Ch. 6 Your Past

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You rolled down the window on your side of the taxi to try to get some air, suddenly feeling very claustrophobic. 

It also gave you an excuse to avoid looking at Bakugo.

Seeing all those heroes tonight had reminded you of the heroes you had known. Faces you would have rather forgotten.

As a child when your parents realized that you could read minds, they did their best to keep it a secret. Your ability to read minds scared them, and they were your parents. How would others react?

Turned out, not well.

School was out of the question. Teachers didn't trust you and other parents didn't want you to be around their kids. So you mostly stayed home, lonely.

As you got older, your parents turned to the only people they thought could help – heroes.

At first the heroes were excited to work with you and your unique ability.

Even though you were just a teenager, having a mind reader on staff meant they could solve numerous cases without violence and possibly even prevent crimes from happening.

However, they quickly realized that your quirk was also a liability. They never knew when you were using it, and the potential for you to leak incredibly confidential and sensitive information was just too great.

The heroes had a choice to make, so they made you an offer.

One option was for you to not work with the heroes at all, but that didn't seem right and you truly wanted to help.

So you went with the second option. An agreement was made that you would live at a secret location where they would bring criminals to you, one at a time. You promised that you wouldn't have contact with anyone, so that there was no way you could leak any information you might find out during the investigation.

That sad little hotel room became your new home. No phone. No computer. No friends whatsoever. You were guarded and kept safe, a princess alone in her tower.

You accepted it all because you knew you were going to be helping people, helping heroes, helping society.

Just after your eighteenth birthday there was one young hero not much older than you who became a friend. The brief, flirty moments you saw each other each week eventually led to sneaking out, which eventually led to sleeping over, which eventually led to you both being caught.

You had been so excited that there was someone you could talk to and share the details of your life with. Someone who knew what you were going through.

For the first time, you had felt normal and desired for something other than your quirk.

And you know what the heroes said to him when they found the two of you in your room that morning?

"Good job," they told him. "We knew it was only a matter of time before she broke her word. Someone with a quirk like that just can't be trusted."

Had he been part of this plan all along? You didn't ask and didn't want to know. You immediately left town to start over in a place where no one would know you or your cursed quirk, and you vowed to never use it again.

From then on, you were a normal person. 

A normal person riding in a taxi with one of the hottest heroes alive.

But he was still one of them.

"Aren't they going to wonder why you're not back there celebrating whatever that was?"

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