Ch. 2 First Day On the Job

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He.... Was.... Oh no.

This was bad.

This was really bad.

This guy was your boss?

In a split second, your face must have turned about twelve different shades of red.

"But... you were on the subway this morning? I don't understand. If you're a hero.. Don't you have a car service? You're..."

"Like I need some moron to drive me around. I'm not a child who can't do anything for myself."

And you said he was a pain in the ass, you realized with horror. You called your new boss a pain in the ass. 

"I am so sorry about what I just said." You tried to smile and cover up your shock and embarrassment. "I look forward to working here. I'm – "

"I don't want to know your name," he said as he opened the door and walked into the office. "And I don't want to know you. Since you'll probably only be here for a few days at most, I would appreciate it if you didn't talk to me."

You stood in the doorway speechless.

"Don't talk to you? But I'm your assistant."

"I don't need a secretary."

"I believe the correct term is actually executive assistant."

"Whatever," he said, stomping away.

For a moment you didn't move. Was this guy for real? Or was this some kind of test?

But no, fuck that. No matter what his role was, he didn't get to talk to you like that.

"Excuse me," you said, running after him as best you could in your heels, "As I was saying," you said, keeping pace with him as he walked, "I'm y/n. Can you at least tell me where my desk is?"

He stopped short and you nearly bumped into him before he turned around to stare at you with those dark red eyes again. The intensity of his stare made you take a step back.

"You don't have a desk," he said, moving toward you, forcing you to back up as he approached.

"You don't need a desk," he continued. You felt your heart rate quicken as you kept moving backward until your back hit the wall. 

He stayed right in front of you. Close. Maybe too close. So close that you could smell his cologne which was actually... nice. 

"Just do what I say and leave me alone."

With that he turned to go back to his office and you caught your breath. You hadn't realized that you hadn't taken a breath this whole time.

"Okay," you said slowly. "So no desk. And I'm guessing no computer either. What is it that you want me to do here, exactly?"

You looked over at the box of things you'd brought with you. Your planner, some pens, a notebook, your sad little plant that was knocked over earlier. How were you supposed to do any work without a workspace?

"I told you, I don't want you to do anything. I don't need you to do anything."

With that he walked into his personal office and shut the door, slamming it behind him.

I guess that's what they meant by "unique style," you thought. Just another way of saying that the guy's an asshole.

But whatever, it was only the first day and judging by what you saw around you, there was a lot of work that could be done without his help.

If he thought he could scare you away that easily, you smirked, he had no idea who he was dealing with.

With the boss man locked in his own office doing who knows what for most of the morning, and no instructions on what exactly you were supposed to be doing, you decided to wander around the office and make yourself useful.

Worst Boss Ever (Bakugoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now