Music Area

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I heard about the release date of the actual season 2 of TrollsTopia, and since my season 2 version took place in Harmonious Land, I'll just have to compromise with the actual episodes of season 2. FYI, Chaz won't appear in my season 2 as he will be replaced by any Magic Jazz Troll.

Warning: at the end of the chapter, it contains violence and gore.

Enjoy the chapter!


Aggie: You can do it solo

Queen Poppy and King Branch: But then you'd be all by yourself

King Trollex: So it'd be more fun to share this one with someone else!

King Quincy and Queen Essence: Together we will soar across the sky and beyond!

Delta Dawn: So turn up your voice!

Queen Barb: Stand up and sing along!

All Normal Trolls and Magic Musical Trolls: All different voices, our melody's ringin'
We're living in harmony! Yeah, we're livin' in harmony!
Our song is much stronger with every Troll singin'

We're livin' in harmony!


In the morning, the Normal Trolls were at the dining table, ready for breakfast. Aggie slid her feet on the floor while carrying a large stack of pancakes.

"Eat up, you guys!" She slid the pancakes on the middle of the table.

"Ooh, pancakes. What's thay ...uhh occasion?" Clampers asked.

"There's no occasion. Since you guys have 3 more days left, I was thinking of taking all of you guys on a tour to the 6 special musical places in Harmonious Land," the Magic Musical Troll explained.

Trollzart finished drinking his tea, and repeated Aggie's words, "Special places, you say?"

"Well, you can say they are tourist destinations, but you can imagine they are small versions of your homelands..., but different kinds. They are called Music Area. It's not a clever title, but that's how our ancestors named them."

"Hmm, note: You interest me with this information, Aggie. I better pack my pens and pads for my research," Laguna said.

Aggie then gilded behind Rhythm, Blues, Laguna and McJagger, and hugged them closer, "Well, pack up all of your research materials, smart Trolls, because you're going to do a lot of research."

"That sounds bo-bonkers!" Rhythm chuckled.

"I'm with you, girl!" Blues exclaimed.

"You speak my language, Agster!" McJagger playfully punched Aggie on the shoulder.

Clampers finished eating her pancakes, "So, where do we go ferst?!"

Aggie took out the Harmonious Land Map, "Good thing I have this map. It'll take hours to go there by foot, so we have to take the bus critter."


After eating their breakfast, at the town center of Charmaasin, Aggie and the Normal Trolls were standing at the sidewalk, next to the Bus Stop sign. When they saw a critter bus coming, Aggie waved her hand for the bus driver to give them a ride.

Trollstopia Season 2: Harmonious LandWhere stories live. Discover now