls her eyes.
“Before this case begins will she Kendric again?”
“I am unsure. My parents are hosting their annual formal. They asked me if I invited Essence.
“You should invite her. When is this event?”
“Next week.”
“Make sure she is here.”
“Why is so imperative that Essence is here?”
“You mean you don’t want to see her?” Mrs. Mylers asks with a smirk on her face before finishing her statement, “it’s for Kendric.”
“When she calls tonight, I will talk with her about it.”
“Lucas, listen to me; Ivy is going to be a problem.”
“She is my fiancée.”  
“Well break up and get re-engaged after this if not you can certainly, kiss Kendric good-bye.”
“How catastrophe will it be if I stay with her?”
“Do you want to lose Kendric?”
“No, I don’t want to lose my son.”
“I don’t know her, but her intentions and actions are loud. I know you want to see the best in everybody and look past her flaws but right now you can’t Lucas. You have too much to lose.”    
“What else do I need to do to keep my son?”


“Sis, you okay?” Andre questions while we sit waiting for the meeting with my lawyer.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I just want to get my son back.”
“We will Essence. I have been meaning to ask you, the house what do you want to do with it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you want to sell it, stay in it, or what. We could sell it and move to be closer to Kendric.”
“Essence, you can come in now!” My attorney tells me. Nodding my head in a yes motion I look at my brother.
“Andre, can you go get my jacket, I left it. It is supposed to be raining again. Please!”
“You don’t want me to come in with you?”
“Next meeting you can or if you hurry back you can join us.”
“I’ll be back in a few okay,” Andre says as he leaves.
“Essence, you didn’t want your brother here; he is your support system.”
“Andre doesn’t know, our godfather raped and molested me, that’s who is Kendric’s biological father.”
“Essence how old were you when this begin?” He asks with concern in his tone.
“I was like seven when he would ‘accidentally’ touch me. I was older when he did.”
“Did your parents know?”
“Yes, they knew.”
“This is a major problem and a set-back for you in the custody case.


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